When did Kevin Smith stop doing the show?

13  2016-04-25 by ManiacalChrisBenoit

I didn't see him appearing for a while before Ant got the boot. Wondering if anything went down.


ME: He's on the phone and he wants in bad.

ME: he's been sleeping on his phone to make sure he gets up

There definitely was an incident where he got upset at Opie for shit talking him or something.

I seem to remember that they had had him on for an interview, and they ignored him a bit, and then it turned into a Kevin Smith is needy and on too much thing. It was very passive aggressive.

Edit, here we go, I misremembered a bit of it, but -

http://www.reddit.com/r/opieandanthony/comments/320ls4/anyone_have_a_link_to_when_kevin_smith_called_in/ .

Thing is, Kevin is actually bringing something to every discussion he is a part of. Opie interrupts and asks dumb questions just to keep moving on to different topics.

Audio of these things though?

I think the thing was he called in and Opie said something like Kevin Smith is dying to get in and Kevin called him on it.

Yes that's exactly it. Opie was totally guilty of a stupid Opie-ism with the "X is dyyying to get in" like Kev is fuckin' snowayy, and Kevin was guilty of being a touchy bitch about the whole thing.

I like Kevin but he is a known touchy bitch see Adam Carolla podcast with them going back and forth over a failed pilot. Adam acted professional and Kevin emotional.

Or when he was a bitch tweeting about that airline kicking him off because he was too fat for the seat. I didn't have any sympathy for a 300 plus pound millionaire bitching about having to buy an extra ticket.

I like his movies too but he seems pretty hypocritical. I remember reading Silent Bob Speaks a couple of years before those tweets and one chapter was all about how he was going to turn his life around health wise and asking people to guilt trip him if they ever saw him pigging out at a party or restaurant.

I know he's lost a lot recently though and good on him for that.

Things started getting sour when Ant, in my opinion, purposely broadcasted his laptop mic on Paltalk while Opie was talking shit on Kevin before a show. You could hear Opie clearly saying Kevin only wanted to talk about himself. Everyone stayed quiet. Later on, Kevin came in, wouldn't really participate, then stated he didn't want to make it about himself. Obviously people had tweeted him before hand ratting Opie out, but Op played it off like he didn't know what was going on and said something about how awkward it was. Ever since, I think it's always been awkward and Kevin didn't want to be on. He did come back a few times for years, but once Ant got fired, it was over with him coming on. Most likely because he shared the most in common with Ant and remembers what Opie said about him

But he's been on since Anthony left. Your wrong

Then what happened?

i fucked your mother's greedy ass


likely around the time FAGGOT TITS....in a studio discussion acted exasperated @ SMITHS call, saying:

"hold on, hold on.......Kevin Smiths on the phone.....& is BEGGING to get in on this " **
(add aging-bro voice)**

to which Kevin replies:


(OR, time opie licked Smiths nuts for 2hrs.....then, LIKE FAGGOTS DO.....started shit-talking right when Smith walked out the door)

That's what I remember. Opie passive aggressively shit on Smith a few times and I bet Smith figured "fuck it".

He was on the Opie and Jim show after he lost all the weight, talking about sausage fest or something. It's been within the past year I think.

yea it was over the summer, he was talking about sugar

Yeah and peanut butter cheetos

I think Sherrod being a fat tongued nigger when asking abot Bruce Willis or Opie needing to up his text game made him cringe at the thought of being anywhere near the O w/J show.

fat tongued nigger

At least TRY to be charming with the Sherrod hate

you obviously didnt watch it

It's not his fault you get uncomfortable in seeing nigger used as a derogatory term. It works fine in that context.

I gotta go to work but in case you reply with "what do you mean?": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KNoO8NX-Keo#t=1m45s tell me theres a more accurate phrasing for that and ill go ahead and use it. just calling a spade a spade.


Reported to Huffman himself.

I just think he got to busy with the Smodcast network & getting back into making movies. For a while there he was doing a show live on his website at the same time O&A was on.

I stopped listening to Kevin Smith after during one of his live podcasts, he kicked a fan out for referring to George Clooney's wife as a jew. Kevin was acting like a big pussy during the whole thing, saying stuff like "we don't need your hate around here!" and then proceeded to have security throw the guy out of the building

Opie: We helped put the Kevin Smith on the map. NOBODY was talking about the Kevin Smith. Thought he was a friend of the show. Now he won't even come on anymore.


he has a really busy schedule. he gets fitted for hockey jerseys about 40 hrs a week

My favorite Kevin Smith moment was when he called in on a day when Louie and Patrice were on, and they immediately forgot about him and he was silent for like 5 minutes until Opie reminded them he was on the line. He got one line in and they promptly went back to ignoring his existence.

My least favorite was when he called in during the Mel Gibson tapes, when everyone was laughing and making jokes and all the Kevster did was say bullshit wimpy stuff like "Man, this guy like really hates women."

Well, hes not a comedian though, hes a producer pluggin movies, so what do you expect? With Patrice and Louie on? Probably Jim aswell? Also Ant? Meaning, 3-4 quick witted asses slinging jokes on a daily basis, vs Kevin on the phone. Who's not even close to live the same life as they are, being comedians.

Please, put yourself in that situation, I doubt you would even attempt to say anything. So stop being such a dry cunt.

Let's not pretend that the guy who wrote Clerks is living a sheltered grandma life

You do know he tours around with his own comedy show right? Also I didn't say he was quiet. He was talking, just being a typical white knight. Kevin's a boob who hasn't made anything good in like 20 years.

Does he have anything to plug?

Awful movies, Clerks was the only good movie he ever did, after that it's a never-ending shitshow. This man had a hand in the making of Daredevil. Jesus what a shit movie

And is Clerks really that great? I never got into it. I liked Dogma, that's about it. Also Mallrats was a steaming pile of shit.

Clerks was great for its time but hasn't aged particularly well.

Dogma and Clerks II were decent. J&SBSB was watchable if you were into the characters.

Counterpoint: Clerks 2 was a horrible piece of shit.

Yeah, you're right about Clerks. It didn't hold up. I have almost no recollection about the second one, but The Lord of the Rings shit did make me laugh.

Blame "South Park" for a lot of that. Before South Park stuff like "Clerks" seemed far edgier.

That's a pretty good point.

Hell- before South Park, "The Simpsons" was viewed as controversially edgy.

Nah maybe not, but for the time it was pretty out there. Overall the 90's just sucked ass

Kevin is based in LA so there is a time difference, and stopped coming on the show years before Ant was stabbed in the back by Opie.

He moved on to be a regular on Kevin & Bean and has been doing a weekly podcast with K&B third mic Ralph Garman. Kevin stopped putting Jimmy Norton into movies and started putting Ralph into movies.

Kevin was a guest in studio about a month before Ant got fired. He was also on the O&J show around mid last year.

I probably could have written "coming on the show regularly" for clarity.

First he supported O&A over Stern publicaly then he got bumped from the show and he just wouldn't come on again. I think that's what happend

In my fantasy? before he started.

He used to do the show all the time... we've gotta get him back in here

Yeah so he can chat with Judy gold and sherrod small... Epic raqio


He stopped being a regular when Anthony was fired. He hates Opie and one day that Chatty Cathy Mr. Smith will gives us Greggshells 3.

Yeah so he can chat with Judy gold and sherrod small... Epic raqio