holy shit.. what a completely uninformed moron. Inside Big Amy's gun sketch.

19  2016-04-29 by [deleted]



Stick to the "I'm a fat whore" jokes

fat pandering cunt


I think we are forgetting the point here. I don't know about anyone else but I did not even crack a smile let alone laugh. This wasn't even funny accidentally. She truly is terrible. Does anyone know numbas. I pretty much think the we have all seen to much of BIG Amy and I wonder if the ratings reflect that ?

Her cousin is a Democratic Senator who is on a platform of pushing for gun control. She's just a puppet.


Always Sunny is the only show i know of that handled the gun control debate well.

The only good comedy "bit" on guns was the Always Sunny episode where Charlie and Mac get guns, and Dennis and Dee try to prove how easy it is for a criminal to buy guns. At the end, Dennis and Charlie are all like "regulate guns", and Dennis and Dee are like "holy shit these are overregulated".

Are they 2 Dennis characters?

It's okay fellow Americans. Progressives and Jews know what's best for you! Give your firearms up, I mean come on, it 2016!

Rights are SOOOO passé!

They are only rights if I agree with them.

I don't care what these enlightened comics says, school has at least taught me the importance of sources.

God damn is this bitch dumb. Its like she isn't embarrassed, or unaware, of her stupidity.

The only thing you can do about illegal gun sales is increase the penalty on people who buy and sell guns illegally and hope it works as a deterrent.

If you made the punishment for somebody who was caught with an illegal gun 25 years people would be less likely to buy a gun illegally. If the punishment for somebody who sold a gun illegally was life they'd be less likely to sell a gun illegally. (also the person who bought the illegal gun would be willing to turn over whoever it was that sold it to him to get out of a 25 year sentence).

Trying to solve the world's problems on the OandA sub. Good luck you dumb mook.

I'm not trying to solve the world's problems. I'm talking about 1 problem in America in response to a comment made by the OP here.


If drugs can get crazy long sentences, I say illegal guns should get the same, or worse.

How about we just don't have long sentences for drugs then...?

Sure. Isn't the idea that people should abide by the laws? Why is 25 unreasonable for somebody willfully in violation.

Because we'd be turning dumb kids and fuckups into lifelong criminals.

If illegal guns are the cause of all gun crime, as mein fuhrer suggests, wouldn't it make sense to come down very hard on illegal guns? I think this would be the most obvious measure that both gun rights advocates and opponents could agree on. If it's illegal gun owners spoiling all the fun for legal gun owners, the penalties for illegal ownership should be astronomically stiff.

Hasn't it been proven that longer sentences doesn't deter crime because people are just stupid? It's cheaper than actual prevention I guess.

Yes. Why would that startle you? 25 years for owning a gun purchased illegally. Why would someone buy a gun illegally unless they intend on using it criminally? Guess how long itll take for the streets to dry up of illegal gun sales? Nobody will be buying illegal guns because they'll be too expensive.

Yup, cause mandatory minimums worked with drugs, right? How many non violent drug offenders do we have rotting in prisons with multiple decade sentences for an ounce of weed? And how difficult is it to get weed? When I was in high school, it was easier to get weed than booze. To get booze you had to know someone with a good fake or that was legit over 21; to get weed, you just called up one of dozens of different kids you were friends with.

Draconian penalties will not act as a deterrent. They will only exacerbate other problems.

How will they exacerbate the problem? There will be MORE illegal guns being sold if people who sell them get thrown in prison for life? You think that will encourage more illegal gun sales?

And buying weed is a non-violent crime. There should be no penalty for buying weed. They used the "drug war" as a way to get money from people. Buying an illegal gun isn't a non-violent crime. It's intent to do something violent. If you are buying or selling a gun illegally you aren't some patriot exercising your 2nd amendment right.

Exactly. NYC instituted severe penalties for illegal guns in the 90's. Last year there were about 340 murders--in the early 90's that number was over 2,000. I'm not saying the penalties are solely responsible for this change, but you can't deny their effectiveness.

Sir, I did not say that draconian penalties will exacerbate "the problem" meaning illegal guns on the street. You're taking my statement and my argument out of context to make a totally new argument which is easier for you to unravel. That's called the strawman fallacy, take a look here for some additional reading if you're not familiar with the logical fallacy that you just propagated.

