I am showing my support for BroJoe's upcoming show! 14/88!!! [Edited removed post]

94  2016-04-27 by CharlieSheenAids


We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.

Are you suggesting we raise a generation of super kids???

14/88 brother rahowa

You assholes are taking this shit too far.

....But I died laughing. Holy shit.

Is Exalted Cyclops really a title in the KKK?

Yes. The Exalted Cyclops presides over the council of Centaurs. Seriously.


now I'm bummed it's not something I can join :( I'd love to be an exalted cyclop.

I'm willing to get a nose job for that title

You really need an eye job tss

Why can't you join?

panera bread employees are deemed too radical for that organization

You'll always be our exalted Cyclops.

are klansmen just D&D rejects?

They were until they removed Bigby's hanging noose from the game.

They're cuckolds.


You assholes are taking this shit too far.

If the news broke later today that he offed himself because of our torment, I still wouldn't give a fuck.

I would, I'd have trouble getting the grin off my face for a week.

You're hxc bro

I'm with you btw, way too far, if it was just Joe's business it's one thing I guess if you feel provoked to this level, but the other band members must be going around wondering WTF Is going on, not fair to them.

After getting a look at their wannabe Bono, I hope they all die.

A little too unsubtle to be mistaken for real.

I imagine Joe's already had the "ders deez guyz on da internet" talk with his venues but still, even if the people there already know to disregard any racist blahzee blah, think about the one who picks that up, the word "klux" catches their eye and they read it. That's awesome.

And it's an Italian restaurant where they probably don't give a care.


You should have mentioned how you're an active member on Joe's website.

oh you guys.

hahaha i love how you add you will show up in full kkk atire hahahabab

Ok..I literally laughed at loud reading this

You never mentioned 2U, although you did note the date.

Bravo. Not since this post have I laughed so hard.

Ha you are just a cyclops.

I couldn't figure out what the shortened name at the top meant until I read the message. My ribs hurt. This is hilarious.


Did anyone else just cum in their pants?

the best method is to show the venues, promoters and anyone involved Bro Joes own words; typed or spoken... if you admit out front your against him but then give a SJW type narrative or motive that is typically how actual SJW accomplish their goals

First post was removed, then was edited to remove "personal info."

Just doin my part to follow the rules and keep the dream alive. Sieg Heil!!!

Thank you for your service

This helps Joe more than anything. Now he can use this as an example of a retarded hater.

Aren't those sites basically scams? They just harvest your email, and then don't send the fax, which would obviously cost money.

And you plucked off the Tooth Fairies wings. Now go tell the faggots about AIDS.

Why are you trying to ruin this man's job? This is just spiteful, vicious mob behaviour. It's one thing to spam someone's facebook with cock pics for a week, but what the fuck are we doing here? How has this sub not been closed yet?



Such sad little boys.

Jesus christ you retards are still congratulating each other on driving jokes into the ground. What a bunch of unfunny loser faggots.

And your faggot ass is still crying about it, like anyone gives a fuck what you think..

They were until they removed Bigby's hanging noose from the game.

They're cuckolds.