Was Patrice so powerful that he could break down his logic with his own logic or put himself in his place with said logic?

0  2016-04-27 by IwishPatricewerehere

We probably won't have an answer to this question until the 25th annual Patrice benefit.


"Fair enough."

A phrase that dope Opie had to steal, he's so unoriginal.

Patrice O'Neal could kill your imaginary friends. Patrice O'Neal could hear sign language. Patrice O'Neal counted to infinity, twice.



During one of his appearancesat least one, including but not limited to in-studio appearances, traveling virus shows, and parties in Buffalo of dubious legality on O&A Patrice referred to logic as "white tricks".

One? You mean half.

Thank you sir. Correction has been applied.

He could only find one white man who did not resort to white tricks.


He would've wanted it this way