I said exactly this: "[Draconian penalties] will only exacerbate other problems." Note the word "other" before the word "problems."

Draconian penalties will exacerbate the overcrowding of prisons, the amount of money we have to spend on trying and housing more offenders for longer, and it will take mothers and fathers out of their kids' lives for longer (arguably a positive thing in SOME cases) therefore ripping apart the family unit even further in many communities and leading to bad kids that turn into worse adults. Those are just three extremely serious issues that I can think of off the top of my head but they, on their own, are more than enough to give someone serious pause when considering implementing lengthy, mandatory prison terms. Especially when you get nothing in return because we've already seen with drugs that extremely lengthy mandatory minimums are not effective deterrents.

So, you end up with roughly the same amount of gun violence but a bunch of other societal ills are exacerbated. Doesn't some reasonable to me.

We're not talking about drugs, where the only person you hurt is yourself. We're talking about guns. Used to rob and kill people and hurt people and intimidate. That's the only reason you'd buy one illegally. I own guns but I also have a license and don't lose it in my couch. Fuck the criminals who buy them illegally throw the book at them

Sir, I understand we aren't talking about drugs. Do you think I thought we were?

I'm drawing a parallel. In America, we adopted some extremely harsh mandatory minimums for drug crimes. In your parlance, we decided fuck drugs we're going to throw the book at anybody involved in drugs. This is what you want to do with guns. Do you understand the similarity so far?

Now, I'm saying that we have a ton of people in jail against those mandatory minimums for drugs. We've been "throwing the book" at drug offenders for decades. It isn't working; the war on drugs is nearly universally viewed as a failure.

Longer sentences do not equal less crime. Increasing penalties for possessing or selling a firearm illegally will not curb illegal possession and sale of firearms nor will it result in reduced gun violence.

We already know this kind of shit doesn't work so let's come up with something that does...

Keep down voting. That's a good way to have a conversation. Drugs and guns are entirely different. Guns can be used to kill lots of innocent people, whereas you stick a heroin needle in your arm you know what you're doing to yourself. I don't agree with the current system on drugs and the prison system is fucked. But when a city with some of the toughest gun control laws is currently more dangerous than Iraq something is CLEARLY not working. So yes, fuck people who buy guns illegal with the intention of hurting other people.

Again, sir, there is no one here saying drugs and guns are similar types of crimes... All I'm saying is that we increased penalties with the same logic you're applying to guns: make it so onerous, nobody will do it, it'll be a deterrent. It didn't work; not even close.

So, if it didn't work in example A, why would it work in example B? Don't explain to me how dealing drugs is a different crime from dealing guns or how buying drugs is different from buying illegal guns. That is not an explanation for how stricter penalties will work to prevent illegal guns from getting out on the street or used. In short, what exactly makes you think that increasing the penalty for being in possession of an illegal firearm will have any impact on an individual's decision to possess that firearm moving forward? We've seen the penalty for possessing drugs drastically increased with zero affect on an individual's decision to be in possession of those drugs moving forward. Maybe it will work with guns; nobody can tell me why, though. Instead, you just want to point out the difference between a victim-less, nonviolent crime and a crime that will likely have a victim. I'm not arguing that drugs and guns are similar or that it should be okay to possess guns illegally... But that's all you want to hear from me for some reason.

EDIT: I'm downvoting you because your replies have nothing to do with the conversation. You're responding to arguments I'm not making. You seem blinded by your passionate hatred for folks who possess firearms illegally. I'm not downvoting you because I disagree with anything you've said. You just refuse to add anything of any substance; in my book, that gets you downvotes all day, jerkoff.

OK yeah it doesn't work with drugs, because there are far too many and some states have different, downright silly laws. But I'm telling you, you can't fucking compare the two. "It didn't work for A, so it definitely wouldn't work for B" is bullshit dude. People arent physically addicted to buying guns (except maybe ant), and don't get sick if they don't have their fix. I'm done with your autistic arguing. Go ahead down vote again you cunt.

My point is there aren't non violent offender buying illegal guns.


But what does it mean to "sell a gun illegally" though?

