Mike Finoia show to be replaced by Red Bar Radio.

0  2016-04-29 by DicksAllShitty


I don't know what any of those are

This could be said about most things discussed on here these days.

Still not even worth torrenting.


That's horrible that people torrent Ant's stuff! What is that awful site's name?

I'm glad that Anthony made the decision to get rid of Finer things with Might Annoy-ya.

Mike David of Red Bar and his hate humor are much more suiting to the old O&A style.

Where'd you hear that?

Just give up, Jesus fucking Christ

Mike finoia is a good dude and a great standup. This bums me out kind of.

Same, I'm gonna need a few burgers and a few beers after hearing this news.

You know what they say about nice guys...

Oh no! Now Mike is going to have to find another piece of green cloth to make pretend is a pub.

Not. Good.

Who and what?

Mike shitting on mike Finoia lookalike for 10 minutes making luis uncomfortable as shit was pretty funny.

Is this for that compound media thingy?


Seems like bullshit to me.

Only Redbar wants to do that, but no response from Keith or Finoia so far.

But Mike David is a phoney try-hard, wannabe. Why him? He didn't even want to do a fucking live read.

He wasn't getting paid to do a live read, I don't blame him for not doing it. Colin didn't want to do a live read either, that faggot Keith doesn't tell the guests they need to until it's time to do it. Bobo ended up doing it. Soder didn't want to either but he's too nice a guy to say no. There's a bunch to hate him for (he's not funny being the main thing), but hating on him for standing up for himself and not doing a live read he didn't know about shouldn't be one of them.

By appearing on a show, let alone hosting one, he is getting promotion for his show. Just read it.

Bullshit, it was an underhanded tactic for Keith to pull. He figured he'd just spring the live read on them without further knowledge and they'd be uncomfortable and just do it, then got a reality check when he realized Mike David wasn't gonna bow down to him. When one of these guys do a live read, they're vouching for that company. You're putting your reputation on the line for vouching for a company you know nothing about. Keith wanted Colin to do a read, I guess he really needs the "promotion for his show." What show was that, btw?

Edit: typo

Red Bar Radio is getting a promo. I don't think it is an underhand tactic. The show has ads to read no matter who is hosting. If Mike didn't realise that and didn't inquire ahead of time, Mike is at fault. Plus it's a dick move to refuse on-air. Plus, who the fuck is Mike David that he can't stake his precious reputation as a judge of consumer products to fulfil a fairly innocent plug. This is also the dude who had some woman strip whilst he made vomit sounds and fake-laughed at her.

I guess he should just feel grateful to be on TACS, it's truly an honor, as we all know. I'm sure it earned him thousands of subscribers.

Mike is mental and not in a fun, totally rad, awesome way. Mike might not want to do a read cuz it would seem rebellious like hes some loose cannon...or that his family paid for his appearance and hes a disturbed 30 something brat.

Don't let that stop you from speculating tho.

Why are you promoting and defending this loser, nobody so much?

I'm not, I'm saying you're a fucking retard if you think he should be bashed for not doing a live read he knew nothing about. Dumbass.

Im saying hes a brat.

Good for you.

If ur on this sub then you should have an above average radio IQ and realize what he is all about. Once you look beyond that then you can see that hes got some kind of psychosis

Reply more than once to my single comment again.

Simmer down sweetheart.

What? Didnt hear ya.

Hope so finoia sucks.

Doubt it. Listening to him go after Ant, calling him king strang',saying mike finoa would be mocked by ona.
