Louis C. K. Donated to DeBlasio Thanks pinko

0  2016-04-28 by [deleted]


Ugh. Fuck Louis CK and his new Hollywood PC attitude.

DeBlasio is a piece of shit socialist SJW and he's married to a truly awful black activist. Makes Bill Burr's wife look like a fucking angel.

I wonder if they'd be interested in hearing Louis on some of his early O&A appearances talking about gays, retards, blacks, women, babies, etc. I don't think his new social justice friends would appreciate any of that. Maybe they'll even make him apologize.

"Their hands look like guns!"

That was one of the best lines on the show, but it wasn't racist.

neither is 90% of the shit that black lives matter idiots concern themselves with.

"ya know where nigger came from?"

I wonder if they'd be interested in hearing Louis on some of his early O&A appearances talking about gays, retards, blacks, women, babies, etc. I don't think his new social justice friends would appreciate any of that. Maybe they'll even make him apologize.

i really hope this sub does this, fuck up his career as easily as they did Big Amy's

He deserves it. Sellouts are the worst.

Yeah we really fucked up Amy's career.

they'd try to spin it in a way that would suit their agenda.

You'd see an article like "Louis CK brilliantly explains white privilege with simple use of the 'N' word"

Besides the fact that New York can go fuck itself, what a stupid fucking thing to call Louis out on.

Nobody gives a shit about New York except the people who live there.

Do you mean that you aren't impressed by mass transit, tall buildings and hot dogs? What other city has all of that?!?!


What's the difference? They're both corporations.


The title and sentiment is a little wacky. Does louis live in NY most of the time?

Dinesh D'Souza went to jail for two donations of $10,000 a piece. If Louis doesn't do hard time at Leavenworth, we riot.

Poor little Dinesh and his terrible chin.

He really does look like a brown turtle wearing a wig.

louie ck knows little besides stand up and tv shows

This is fucking retarded. I still like Louis and will shit on him if done justifiably, but there's no sense to this. To compare what he's doing to what the koch brothers or exxon does, is just intellectually dishonest.

That's total bullshit, sorry. Exxon and the Koch brothers have the exact same rights as Louis CK (and anyone else) to spend their money, advertise, and advocate for what they believe in.

Kim Kardashian gets almost a million dollars to make a recommendation or mention over social media. When she posts a selfie with Hillary Clinton and tells people to vote for her, how is that not an in-kind contribution? The effect is the same as recommending a mascara or soft drink.

If Leonardo DiCaprio makes a YouTube video in support of Bernie Sanders, is that not a contribution to the Sanders campaign? Surely it's worth WAY more than if you or I made a YouTube video for a candidate.

Louis CK is a major celebrity and gets millions of dollars for appearances. His advocacy is worth money -- lots of it. If he was hired to do a commercial for any product, he'd be paid six or seven figures -- far more than if they found some rando to do the commercial. Political campaigns are no different, and a celebrity endorsement is worth big money.

So again, how exactly is a celebrity endorsement of a political candidate NOT an in-kind contribution? And why shouldn't such speech be regulated in the same way that you people seem to want to regulate the speech of the Koch brothers?

I personally don't believe that political speech should be regulated at all, whether it's by celebrities, corporations, or private citizens. But if you're going to advocate that the government should be allowed to choose what kind of political speech is okay, then the only 'intellectually dishonest' position is to pretend that celebrity endorsements aren't worth millions of dollars.

Basically, liberals need to decide why they hate Citizen's United, and stick to it.

The reason used to be "Its dangerous for the privileged few to have such a large impact in an election". However, if turns out that "privileged few" includes celebrities and media, who are usually on their side.

Now the reason is "we need to get money out of politics". Basically if no money changes hands, it's cool. It's not the first time liberals move the goalposts after their original idea is debunked.

Well, alright, thanks for the update, TMZ.

Hahahaha, biobotX1 is so stupid. DeBlasio owns and you're retarded. Go fuck yourself, biobot.

I dont agree. I just loved the title. Sat and daydreamed about him being arrested for Pretention

If you agree with this editorial then Clint Eastwood should be in jail for that chair speech at the RNC in 2012. This is nonsense.

The one where he said he used to stack liberals 5 feet high in korea and use them for sandbags?

reading comprehension is not your strength.

I am a First Amendment absolutist and a free-speech absolutist. I think Louis C. K. should be able to say what he likes, where he likes, how he likes, on behalf of whatever candidate he likes.

You get that the title was satire, right? That the author was actually trying to make the opposite point, while noting the hypocrisy of the people Louis CK is supporting, right?

I don't believe conventions are classified as fundraisers.

Did Clint charge for this appearance? Did Louis charge for this? That is what it comes down to. The actual money that changes hands. You cannot say he did this for this much before and there hes a criminal. Thats fucking retarded.

Certainly you don't believe Kevin Williamson is actually calling for what Louis is doing to be criminal. It's a think piece on Citizens United, which Kevin is undoubtedly pro. He's pointing out that there is equity in the services & voice provided by celebrities endorsing & fundraising for politicians. It happens to be that the side screaming "Get money out of politics!" seems to have an overwhelming advantage in their message being represented in media.

The title of the article is "Should We Arrest Louis CK", so yes, I think he is calling for him to be arrested.

Then you're a fucking retard.

It's called satire. The author is making a mockery of the law.

That no-talent half-spic likes a nigger-loving Commie?

No surprise there.

I've been trying to post this but I can't post on here for some reason. But Kevin is correct, throw Louis in jail!

The title and sentiment is a little wacky. Does louis live in NY most of the time?

Dinesh D'Souza went to jail for two donations of $10,000 a piece. If Louis doesn't do hard time at Leavenworth, we riot.

Nobody gives a shit about New York except the people who live there.


Certainly you don't believe Kevin Williamson is actually calling for what Louis is doing to be criminal. It's a think piece on Citizens United, which Kevin is undoubtedly pro. He's pointing out that there is equity in the services & voice provided by celebrities endorsing & fundraising for politicians. It happens to be that the side screaming "Get money out of politics!" seems to have an overwhelming advantage in their message being represented in media.

It's called satire. The author is making a mockery of the law.

Then you're a fucking retard.