Jim Norton Unmasked

13  2016-04-29 by FrunkisOA

Coming on at 2pm.. I put the over/under for tranny jokes at 5.

Edit: 3@20mns 7@25mns 9@45mns


Jim Norton in an Unmasked is going to be inevitably ponderous, pontificating, and self righteous. It's a bad vehicle for him.

tss whats a good vehicle for him, a hearse?

Patty? Tsssss

You know....it's tough...being a comedian with everyone being so PC... Other art forms don't have to censor themselves......

I love Opie and Anthony. I'm not choosing sides. Sex addiction blah blah

The Cellar blah blah Patrice was great because you never knew what he'd say.

I just saved you an hour.

I don't know if it's just unavoidable that if you listen to someone enough you're going to hear them say the same shit over and over. Maybe it's true of any comedian.

But I feel like I hear Jimmy talk about the same five or six topics. He'll discuss free speech issues, censorship, Trump/the election, his sex addiction, and sprinkle in tranny jokes.

He lives in a limited existence solely because of choices he makes to live in the bubble he's created...his list of topics & experiences will never broaden. The opposite of someone like Bill Burr.

To be fair he most likely has years of audio out there now. He's going to touch on the same shit.


It's definitely true of them all. I find gervais and louis interminable to listen to now

Nice effort of using obscure words, but you didn't use "interminable" correctly. Sorry. It means incessant or constant. Maybe you meant intolerable?

So I used it correctly then.

edit for idiots fooled by him:

in·ter·mi·na·ble inˈtərmənəb(ə)l/ adjective adjective: interminable

endless (often used hyperbolically).
"we got bogged down in interminable discussions"

free speech issues and censorship can be made into one methinks. Just trying to help lil buddy!

I wonder if Jim will talk about his addiction and ensuing recovery.

He's a brave sober soldier, marching forward, for the rest of us who aren't as strong.


"Civilians" that can handle a few drinks without going into AA

He's a brave sober soldier

Speaking of soldiers, do you think he respects the troops, and thinks they are heroes but hates the politicians that make them do things?

When's he gonna be remasked?

No thanks


Is that per minute?

No fucking way i'm i listening to him pondering for a fucking hour, about his bullshit drinking problems and tranny fucking.

Ron's line about the text message was a KO.

Don't leave us hanging. What was it?

Alright Sibby what was the line?

Yeah, that line and him bringing up the o and a unmasked were the highlights to me.

Is this streamable? I have Sirius, but only in my car

You could get the app and free trial

that requires effort



fuck that, just upload it somewhere already you queers

Ron said (but didn't seem to care) he showed up 5 minutes before the show... I think that's kinda gay of Jim.

I didn't hate it actually, wasn't a bad interview

I didn't hate it either - Ron had some great lines, etc.. But I figured the talk of the chipperson cartoon alone would really get folks' goats so to speak.

I'm not really angry about the Chip cartoon thing. Don't really care if he makes $60k for doing very little.

Even if it wasn't his plan to steal the 60k, he's still a dick for not putting enough effort into overseeing the project

No one cares breh
