Crowder annihilates social justice faggots (epic video)

0  2016-04-26 by [deleted]



Epic? Jesus are we buzzfeed now? Take this weak shit on a plane to your grandmoms house.

Fawk yeah!

Shove that shit right up her fawkin cootah!!!

But my grandma only lives right down the road. Need I take a plane?

I like what he said, but that speed strut back and forth thing he did was terrible.

nervous energy, I'm guessing

That reminds me of the Dane Cook strut where he prowls back and forth on stage as he does his act.

It was as if it were his first day with legs.

I don't think he's hamming it up enough...


Woah! He sure showed those SJW libtards what's what!

He gave them the what for

They were on the business end of a good crowdering

Those folks certainly have some thinking to do I tell ya.

He would fit in perfectly with O&J's morning zoo. He could be the wacky conservative (but not too conservative) guy.

You can really tell that Crowder thought he was in the middle of an "epic" moment. "Boy everyone is gonna be going nuts when they see this!"

Who the fuck is up voting this shit post and downvoting comments like yours?

Wasn't bad, but I think he's trying to emulate Bill Burr a little too hard

Watch out folks, this guy's NOT AFRAID TO GO THERE.

Is it okay to absolutely despise this unintelligent, pompous cunt as well as SJW "progressives"? Sometimes I feel like I am not normal because I find both sides to be equally saturated with faggotry and idiocy.


eh, not bad

They're all douchebags.

my 1 shitty upvote cant fend off the hundreds of gays

Eh, he's no Bill Hicks

Yuck. MLK wasn't that proud of himself after his speech. If he delivered it correctly then the reaction he's probably getting would be tip to anyone that wants to try there hand at ranting, do NOT tell them mid rant that they 'got owned'. That was disgusting. Everything about that made me feel icky (excuse my language)

Crowder struts and talks like a real shitdick. Fuck him.

tw: Strutting

Isn't this that faggot Christian comic who tells people not to have sex before marriage?

I dunno, dudes all crowd work.

Wait a minute, according to Joe we're all SJWs, so shouldn't we be offended by this video?


Reminds me of this.

Very self-congratulatory, not very "funny". But like the sentiment though?


I started a joke which started the whole world crying

But I didn't see that the joke was on me oh no

I started to cry which started the whole world laughing

Oh If I'd only seen that the joke was on me

I looked at the skies running my hands over my eyes

And I fell out of bed hurting my head from things that I said

'Till I finally died which started the whole world living

Oh if I'd only seen that the joke was on me

I looked at the skies running my hands over my eyes

And I fell out of bed hurting my head from things that I said

'Till I finally died which started the whole world living

Oh if I'd only seen that the joke was on me

Oh no that the joke was on me

In America what we mostly call stupid now is really more related to these new forms of morality society is creating.

For instance I have recieved death threats on reddit for expounding what the bible says (having been raised very religiously and having read the book dozens of times) I can pretty regularly see the way people misuse the book since the average Christian will never read it enough to grasp much of its nuance. Why might I receive death threats for talking about a book? Because the bible is immoral because it is against gays. (We weren't even discussing gays, but larger thematic elements and philosophy.)

It's not that I'm stupid, but that I'm immoral.

Likewise I was expounding on John locke's justification for western expansion and manifest destiny. I argued that this material is censored but exists in our everyday life. His philosophy is so widely engrained we cannot avoid it in our own lives. It is literally baked into our economic system.

When i pointed this out I was harassed and berated, linked to iamverysmart not because my argument is stupid. Rather because it is immoral. You cannot in anyway ever say the taking of land from the Indians was justifiable which is exactly what his philosophy does. A philosophy which is so in tune with natural Law and accepted we cannot excise it from our daily lives.

It's a new sjw black and white morality. It is crazy but super prevealant. And is often characterized by blatant hypocrisy.

When this hypocrisy is "moral" such as "abortion is not murder", even though punching a pregnant woman in the belly would constitute the crime of murder. You are stupid for pointing this paradox out. I use this example because it will likely upset many of you. It's Burgoeus white girls who are oppressed by the patriarchy. Its the victimized homosexual studying at Harvard. It's all of these fucktards who are not only not victims but are getting special privilege for their status crying victim.

Another example, if you are a black girl drinking "cups of white folks tears". You are applauded by sjw warriors, but if a white girl labels her mug "black folks tears" she should "be raped in the streets, and all whites should be rounded up like the Jews and killed." The morality of victimhood, in this case racism, creates one if these really obvious and glaring paradoxes.

When the rule of law can be so dramatically impacted by victimhood. It is no surprise that every group is clammering for the greatest victim status. It doesn't just give you greater rights, but grants you the power of the state to punish those who disagree with you. Say something about my victimhood and I can make sure you lose your job, maybe destroy your family. You can also get special treatment from government or private organizations. And if you happen to get in with someone with your brand of victimhood you can get special treatment by them.

The real question is do these little groups join civil society, or do we create a fragmented society where there are tons of little groups? We created special rights to fix society but you can always count on the law of unintended consiquences. If they truly now trump reason and the rule of law is the right to victimhood detrimental to society?

It is the real question. The one this comedian skirts around. But society is better if we allow victimization without repercussion. Society thrives when we can deride, mock, and hate without reprocussion.

I was going to post this but OP you fucked up by hyping it up. It's a decent performance that worked well in contrast with the non professional comedians who struggled to manage the crowd. It wasn't an annihilation. It's not like the social justice faggots shut up afterwards. They just got worse

Human version of South Park's "Reality"

Destroyed. Took all of our thoughts and tied them together quite nicely.

Speak for yourself, culture warrior. You should be embarrassed to suggest that this fag is speaking for you.

this is gonna make a lot of the sjw's here on O&A reddit pee themselves

No he doesn't. /r/forwardsfromgrandma