It's currently legal to meet someone in person and sell him a gun, no background checks etc. Unless it's a straw purchase or you know the buyer will commit a crime with it, I don't see how such a transaction could be illegal, unless you wrote a new law that mandates that people can't sell their guns unless they're selling them back to the gun store, or something.

Personally I think the 'gun show loophole' thing is overblown. Actually go to a gun show, most of the dealers there are running background checks (I've bought a dozen guns from gun shows, there was always a background check). Also, in all of the mass shootings I can think of at the moment, the perpetrator bought their guns from a dealer who conducted a background check (VA tech, Aurora) , or were given the guns by a family member (Columbine), or stole the guns from a family member (Sandy Hook). Enforcing a background check on private transactions (which is what "closing the gunshow loophole" legislation aims to do, I guess?) would not have prevented these shootings.

Well isn't the big argument against gun laws always "The majority of shootings are done by hand guns that were bought illegally." Mass shootings aren't what I'm concerned with. The gang violence you see in Chicago is a bunch of black kids killing each other with illegal guns. What constitutes an illegal gun? The laws for an illegal gun sale wouldn't change. Everything that makes a gun sale illegal now would remain the same. The only place there would be a change is in the court room where sentencing takes place. No new laws. Only stricter punishments for current laws (and this would help stop people from trying to pass sweeping gun regulations against legal gun owners). Nobody can accidentally buy an illegal gun and end up in prison. Nobody can accidentally sell an illegal gun and end up in prison. If you wanted to sell a gun and you weren't sure how to do it legally you could always call your local sheriff's office.

Yeah. I like this idea. I'm gonna write your name on the ballot in November. Hopefully I still won't be an illegal immigrant then.

After I clean up the gun problem I'm building a wall hopefully you get yourself legal by then.

You have absolutely no clue what you are talking about.

Typical left wing OandA subreddit user.....Stick to having a bragging contest over who can laugh the hardest at raunchy jokes.

Okay lady

How about going a little deeper there... why is that a bad thing? Because you read an NRA pamphlet that told you if you make stricter laws for illegal guns there will be an epidemic of black people planting illegal guns on white people? Gimme a break. Why isn't that happening with drugs? Do you want to solve the gun violence problem or not? It's that easy. For some reason people who love guns don't like the idea cracking down on illegal guns. It's the one place where they don't wanna see criminals in prison. Weird. And there's nothing liberal about this. A lot of conservatives also support this. Just not the ones who deepthroat the NRA as much as the others.

Legal gun owners want the "bad guys" to have access to guns to justify their own gun ownership and the fear that drives it.

All you have to do is read this conversation thread. Find where anyone who opposes what I'm saying actually has a better point. It doesn't happen.

Wrong that guy with the random numbers and shit rekt ur ass mandatory minumums don't work obviously

I stopped reading after this ---->"Because you read an NRA pamphlet"

For everyone else... Right wingers read books, statistics, and peer reviewed journals. You fucking morons watch Stephen Colbert while WAY OVER exaggerating the amount of right wingers who watch fox.

I don't watch Stephen Colbert. And why don't you actually respond to my question instead of pretending you couldn't even stomach reading it. Do you have an answer? What peer reviewed journals did you read that scared you about having strict laws on illegal guns? Why are you advocating for the rights of illegal firearms dealers? Do explain.

You said nothing of substance worth even responding to. Look at this gem: "you make stricter laws for illegal guns there will be an epidemic of black people planting illegal guns on white people? "

Yes, not supporting your misinformed garbage must mean I am a 'racist.' You faggots are like little children. Putting people in prison for 25 years will not solve the problems.

Everything your saying is total horseshit. And you only defend drug use because you have the mind of a 13 year old and think it makes you hip. It's the right stance, but even when you retards get something right....You do it for all the wrong reasons(ie- you like bob marley posters)

I for one support complete legalization of all drugs, and want the FDA abolished.

Prohibition doesn't work for drugs, and it won't work for guns. Increasing the penalties to 25 years will not solve anything, you are a myopic moron to say otherwise. Increasing penalities on drugs didn't work...Doing so for guns won't work.

People who engage in illegal arms sales engage in other equally as felonious criminal acts, and in many cases even more severe(like murder)

Why would a violent murderer care if the law was changed to 25 years for a gun, when he kills people?

