13 year old Jim "Faggot" Norton makes the news

79  2016-04-27 by worldsbiggestfaggot


The article is missing one key point. When Norton's father was contacted his actual quote was "keep the queer. The longer hes there the less likely he is to be blowing his friends. Faggot boy."


Poor guy. That crushing defeat at the hands of an asteroid machine sent him in a downward drug spiral that would take him all of 2 and half months to dig himself out of.

If there's one guy who's a bigger faggot than myself, it's James Norton.

Aw don't sell yourself short, I'm sure you're a much bigger faggot than Jimmy Norton could ever hope to be!! Now buck up little guy, turn that frown upside down and go blow a few random black guys to make yourself feel better.

Nobody comes close to the amazing faggotry Jim Norton possess - and believe me; I've tried!

You're OP aren't you? Then you're most definitely the biggest faggot.


Whenever I think of Jimmy's childhood, I'm reminded of a great line he had in a Nopie show with Kurt Metzger last year.

Jimmy finishes the second or third story about him blowing and being blown by other neighborhood boys

Kurt: Jesus, where did you grow up?

Jimmy: Paradise.

Concentration wasn't the only thing all over his face.

tss, yeah.. like FUCKIN CUM

...yes Chip. That's exactly right.

no! you civilians just don't understand the character like the COMEDIANS do! THATS NOT HOW CHIP WORKS!

Don't tell us civilians how chip works, faggot. Chip works how we want him to work.

Your novelty faggot account sure is going to amuse us for years to come.


The votes always fall off at this point.

Maybe we could buck that trend?

Waddaya say guys? Upvote me to heaven to show em all that we play by our own rules!


Edit: yay gang! Keep it up ( ooo misses! ). I bet I won't regret this and end up with egg....all over my face!

tss yeah I know

I laughed at the name "Jim 'Faggot' Norton" WAY harder than I should have. Well done WBF.

it's so mean and dumb. It's perfect

Can we all refer to him from now as Jim "Faggot" Norton?


The boy in that picture blew more guys than 99% of gays did by that age.

Who could have predicted that this intense focus would later on be applied to driving around the same three blocks in Manhattan looking for transsexual hookers...

Mr. Awesome, Roy Shildt

At least Jim owns up to his childhood. I was listening to archives yesterday and he read a secret admirer note he wrote for some girl in like seventh grade. Opie said he "would definitely bring one of his in...eventually."

That's cute. I still don't know who's the bigger faggot though; you or Jim.

Shut up, faggot.

Were those the same glasses that were snatched off his stupid face by that tranny?

Taken in the short window of time between obsessively playing monster rain and running the streets with a butcher knife. I hate Video Game Addict Jimmy most of all.

Jimmy looks like a Bob's Burgers character.

Was this before or after rehab?

What a dork.

"King of Dong"

Haha Adrian from Rocky.

Looks a little like he has Down's Syndrome. Prolly Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, though. Different kind of retard, but still clearly impaired.

That's an unfortunate middle name for a boy

That's the face of a kid that knows the taste of cock. Faggot ass nigga, i wish i could have punched his glasses off.

"So Jimmy went through 480 rockets"

Now hes going through T cells just as fast.

that kid sucked his friends penis

The 2nd-best part of the story is that the arcade was operated by a former mayor of North Brunswick, NJ.

From a mayor's sash to a change machine belt.

You can get an art school scholarship if you can draw Yimmy The Turtle.

Nice David Koresh glasses.

What a mo

He looks like Yoda!

(Original Trilogy Yoda & it kills me to have to make that clarification)

Make it again so we can be certain you're dead.

That doesn't make any sense, even. If I was dead, how could I make it. Cmon, man.

Well now we know the circumstances of when he was molested.

Where's his chin?

He will then live with his parents for the next 18 years.

Just realized he did this all day on Super Bowl Sunday. Say what you will about American football, but I can't imagine a 13-year old Jersey boy not watching it in the 80's. Charles Nicola must have been less grabby than all of dad's drunk brothers and co-workers.




Aw don't sell yourself short, I'm sure you're a much bigger faggot than Jimmy Norton could ever hope to be!! Now buck up little guy, turn that frown upside down and go blow a few random black guys to make yourself feel better.

Nobody comes close to the amazing faggotry Jim Norton possess - and believe me; I've tried!

Don't tell us civilians how chip works, faggot. Chip works how we want him to work.

You're OP aren't you? Then you're most definitely the biggest faggot.