TIR: Opie is a Dunderhead

2  2016-04-28 by bbjon113

Opie watches 3 news channels but only knows 2 past presidents. Jim mentions the initials of the last 4 presidents (or candidates) and their VP's and Opie can't figure out the connection, much less the names of the people he's talking about. Credit to Jim for not letting Erock give Gregg an out, though douche takes it back to celebrity gossip ASAP. ~1:01:35 for mobile.



This is why for years Anthony was considered the 'smart' guy on the show. If you're doing a show with borderline retards then it's easy to look like a genius.

I thought the same thing. If Jim did this with Ant they would riff for a few minutes and maybe turn it into something like Mimi Beardsley. Instead we get to hear about Prince and "the percs."

How many verbal fucking crutches can one person have.

He sounds like someone is playing a soundboard

I'm on the theory Opie is one of those people who thinks 'dumb guys' are generally considered cool. I realize he's actually stupid as shit, but like with the "Whoa, other people hate politics too?! I thought that was just me..." thing from a few weeks back it's all a very, very poorly thought out attempt to look "too cool to be worrying about all that lamer shit, brothamaaaaaan!".

But right before this clip he was debating the finer points of politics, i.e. repeating exactly what he heard Stunt Brain say. He's a blowin' in the wind kinda' guy that's for sure.

"Where we at with that" ugh

I think you're forgetting that Opie was a rock star in math and science, not history. You can't expect him to know who the current president is or who the last three were. His head's too full of formulas and scientific principles.

and edibles bro.

I really can't believe what the Opster has become. He's turned into the thing he used to make fun of the most. "I had to reinvent myself" I really can't take the to cool for the room douche he's become. I fucking hate him.

Sniff sniff sniff. Ugh

He fawkin hates them all. Why would he remember their names?

his incompetence is only matched by his arrogance and delusion