Compound Media ™ feels disastrous

32  2016-04-26 by maynardsabeast

Like Oqie Radio levels of bad. Like wtf were they thinking not allowing this sub to affect their lives


official logo has leaked

Anthony's name got removed from his Sirius XM channel and his channel at home. HAHA

Compound Meqia sucks.

Nice, but the p should be flipped.

Getting better but still missing something

Not Guinnessy enough


This deserves gold. I don't have gold.

Nana's Advice And Call-in Program.

Tsss...yeah! or sumpthin


Compound Media is fitting. Goes along with the shitty green screen, stupid desk, and incompetent production. For contrast, look at the Alex Jones set, it's amazing. Also stop calling your half acre lot a "compound."

But it has guns and a go bag!

I used to think he only called it that to impress teenaged waifs. Like he'd go pluck them out of some suburb and tell them, you're safe from scary black people here. But after seeing the results of the last year and a half it's obvious it had just as much to do with impressing those douches who go there for poker and pool parties. They have kind of a deal. Ant makes them feel like they're in the place to be for race war prep, they make him feel like everything he does, says and thinks is spot on.

It's not even to impress anyone, he made a go-bag because he had nothing else going on. Whats the matter mister Ant? Blacks got your stuff?

They should stop trying to make it look professional and lean into the amateur weirdness of it. Just start branding it as a bunch of sociopaths trying to figure it out.

You will never get originality out of ant any more. I agree he could make a watchable show by doing something like that but the best he can realistically hope to do on his own is pretend like he's some kind of x-rated Letterman.

About on par with "Prestige Worldwide." Maybe since Ant probably found Gawd in rehab, Compound Media will be some sort of Christian network. One can only hope.

Boats & Hos!

Well according to the membership numbers people are throwing around, you could call it "The 700 Club"... dvv dvv

New shows from Kirk Cameron and Willie Aames would likely be far more (unintentionally) entertaining than the shit currently on the network.

Willie Aames went from showering with Phoebe Cates to educating children about God. He is the dumbest man in existence.

Tss Willie Aames better set his sights higher or sumthin

Ugh good one, chip

this would be glorious

Reminds me of American Psycho when all the douches are showing off their business cards.

Look at the subtle off white coloring, the tasteful thickness of it...

its even got a watermark

It's called bone

Let's see Bobos card, awright

Scanned in my copy for ya:

"Bobo" from OpieRadio

One Man Band

Ownder of Mr. Muhloohinaigins


And the writing is something called Silian Braille.



Fawk yeah!!

If you don't think studio on the city changed everything, just you wait for the new brand name.

I hear Ron and Jim are coming in the fall.

To identify the body.

It won't be Ron's first autopsy

Comqound Meqia

Someone should scoop up before Brother Joe scrapes the change from Anthony's sofa cushions and gets his unemployed hands on it.

"Oh, here's his gu--BLAM."

Brother Joe's show: Compound Interest, a Joey Pies joint

This would not surprise me. I was hoping something along the lines of "Compound Me"

Infirmary Media

I can understand removing Anthony's name because of the marketing issues/PR but...Compound Media? That name doesn't just suck cock, it sauté's it, eats it and then is imprisoned in a glass cell in Baltimore.

How about you have like one brainstorm session with a few people before picking a name. Seriously these are creative people but the best they can come up with are names like Compound media or GAS digital.

Sounds like they're preparing for a mass exodus of shows and/or Ant going to prison for a bit.

Suddenly I realized if Ant goes to prison, Joe will probably go into 'Burt Young From Rocky IV' mode and ends up giving the accountant power of attorney to rob them blind.

I'm hoping he goes into "Apollo Creed from Rocky IV" mode

When he got all sexy with muscles?

I feel you.

Rigor Mortis make a nigga look JACKED.

Nah, the comparison would end when he started screaming about his gun as soon as he saw James Brown. Then he would knock himself out trying to flee because the last time he saw a gleeful black lady he lost his job two days later.

I'm from philly and don't even understand this rocky reference sir.

It's why they were poor in Rocky V: The Abortion. Paulie lost them all of their money as detailed above. Go birds.

Male birds have pekkas. Male pekkas have birds.

Yeah, apparently nobody expected to come back from Russia, so they gave Paulie the drunk power of attorney....which then the accountant then conned him to sign some stuff and suddenly blam, everything is gone. And Burt Young grumbles and nothing more is said about it because....well, the movie sucked. In fact, it sucked hard, and that's why nobody remembers it. It is funny that the series goes from IV's 'America is great' to V's 'now it sucks, where's my Lambos.'

Yeah it's a pretty shitty name.

Shouldn't it really be "KAMPFpound Media"?

its the beginning of the end

I don't really know what's going on here. won't load for me. regardless, I look forward to this being mocked relentlessly

Keith is already making the new logo for the Ron and Anthony show

The only positive I can see with a name like this is it sounds like a place where Joey Pies could roll up his........could get a lot of work done.

Probably because of all the cancelled affiliate accounts associated with the shitty TACN.

I don't know how Anthony ever thought associating with the word Compound was ever cool. It sounds like a word that a deranged white supremecist militia man would be into. Never mind.

This is the fanbase he is going for though

It sounds like a word that a deranged white supremecist militia man would be into.

You answered your own question.

Nothing about Anthony's solo venture hasn't felt half-assed and doomed to fail. The only jolt of energy TACS had since its inception is this month's slew of guest stars, probably the only hail mary this dunce has left.

Yeah...yeah it does.

Nah it's just non descript


Nana's Advice And Call-in Program.