How much Patrice could a Patrice benefit benefit if a Patrice benefit could benefit Patrice?

1  2016-04-27 by IwishPatricewerehere

We should have an answer to this right around the 42nd annual Patrice benefit.


Those extravagant trips and handbags aren't going to pay for themselves ya know.

How soon after he died do you think she was fucking around?

-3 years

I bet she fucked his doctor, right on top of his stroked out but still breathing body.

You know how hard it is to find a guy willing to put his whole fist inside you?

Sure, I do find it a little weird that these benefits are becoming an annual event with no foreseeable endpoint.

I still find the annual shitting on Von and Patrice's mother to be absurdly distasteful, though. If Bill Burr wants to put together this event for his dead friend's family and other people want to contribute to it, I don't see how that warrants a trashing online. No one is under illusions as to where the money is going.


But that wouldn't sell as well as using Patrice's name silly.

if people want to go and see the worst black hacks, who shit all over Patrice in life and death its there business.