What if your 'detailed' plan doesn't work? What then? More genius ideas you shove down everyones throats otherwise they risk being called a racist?

How about this....shit happens, this is earth. Gun violence is down, people will continue to get shot, welcome to reality. Enough with your fucking fear mongering already, go move to a european country where there are no guns and get yourself raped in the muslim socialist utopia they have while you wait 7 months to get your broken leg treated.

Amazing.. your stance on guns is that drugs should be legal. That is no side-step there. You must have read a lot of peer-reviewed articles to become this informed. completely avoid the issue and then attack me personally. And I'm the "leftist" (never voted for a democrat in my life) who needs to get educated? Good stuff. You still didn't answer why giving longer sentences for felons who illegally buy or sell guns would be bad? Get non-violent criminals out of prison (like people who are in prison for drugs) and put people who buy illegal guns in prison for longer. Why is that bad? Some of the people selling illegal guns are just patriots? They dindu nuffin?

What warrants an illegal gun sale?


In your myopic view, you unknowingly are asking for the federal government to completely take over and begin regulating guns, with sweeping laws the states have no control over.

The laws between states differ, you are talking about the federal government taking over completely and setting up their rules, which once imposed can continue to get stricter and stricter, and there is nothing the states could then do.

But yes, tell me some more how everything works.

What warrants an illegal gun sale? Selling stolen guns is illegal. Selling guns with the serial numbers scratched off is illegal. Selling guns to ex-felons who aren't allowed to own guns is illegal. There is nothing groundbreaking here. Anything that is considered an illegal gun sale now would still be considered an illegal gun sale. The only difference is, if you sell a gun illegally you will face a stricter penalty. I know everything is already on the books, dummy.. that argument doesn't work with what I'm saying because I'm not trying to change anything on the books. I'm just saying the punishment should be stricter because then it would actually work as a deterrent. "The books" stay the same. No new laws. I'm not asking for the Feds to do anything. Absolutely nothing would change in the way gun laws are enforced at the street level. The only place anything changes would be in the court room where the sentencing takes place.

"What warrants an illegal gun sale? Selling stolen guns is illegal. Selling guns with the serial numbers scratched off is illegal."

Politicians can weasel the definition of illegal to mean a father selling his son a gun. I don't think you understand all the complexities of this.

"I'm just saying the punishment should be stricter because then it would actually work as a deterrent. "

There is no proof of this. And what if it didn't work?

""The books" stay the same. No new laws. I'm not asking for the Feds to do anything. Absolutely nothing would change in the way gun laws are enforced at the street level. "

What your talking about would have to be adopted nationally, by every state. It would give the feds even more control.

And what if a state doesn't want to go along? And what if that state saw a decrease in gun violence and states that adopted it saw an increase?

Why is what I'm saying a federal mandate? Why can't it be that the Fed makes a deal where in states that comply, gun sellers get a tax benefit and states that don't comply the gun sellers don't. Come into a state with illegal guns and you might end up in prison for 25 to life... Most people will decide it isn't worth it. Let the policy speak for itself. No "patriots" are being benefited by illegal gun dealers having an easier time. When you shut up the pro gun regulation people by showing them that the issue isn't with legal gun owners it benefits the 2nd amendment.

And as far as "politicians can weasel their definition of illegal to mean a father selling a son a gun"... no they couldn't. The law isn't written and enforced by robots. It would remain exactly the same way it is now... the only thing that changes is the punishment.

The laws between states differ, you are talking about the federal government taking over completely and setting up their rules, which once imposed can continue to get stricter and stricter, and there is nothing the states could then do.

Because the states are retarded and barely recognize the 2nd. California NY and Maryland have no provisions in their state constitutions that guarantees an individual the right to keep and bear arms.

Good to know Anthony has his phone back.

I don't know what to think about gun control. I've owned and used guns my whole life, but there is no denying that gun violence is at an unacceptable rate. Anytime I've heard a reasonable argument FOR gun control, I've almost always heard it argued the opposite way just as convincingly. Not that I think Schumer even gives a fuck, because this reeks of her trying to score social brownie points. It's a hard problem to figure out, and both sides have zero interest in compromising.

You can absolutely deny gun violence being at an unacceptable rate. The FBI crime statistics are clear that gun violence has massively declined in the last 30 years. Why do you think there is no denying that?

