Why I stopped listening (self-indulgence)

0  2016-04-28 by balancedchaos

This is so fucking self-indulgent, and believe me, I'm not under the illusion that anyone on this board of fucking degenerates <3 gives a fuck...but I was thinking about it earlier, and I just have to get it off my chest.

When Patrice died, I was wrecked. He was my favorite thing about O&A, and I used to get...embarrassingly excited when I heard he was going to be on. I listened to the eulogy shows, and...after that last Friday, that was the very last full show I ever listened to.

I figured I'd just "take a break," or whatever. It hit me way harder than it ever should have, probably...but it's something you can't explain until it happens to you. You know you're being a Nancy, but you can't stop it.

And it was in that state of mind that I continually heard Jim Norton hold Patrice's freshly dead feet to the coals, to do everything in his power to stop the gushing over the man's talent, to point out how he probably got in his own way in the business, and to point out his flaws at every opportunity.

It was weird. I honestly felt strangely betrayed by Jim. Here was this hugely talented friend of his, and he's trying to be the "realist" in the room while they're probably shopping for a coffin across the city. It was just such...shitty timing. It made Norton seem like a real dick to me, a damaged man with a frail ego who somehow couldn't let his friend's talent and modest legend shine because he was too busy being the fucking hall monitor with shitty undies he secretly is.

There are some words I'm gonna get shit over. "Betrayed," "legend," etc. I get it. We're irreverent, and we tear the show's legacy apart in here. Given what they've become, I'm okay with that. But given that I was still entertained by the show and an everyday listener of 7 years by that point...it was one hell of a disillusionment.

Anyways. Please start telling me what a faggot I am and form a line for the gloryhole.


Anyways. Please start telling me what a faggot I am, now, and form a line for the gloryhole

I refuse to be part of your sick humiliation fantasy.


Can I watch?

I'd be honored. Queer.



Maybe that's the problem. Nobody cares around here!


Cold, man. Fucking cold.

" so go inside! "

Oh, you! My agorophobia's been terrible lately, and you know it! Rapscallion.

Ohhh c'mon, bub!

then what happened

Nothing. I just floated through life with zero meaning or purpose, like now.

You wanna get drunk and jerk off together?

Yeah. Yeah I do.

Pic me yours and I pic u mine


Hang on. I ruined my sheets with baby oil trying to get the right shine. My wife would kill me if she cared about my existence.

Where's that gloryhole, faggot?

In my mom's basement. I'm a loser like everyone else around here. Let's hurry it up, my shift at Panera starts in an hour.

You're fired, you fuck.

That's okay. Since I got my teeth knocked out at the bar, business has really taken off.

" I'm not under the illusion that anyone on this board of fucking degenerates <3 gives a fuck."

Good, then you'll understand why I skipped the entire rant.

Go outside today.

I'm out right now. My dog is losing his shit over a ball in my backyard. Aaaand here he comes.

Have sex with it.

Re-read his last sentence...

The base of my dick looks like a caramel donut.

There's a hole in it. Got it.

Fucking cancer. :'(

I'm in my refractory stage. I've thrown my back out fucking this dog, and he still has accidents in the living room. Some nerve, huh?

Tell us how you really feel?

Soft, like a little girl.

Why don't you have a seat over there...

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N. Lover 2 -
Gold Jerry! Gold!! 2 - Look closer
South Park - Cartman - Ha fags 2 - Wow, just wow. You've really opened my eyes with your new perspective on the situation. Here, have some reddit gold

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Jim and ant are dead to me, opie sucks. I didn't read this.

I support that.

It's "...Please start telling me what a faggot I am now and form a line for the gloryhole." You incorrectly using comma fagoon.

Your method is more concise. I was running an errand when I wrote this. Had I time to edit, I would've fixed that. Thanks for the constructive criticism, you hoary-eyed pig-fucking kid toucher.

Wow, just wow. You've really opened my eyes with your new perspective on the situation. Here, have some reddit gold

But that's not Reddit gold. I don't understand.

If I had Seinfeld Jew gold, I wouldn't be on Reddit.

Where were you when you heard Patrice died?? Bitch shit. He was just a funny guy who said some funny shit before dying of being fat, his death shouldn't have changed anything in your life.

There's that patented subreddit negativity and irreverence! Good call!

It's catchy as shit, but it's no "Shit Dick" or "A Towel is Not a Hat."

White Nigger is People Haters' best.

I'll give it a listen. Thanks.

I was attempting to drink myself to death ala "Leaving Las Vegas" shopping in a GFC for garbage meatballs and sauce for a work party my wife was having.

tl;dr Patrice's death saved my life

A hot shot works every time Tank.

Pillow therapy. Press down until you throw your back out.

Hey, I'm successfully battling back my weight in part because of him. That and My 600 Pound Life keep me honest. If someone who was more than twice what I've ever weighed can do it, so can I.

Cold, man. Fucking cold.

I support that.