Louis CK likes to jerk off in peoples faces both sexually and 'artistically'

23  2016-04-25 by crunchtimestudio

He stinks and I don't like him.


He likes to show his penis to retarded girls behind the dumpsters of fast food establishments.

Yeah but we've all been there

Oh, no doubt.

Master Po and Louis CK share that in common.

Master Po only pulls that puppy out at the Dojo.

That would explain why his Dojo mysteriously burned to the ground.

Exactly, it was a vigilante molestation victim.

link to a source?

i won't believe you until you show me a source for this, he probably didn't say this on O&A

It's in one of his old specials.

There was a blind item on some websites a year or two ago about a comedian who likes to get chick comedians back to his room and jack off in front of them. They said it was a big name male comedian. Nothing ever came from it but if it was Louis he rules.

When he shows his cock to girls, he does it as if it's a Godard film.

It's spelled Gottfried, and that was my favourite part of Problem Child 2.

I'd bet money that he masturbates to the comment regularly

There's rumors that he likes to beat off in front of female comics at random times. Google it.

What did you think I meant, dummy.

Google it.

Nah, can't one of you faggots just post the best, most relevant link about Louis and his disgusting beat off habits so I can get all caught up? Stop being such lazy cunts.

Ian Halperin ftw

In all honesty was he really turned on by garfunkel and oats or whoever the fuck the unfunny hipster bints are?

louis is a real fag now but he was funny as shit in his prime. he will always have a gay place in my gay heart


