Joseph Cumia, you know he cares.

68  2016-04-25 by yzyman


Joe doesn't care who is on the money as long as his brother keeps doling it out on schedule every week.

In a completely unrelated turn of events the Cumia family has decide to only use 1's, 5's, 10's, 50' and 100's from now on.

"Hey as long as I can still use it to pay neighborhood kids to spit in my mouth for sexual reasons, it's fine by me!"

Wonder how old his daughter will be before Anthony is telling her that she and her friends can come over and use Uncle Ant's pool?

"Suuuuuurreeeee you and yer little friends can come over to use Uncle Ants pool. Just don't bring no tattle tails wit you. Come here and let me check those bikinis girls, can't have you stealin nuttin!! Who wants to earn a new laptop and ipad from yer Uncle Ant?"

And Joe would probably turn a blind eye as long as he gets his allowance.

6 months ago

Probably true sad to say.

As long as I got enough for a buttered roll and a container'a coffee I'm square, what the hell do I know

I'll take two 10s please

Gotta hand it to Joe Cumia for consistently remaining color blind and against handouts.

"Gotta hand it to Joe" - Anthony when he hands Joe money

Liberals are mad about the money thing?

No Joe is mad about the money thing, but doesn't want to be forthright about it.

Actually I think he means that Liberals thought they were going to annoy Joe and the real Americans by changing money, but Liberals cant get under his skin. Which is batshit crazy.


Pre racism purge, Joe would absolutely be at the store, filming in portrait mode, specifically requesting two tens instead of a twenty, making sure the black cashier knows why he's doing it, and hamming it up for the camera.

While wearing his lftc nazi regalia

*as long as my brother gives me enough to take care of me and mine

harriet tubman = fred flinstone to the well-read joe cumia

Translation: "To prove I'm not racist I'm going to list two 60 year old white characters as alternatives. To prove I'm not angry I'm going to YELL AT LIBERALS and call their efforts to personally piss me off silly. So TAKE THAT, LIBERALS who follow me!" "Oh, and I almost forgot: FUCK!"

The way he capitilizes some words make his posts read like he's Tourettes Guy

He really is retarded, man.


Comparing Harriet Tubman to Fred Flintstone and Howdy Doody... Doesn't seem racist at all to marginalize her like that.

Silly. . . liberals? Did he accidentally type that or does he just shoehorn in references to liberals? Literally the only people that are against the money thing are a select few conservatives.

Everything is because of Liberals if you're a Cumia.

He means they are the ones doing it, not that they are against it.

He should love it- Tubman was a gun totin' republican!

Dave Smith (LOS) said it best: Tubman was a true kick-ass hero. This just shows again Cumia's arent real conservatives - they just don't like the black chappies.

He is the epitome of somebody that would be on government assistance if it wasn't for his brother.

You have to be insane to think he's not on some type of Government handout and I'm sure he doesn't pay taxes.

Hurr durr Liberals.

Cool pop culture references from the 1950s grandpa.

this is some poor child's father for pete's sake.

I bet Anthony touched his kids.


you know if they went to Joe and told him about that "strange" thing Uncle Anthony did in the poolhouse he would be the one to make fun of and humiliate the child in order to keep those checks coming

"As long as my brother gives me enough"

This must be that new kinder, gentler Joe I've heard so much about.

Someone needs to photoshop Sammy Davis Jr's face on some currency.

It's Regular Joe Cumia. "I don't care who the muckity mucks put on my money, as long as I have enough to put food on the table at the end of the day."

I like his over use of "FUCK".Thats a sign of a high IQ sys the "doctors"

That bitch in the photo is about right for, Ant..Huh guys? am i right?

Nice current references.

There's no way he didn't rape that girl.

At least he came up with some current, topical references as examples.

Regular Joe Cumia.

Joe gives so little of a fuck who is on money, that he had to post a gotten-to emotional response about how he doesn't even mind that LIBERALS have upset him by altering the faces on his brother's money.

funny how priorities change when you get into financial troubles.

Whats next ?

Joseph Cumia FEELING THE BERN!!!

Silly liberals? Isn't it the racist neo cons making a big deal of this nonsense?

It was changed because liberals are offended by Andrew Jackson.

They just wanna put a black person on some money. Everything I understand about Tubbman she was a bad ass bitch and a true hero. So fuck Andrew Jackson- shout out to my girl Harriet. Beaides, money is fucking evil anyways, realistically they should put Hitler, Manson, Bin Laden, Dick Cheney, and the cast of Big Bang Theory on it

Cute how this scumbag's confidence slowly builds back up as his personality template nears the end of his rehab stint.

Every time this bad ass speaks, I'm like, "this guy's a motherfucking bad ass."

as long as i have enough of it to take care of "me and mine?" ew


what the fuck is howdy doody?

Everyone is going to write nigger on the Tubman $20s and this is going to start a race war. Just as the Jews want.

Joe would rather see Tubgirl on the 20.

You didn't care enough to tweet.

Only a seasoned vet pulls Fred Flintstone out of the comedy bag o' references. This guy's good