Yeah but too many of "those people" have access to guns.

so get rid of "those people", the guns are innocent

Never said gun violence was going up. I said that it was at an unacceptable rate. We have the highest rate of gun violence.

Highest rate of gun violence? Ever heard of Brazil?

Well let's say we have too high of gun crimes for a western superpower. Either way, I don't think its reasonable to say hat we don't have a problem with gun violence here. Can you at least admit that?

Which a majority happen with illegally owned guns already.

Right, so we agree there is a gun problem in the United States. I never suggested taking guns away. Just acknowledging that there is a problem and it's incredibly complicated. I don't like the idea that either "Guns are bad!" or "guns don't kill people, people kill people."

It's more of a crime/gang problem. What do I know just give me a lunch pail and thermos and leave that up to the muckity mucks.

Idk, are most gun deaths gang related? I remember hearing something like 80% of gun deaths aren't related to gangs. Idk either.

Gang/drug violence + suicides take up a large portion of gun deaths. I'd have to grab the stats. Idk.

The gang stats are tough to really get a hold of because no one classifies the same event consistently. Suicides are like 6-11k per year via firearm.

This is my biggest problem with this debate. It always comes down to both sides presenting statistics and interpreting them differently. Which makes it impossible to come to any kind of resolution.


Sounds reasonable. I'm in Florida, so basically I can buy cobra attack helicopter if I wanted.

about 90% are from gangs and suicides.

and most school shootings are stabbings that happen when gangs fight. And those POC you hate so much you fountain of shit are the people that are in those gangs

so we agree there is a gun problem in the United States.

you mean a POC problem right shitstain?

As compared to?

let's say we have too high of gun crimes for a western superpower.

WHY ARE YOU A WHITE Supremacist?

we also have way too high of minorities of any other western superpower too, i bet your ass wants them to not exist in this country either you slimeball piece of shit.

What in the fuck are you talking about? Take your medication you fucking lunatic

What in the fuck are you talking about?

i'm talking about you hating everyone that isn't white, and you wanting to make sure POC can't defend themselves and have to rely on the racists in the police force to protect them

Never called for any specific gun control legislation. So I guess that makes you a fucking idiot.

for a western superpower

define western superpower! why the fuck isn't brazil and nigeria in your definition?

look Mr.KKK, don't force your anti-POC views on everyone else.

Here is a question for you jackass, why do you hate that Snoop Dog, Ice Cube, Ice-T, DMX, and Chris Rock have guns. Why Do You Hate Black People

An unacceptable rate? What's acceptable to you? Is the lowest rate in 30 years still unacceptable to you? You realize more people in America are killed with knives and clubs than with guns?

Also, logically, if you look at the rates region to region there is a direct causation between stricter gun control and higher gun violence... What do you make of that?

Do you think that 13,000 people dying a year from gun violence is acceptable? If you don't, then we agree that there is a gun violence problem in America. Now I never once promoted any kind of gun control, I simply said that it seems like a really complicated issue and I don't know where I stand on it.


what is scale

How many deaths are worth the first amendment? Are you comfortable abridging the fourth amendment to get guns off the street? If you are not, why are you pro crime. See what you tried to do?

and I don't know where I stand on it.

how about on the side that doesn't want to force niggers to call 911, when cops either don't show up or kill negros?

seriously in your perfect world. whenever Ice-T had a problem, he would call the cops, and then they would beat the shit out of him, and you would laugh and laugh and laugh. WTF is wrong with you

Yes, 0.003714% is an acceptable gun violence rate. It baffles me that you think otherwise. How must you live your life if a half of a half of a half a percent is meaningful to you.

You must be terrified of driving to the store.

So your stance is that there is no problem with gun violence in America? Come on. What other civilized nation has the number of mass shootings that we do? Obviously it isn't the norm here, but its happening disproportionately here in America. Yes it's dangerous to drive a car, but cars aren't designed for the sole purpose of killing things. Obtaining a drivers license isn't a simple process, it's regulated. I don't have an arrest record, but if I had serious mental issues I could walk into a gun shop here and Florida and walk out with an AR-15. I know this because I witnessed my brother do it just this week (luckily he is mentally stable). Idk what the answer is, but I know it's not as simple as "just enforce the current laws". I never once called for specific legislation regarding gun-control, I just said that I don't know where I stand.

