Ari Shaffir, 42 year old academic dean of comedy, waits almost two entire minutes before talking about his testicles!

0  2016-04-27 by beeseesee


Male comics who rely on dick humor are as bad as female comics relying on vagina jokes. The amount of comedians that think talking about their sex life or junk is entertaining, let alone hilarious content is awful.

Fuck you!

-Jim Norton

You're completely right. Can you imagine the regret that Sirius/XM and Comedy Central has over sinking big money into the Bonfire now that it has turned into nothing but redundant dick and pussy talk?

Stopped listening months ago because Jay couldn't help but bring up sex with almost any topic, or would pull everything back to it. Dick jokes can be funny but dick joke comedians rarely are. It just sounds pathetic that it's the only thing they seem to have on their mind at any time. Learn a talent instead of being stuck with a 13 year old's thought process.

Ari Shaffir fucking blows.

I never understood the fanfare for this guy. He's such a mediocre comic and just not that funny. I think there's a reason he had to showcase for Mitzi like 25x until he got passed at the Store. I don't hate him, and I don't mind him generally on podcasts and stuff, but I really don't get how he's a top tier(ish) comedian.

I'll give you a hint: Starts with a J and rhymes with "ew".


He gained a following from being part of Rogan's crew.

Before that I only knew him as the Amazing Racist.

the Amazing Racist.

one of the best ideas ever

Hey, that's a dick joke

this is the Nasty Show at JFL, of course there is going to be dick jokes

Yeah this dork is confused though, don't worry about him.

in 2011 :/
