Have You Ever Felt Bad About Laughing at Something? And Here is my Example:

4  2016-04-30 by iWhereSchortSchorts

Artie fighting with a mentally deficient orphan girl who is advertising a porno where she is going to have the world's largest gangbang with senior citizens while recruiting said senior citizens: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q8lkf4nehfA

Not gonna lie laughing at this kind of made me question my morals for a second or two.


I felt bad laughing at "Breaking Bobo's heart. "

That one was brutal too but I only cringed a bit. Still remorseless though. Patrice objectifying her while Bobo tries to defend her honor, eeessshhh. "STAAHHP ITTT"

"Knock it off Spade! "

besides "dis nigga bobo is killing it" it was my all time favorite bobo. the more aggressive the better, he was also going with it more than usual. awesome

Bobo breaking character as the fugitive was still my favorite Bobo moment.


that was awesome. Bobo living a double life for 15mins almost broke him

Bobo Arctor

Well when you put it like that.

i feel bad we never saw a picture of the chick that broke Bobo's heart, like at the time, kelly fastca doesn't seem that amazing looking going from pictures of her from the last 5 years

About 25% of the Bobo and Stalker Patti stuff.

When they made that old man think he was fired from McDonald's.

Being mean to Marge from the little shelter.

I forgot about the McDonald's guy. Then they pretended they had the CEO on the phone and he got excited hahah. Patrice tapped out.

I can say without a doubt, that was easily the worst thing they've ever done. Poor Leonard.

At least they were honest about it. The news report had the gall to report "seriously" on it and say "I'm lovin it" so fuck them more. Plus the McDonald's gave him a birthday party on his lunch break. The bbboys were not the cruelest ones in the situation.

Oh man.....I kind of want to see but also not at all

The dumb broad can't even take a dick properly. "owwww. it's too big". I tried jerking off to it but I couldn't cum.

well i can never unwatch that

Thank you for your service to anyone specifically interested but fuck, there's is no way in hell I can watch that.

You don't want to watch old people fuck this white trash chick? You can pretty much see the moment when she decides she's going to OD on heroin within 5 years.

Hahah, well now that you put it that way...got a timestamp?

I didn't watch it I'm a liar. I skimmed through it. It's more of a circus than porn. She is the delicious kind of white trash idiot that most of us have met. I actually had a chance to fuck a chick like this and I regret not doing it. Probably why I still get a boner from looking at this girls pussy.


I've fucked a few girls like that. Fun as shit but under no circumstances should you introduce them to your family. Especially if alcohol is involved because eventually certain events inevitably come out of their white trash mouths. Then what do you say to that? "Oh shit, so both of your step brothers did that to you?" then eventually you find out the dumb cunt was an only child so you're just confused and skipping the next family reunion.

That is the fakest and gayest story I've ever heard.

It was less of a story and more of a joke. I find it hard to believe no one on this sub has dated a girl who was diddled as a child.

It doesn't work as either.

lil bit (nothing to do with O&A) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ye-RlS7dLhU

and the poetry slam bears kid.

Balls across the nose, OHHH!

The guy who won the Gay Off revealing he did it because he has MS and a lot of medical bills the next day was as close as I got to cringing.

I've seen that chick in some blowbangs before.

Anything with Bobo makes me feel bad for laughing because he is just a retarded kid who likes a radio show.

Aren't we all

I think she's still alive and taking BBC for cash. I don't think seeking psychiatric care was ever in her future anyway.

your getting pissed on! nah b that is just funny ... no sympathy for stupidity

The phone call from "recovery" ...so funny.


I just laughed really hard at a video of a girl in a wheelchair getting thrown off a bridge. Was posted right above this one. Of all the dramatic things!

Strengthening the gene pool is no laughing matter.

The phone call from "recovery" ...so funny.