What other civilized nation has the number of mass shootings that we do

I love that civilized in your view equal white.

As a Latino its nice to know I am considered a savage compared to Anthony Cumia according to you, you fucking shithead.

seriously just go kill yourself. On behalf of all POC who hate being talked down to by white supremacist liberals like you. Please just kill yourself, it would make the world a better place

I don't know where I stand.

you stand on the side that things Freddie Grey got what he deserved and every black boy with even a replica gun deserved to be mowed down in the streets, drop dead

Ok, it is clear to me that you have a stance. This "I don't know where I stand" shit is, well, shit. All your arguments here are well refuted with statistics. Firearms are well regulated. Firearm violence is actually disproportionately minuscule compared to firearms available.

Now you want to change your stance from gun violence rate to mass shooting rate. Statistically speaking that is demonstratively false, as well. What else is there to say?

I don't have a stance on what should be done about guns in America. I am only pointing out the fact that it seems like an important issue. 372 mass shootings last year, 64 school shootings, and 13,286 gun related deaths. Do you not see this as something we should try to fix? You say firearms are well regulated, but we both know that varies state to state. I know you desperately want me to be left-wing nut hell bent on stealing your guns, but I grew up in the gun culture. You seem unwilling to to give an inch on this topic, which is the exact thing that motivated me to post in the first place. I don't believe that getting rid of guns is the answer, but I also think that 13,280 gun deaths is not okay.

No, it's not something to fix. Crazy people exist and will always exist and as a total percentage of things that might kill you, it's not even close to something worth worrying about.

You are way more likely to drown. Do you worry about water safety regulations? Me neither.

crazy people exist and will always exist

That's like saying drunk drivers will always exist whether you change the laws or not. When we know that drunk driving has dramatically decreased after more extensive regulations were in place. Sorry, but i don't like the idea of throwing are hands up and saying fuck it. Not sure where your pulling that drowning point from. The stats I found on drowning deaths in the U.S annually is 3,533. I would also speculate that better regulations such as requiring lifeguards to be on-duty at public beaches and pools significantly decreased the amount of drowning deaths. I would have to do some research on that, but I think it's a safe assumption to make.

We know that crime and gun deaths decrease when more guns are available, yet you ignore that statistic. We know that education on the dangers of alcohol and driving drove change in culture and not the change of the law which has long had intoxicated driving held as a crime.

Lol no, the exact opposite is true. It wasn't until the 1980s when Mothers Against Drunk Driving was formed and started pushing for tougher legislation. There is a direct correlation between tougher laws and less DUI. I never ignored the statistic about more guns=less gun deaths, you never brought it up so why would I randomly address it? Also, I never called for less guns as a solution. The most reasonable solutions I've heard are a combination of universal background checks federally, and requiring gun safety courses before purchasing a firearm. Now I don't know if that will solve the problem, because I'm not an expert. You on the other hand talk as if you couldn't possibly be wrong about this.

Ok, you win. You definitely don't know what to think about gun control. You're on the fence.

Lol your argument was fading quickly, smart decision.


Someone intent on being violent doesn't really care what tool they use dude

We have a gang problem. Scumbag animals in inner cities are our problem, not firearms. I don't even care about over-tones of racism anymore, it's the truth.

300 plus million legal guns = 30k deaths including suicides and criminal activity. Its an epidemic!!?

Gun violence is down, not up.

Never said it was up, but that it was at an unacceptable rate.

So, describe what an "acceptable" rate is.

Half of what it is now? Are you denying that there is a problem of gun violence in America? You can't have the highest gun violence rate and pretend that it's acceptable.

Are you asking me? So you think that 1/2 the gun-violence we have now is acceptable. OK. I said nothing about what I believe.

Well then how about you tell me what you believe, instead of asking what seemed like a leading question.

It WAS leading, and you went where I told you. Now get lost.

Really making some excellent points, fucking idiot.

Really making some excellent points, fucking idiot.

this coming from you.

You are worse of a person than Brother Joe, you believe anyone that isn't white is a fucking savage that doesn't deserve rights.

