Just hammin' it up...she's fawkin' good

13  2016-04-25 by [deleted]



This should just be called "Look how famous I am"

By the way, nice Cosby sweater, pig. We all know your strategy. Dressing ironically doesn't hide that post 2nd pregnancy body. I hate Vanity Fair

That sweater (and the inevitable stretch pants) was all they had that fit her at Lane Bryant.


More like "Lame Giant" amirite folks?!?!?

I think I've finally realized why I love this sub. People write to their targets like they're sending a formal letter to them. The best part is that I can imagine all of them reading these and being disappointed.


Ew, her sister's name is Kim Caramele?

Kirk Sinnamin would enjoy that.


I heard the Patriots asked her to replace Vince Wilfork this season because they realize they need more girth up front to replace him after that loss to Denver.

Vince wilfork has been on the texans for two years dummy

I know. I said they realized they needed someone of his girth after losing to Denver.

He didnt play in that game

I know. That's why I said they realized it. Jesus.

they lost to denver in the afc championship game 2 years ago

Say replace again.

it was a good comment

"When things like this happen, people look at me and wonder what's gonna happen"




Kallie Erstey is bigger

The photo of her on the bomb is worth saving for when her next movie & next stand-up special comes out

See Amy Schumer Hilariously React to Jennifer Lawrence Interviews

why the fuck would a human being create this

She hasn't reminded us they're besties in 5 whole minutes.

But watch how fast she denies she knows Big Amy once she isn't cool anymore. She certainly won't be Eddie Murphy letting his washed up friends stay in his guest house.

Ugh I'm not reading or watching any of that shit more than I already tried. But it's essentially "I'm friends with the cool kid" right?

I feel like shes purposefully trying to get all men to turn on her. And whats up with women who write articles either full on making out with someones ass or completely trashing their reputation? Fucking hens...

They either want to destroy a person or be their best friend and make out with them when they're drunk, but as a "joke."

Nothing bothers me more than when someone unironically calls Amy Schumer hilarious.

she is becoming celebrity because ... she is celebrity (?) like Kardashians or something.

Is she promoting anything or they are just writing these articles in tabloid about her because she is famos (?)


Your grasp on the English language leaves a little to be desired.

holy fuck yuck


Who else was treated to a lesbian-couple-at-home "Apple News" commercial preview?

The highlight of this "reaction" video was toilet-humor: the zinger was Actually about toilets, piss, and assholes. #ComedyGold

it's fawking hilarious

Amy Schumers arms are almost as big as mine, and I'm the size of an NFL tackle. This pig is a millionaire and could easily have a top notch trainer and even a chef to cook her meals. The rest of us have to do pushups in our apartment and put together meals from Costco.

Apartment? Nigga you buggin..we know you in a basement like the rest of us be


"Exclusive: Monica Lewinsky Writes About Her Affair with President Clinton"

More like "Vanity County Fair" (tss tss)

I figured out why Amy decided to get fat. It's like the actor that plays Mac on it always sunny, when he was fat for one season. He said he wanted Mac to be fat because it would be funny. Maybe Amy seen all the love that fatty Melissa McCarthy was getting and Amy decided to get aboard that gravy train. Pun intended.

No, I don't think that's it.


talented stand-up comedienne


I thought "bankable movie star" was far worse and also a lie.

She's getting fatter

She's no Jenny Carm!

I move that Amy Schumer from this day forth be referred to as 'Chow Down'. Further, that when she utters her political and social views or anyone speaking such similar said to be demonstrating 'Chow Downs'. Second?

I know. That's why I said they realized it. Jesus.