Big Amy is hijacking the #endgunviolence hashtag right now to promote her show

3  2016-04-29 by Ant_Sucks


That sketch was brave. So daring. Not at all obvious. Could not have been written by 5th graders working on a group project. Did not at all come off like a preachy informercial you see in homeroom in junior high. Gotta love a sketch that's not afraid to avoid laughter. You've outdone yourself Amy. You are amazing.

blame metzger, he's the head faggotwriter

Just tweet this statistic under the #endgunviolence hashtag.

  • Deaths/yr from obesity: 120,000.
  • Deaths/yr from alcohol: 88,000.
  • Deaths/yr from guns, 13,000.

Or throw in something amusing


Amys a fat drunk so you think she would be on board with theae issues

I thought gun violence dropped significantly in Australia when guns were banned?

The homocide rate in Australia is about the same now as it was before they banned guns.

So sure, gun crime may be down, but it doesn't stop people from dying. Gun control doesn't work.

I don't give a fuck I'm an American gun owner. I was curious why an Australian /u/Ant_Sucks cares about American gun violence numbers.

Correct. Its the price we pay for having the same rights as we let our government have to use lethal force in protection of life and property

They are calling her a hero for posting the endgunviolence hashtag? How the fuck does that make her a hero? One dumb bitch thanked her for saving lives!! Are these people this delusional or just so into star fucking that they just gush over anything a celebrity, even one as repulsive as Amy, says?

Someone should tweet her the statistics for deaths and robberies with unregistered illegal firearms compared to deaths and robberies with legally owned firearms.

She is just a typical ignorant cunt who doesn't know any real facts or stats, instead she just hops on a bandwagon to try and get more praise for doing absolutely nothing.

I fucking hope the next airplane she is on crashes and she is the only one killed.

Someone should tweet her the statistics for deaths and robberies with unregistered illegal firearms compared to deaths and robberies with legally owned firearms.

Someone? You spend hours a day posting mini novels on here but are too busy to send a tweet, comical.



I cant believe it. Shes acually MORE repellant on the inside

The sketch is online and ends with the serious black screen with words on it for where to get more info on gun violence

Dr. Metzger said she wanted to do that at the end of the high school football rape sketch with the bullshit 1 in 4 college rape stat, I guess the good doctor couldn't talk her out of it this time.

Yea - I bring that up a lot cuz it was a great insight by Kurt to keep it funny & that's why the sketch was so well received. But it shows Amy's natural instinct is to lecture people instead of being funny. & since then she's been on more of a lecture tour than a comedian

It wouldn't be so irritating if ot wasnt all such obvious "puppies are cute" no argument statements she thinks makes her virtuous. Pretty sure Key and Peel did a lot on racism without being a couple hamfisted bores, or any accusations of theft.

& ultimately, key & Peele are improv performers & actors. They aren't comics and never pretended to be in that world.

When you look at Amy after the roast where she did Ryan Dunn jokes to Steve-O, she was a completely different person. She was the "never apologize for my jokes / humor should be brutal & offensive" woman. She on the trajectory for being the go to offensive / roast comic to replace Lisa Lampenilli. And now she's gone from that to apologizing for everything & making humor that is perfectly fine-tuned to not offend any of the liberal blogs.

"hair dinosaurs"

You don't even need to watch the show to know how unfunny that sketch is.

These are the types of people that tweet to her: The top tweet would make me a little sad if I wasn't a heartless monster who treats cruelty like a videogame. In all honesty they're the ones who should be pissed because I have a hard time believing she genuinely cares about these "hot button issues." Like the companies protesting bathroom laws in NC while they basically use slave labor and operate in countries where women get their clits ripped out for being brutally raped because they were not wearing their hashafaab correctly.

god fucking damn it .... how are the people she panders to not bothered about this? no one watches that show but the leftist latee drinking dick sucks who are pro gun control she changes no minds with that drivel

The only way to end gun violence is to burn down the ghetto. Of course I'm sure she'll portray a redneck as the violent illegal gun owner.

Holy shit, why didn't any of us think of that?

We're just a buncha dumb guys I guess, needed Big Amy to add a woman's sensibilities and smarts to this problem.

Who the fuck is pro gun violence besides complete psychopaths, do they really think a hashtag is going to change the mind of someone who is preparing to shoot up an elementary school?

How long before that chinless little faggot Jimmy Norton retweets it and praises her for it?


Those comments under her post though...

"gun safety not gun control"