You believe that the best countries in the world are the ones controlled by white people only, and not only that unlike brother joe you are open and honest about your hatred of minorities

It's a hard problem to figure out

No, it's not. If one sticks solely to facts, the path of enlightenment on this subject is short and straightforward.

How about you enlighten me? This is why nothing gets done. Because people like you believe you have all the answers and nothing he other side says is valid. You are literally the problem

I am literally the problem!

Give BIG Amy a break. She's still getting used to writing her own material. Between snack breaks and fawning at herself in the mirror it's going to take some time before she finds her voice.

Theres zero funny in this sketch. Is this what her entire show is like? Jesus.

wow. she's really getting fat.

how brave

Calm down, faggot.


Her cheek day is swallowing her eyes....

Her fatness is enraging.

You obviously live in a blue state, but you can buy guns from yard sales and farmers markets in some red states. These people are able to operate without a license and don't need to do any paperwork

"These people are able to operate without a license and don't need to do any paperwork"

-as does ANY private citizen/private citizen sale.

Damn constitution!

Not in New York. Not since the safe act.


And? You think the cartel and organized crime wouldn't fill the void if you make obtaining a weapon legally more difficult? A determined individual will find a way.

If people vote to have guns they should have guns. I am not an elitist thinking I know the best way to manage people's lives.

It's these people that know what's best for everyone that sicken me. I don't pretend to.

That's a pretty shitty breakdown.

Have you honestly never heard of the gun show loophole?

Under federal law, private-party sellers are not required, nor are they permitted to perform background checks on buyers. They also are not required to record the sale, or ask for identification.

Thought it was pretty clear this is what she was criticizing from the big GUN SHOW banner in the sketch. Don't get me wrong, it's still painfully unfunny. But the gun show loophole is one of the most controversial topics in the gun control debate today.


This is the most retarded response.

It's already impossible for a felon to legally buy a gun

Gun shows are legal. Felons can buy guns from them because there are no background or ID checks. Are you suggesting the way to wipe out gun crime is to ask felons to please stop breaking the law?


But the problem is that there is no oversight into gun shows. It might be illegal for the buyer to make the purchase, but it's legal for the dealer* to sell it. If you closed the loophole you'd get rid of the problem. You're arguing semantics.

*Edit: I didn't understand the nuances of gun shows. It is not legal for dealers to sell without background checks at gun shows. It's only legal for private sellers to do that.


The ATF regulates the dealers at gun shows. Every gun show.

Pretty please, with sugar on top, obey the fuckin law.

Where did you learn that there are no background checks at gun shows? Whoever told you that was lying to you.

FFLs (gun dealers) have to perform background checks, whether at a gun show or a gun store. Generally only dealers sell at gun shows because it's expensive to set up a booth.

Where did you learn that there are no background checks at gun shows?

liberals who have never been told him

Under federal law, private-party sellers are not required, nor are they >permitted to perform background checks on buyers. They also are not >required to record the sale, or ask for identification.

This applies everywhere in the U.S. Gun shows have absolutely nothing to do with it.

Since you've obviously never been to a gun show and purchased firearms, let me briefly explain:

A typical gun show, like any other similar event, has 'booths', or sections available for rent. Sellers, most of which are Federal Firearms Licensees (FFLs, or 'dealers'), rent these booths and peddle their wares. The vast majority of these FFLs are gun store owners, and can afford the price of admission. Private sellers (non-licensed) also occasionally rent a booth, but it's rare, as there are much cheaper ways to sell a personal firearm than a gun show.

FFLs are required by law to perform background checks/paperwork on all firearm sales, regardless of location. Failure to do so will result in severe penalties from the ATF.

However, private sellers are not required to perform these checks, again regardless of location. These sales can occur across the dining room table, at a gun show booth, or in a parking lot behind a Denny's. The gun show is absolutely irrelevant.

'Closing the gun show loophole' is nonsense. It simply doesn't exist.

Thank you, I was misinformed on this.

You Americans and your gun love is a source of endless hilarity how can a comic fuck that up


You have absolutely no clue what you are talking about.

Typical left wing OandA subreddit user.....Stick to having a bragging contest over who can laugh the hardest at raunchy jokes.

Trying to solve the world's problems on the OandA sub. Good luck you dumb mook.

Yeah. I like this idea. I'm gonna write your name on the ballot in November. Hopefully I still won't be an illegal immigrant then.

But what does it mean to "sell a gun illegally" though?

It's currently legal to meet someone in person and sell him a gun, no background checks etc. Unless it's a straw purchase or you know the buyer will commit a crime with it, I don't see how such a transaction could be illegal, unless you wrote a new law that mandates that people can't sell their guns unless they're selling them back to the gun store, or something.

Personally I think the 'gun show loophole' thing is overblown. Actually go to a gun show, most of the dealers there are running background checks (I've bought a dozen guns from gun shows, there was always a background check). Also, in all of the mass shootings I can think of at the moment, the perpetrator bought their guns from a dealer who conducted a background check (VA tech, Aurora) , or were given the guns by a family member (Columbine), or stole the guns from a family member (Sandy Hook). Enforcing a background check on private transactions (which is what "closing the gunshow loophole" legislation aims to do, I guess?) would not have prevented these shootings.

Well then how about you tell me what you believe, instead of asking what seemed like a leading question.


But the problem is that there is no oversight into gun shows. It might be illegal for the buyer to make the purchase, but it's legal for the dealer* to sell it. If you closed the loophole you'd get rid of the problem. You're arguing semantics.

*Edit: I didn't understand the nuances of gun shows. It is not legal for dealers to sell without background checks at gun shows. It's only legal for private sellers to do that.

Highest rate of gun violence? Ever heard of Brazil?

Under federal law, private-party sellers are not required, nor are they >permitted to perform background checks on buyers. They also are not >required to record the sale, or ask for identification.

This applies everywhere in the U.S. Gun shows have absolutely nothing to do with it.

Since you've obviously never been to a gun show and purchased firearms, let me briefly explain:

A typical gun show, like any other similar event, has 'booths', or sections available for rent. Sellers, most of which are Federal Firearms Licensees (FFLs, or 'dealers'), rent these booths and peddle their wares. The vast majority of these FFLs are gun store owners, and can afford the price of admission. Private sellers (non-licensed) also occasionally rent a booth, but it's rare, as there are much cheaper ways to sell a personal firearm than a gun show.

FFLs are required by law to perform background checks/paperwork on all firearm sales, regardless of location. Failure to do so will result in severe penalties from the ATF.

However, private sellers are not required to perform these checks, again regardless of location. These sales can occur across the dining room table, at a gun show booth, or in a parking lot behind a Denny's. The gun show is absolutely irrelevant.

'Closing the gun show loophole' is nonsense. It simply doesn't exist.

An unacceptable rate? What's acceptable to you? Is the lowest rate in 30 years still unacceptable to you? You realize more people in America are killed with knives and clubs than with guns?

Also, logically, if you look at the rates region to region there is a direct causation between stricter gun control and higher gun violence... What do you make of that?

I am literally the problem!

And? You think the cartel and organized crime wouldn't fill the void if you make obtaining a weapon legally more difficult? A determined individual will find a way.

Someone intent on being violent doesn't really care what tool they use dude

What other civilized nation has the number of mass shootings that we do

I love that civilized in your view equal white.

As a Latino its nice to know I am considered a savage compared to Anthony Cumia according to you, you fucking shithead.

seriously just go kill yourself. On behalf of all POC who hate being talked down to by white supremacist liberals like you. Please just kill yourself, it would make the world a better place

I don't know where I stand.

you stand on the side that things Freddie Grey got what he deserved and every black boy with even a replica gun deserved to be mowed down in the streets, drop dead

Keep down voting. That's a good way to have a conversation. Drugs and guns are entirely different. Guns can be used to kill lots of innocent people, whereas you stick a heroin needle in your arm you know what you're doing to yourself. I don't agree with the current system on drugs and the prison system is fucked. But when a city with some of the toughest gun control laws is currently more dangerous than Iraq something is CLEARLY not working. So yes, fuck people who buy guns illegal with the intention of hurting other people.

Ok, it is clear to me that you have a stance. This "I don't know where I stand" shit is, well, shit. All your arguments here are well refuted with statistics. Firearms are well regulated. Firearm violence is actually disproportionately minuscule compared to firearms available.

Now you want to change your stance from gun violence rate to mass shooting rate. Statistically speaking that is demonstratively false, as well. What else is there to say?