Clip request

0  2016-04-25 by TedChrist

Clip of Norton bringing in a book of homosexual fiction and making the interns read it. I think it was called rent boys but when I do a YouTube search I just get a 2 min clip of jimmy reading one. Love y'all niggas


More like Chip request. Am I right?


Yeah it was called Rent boys. He first brought the book in really early in their XM days, probably late 2004 or early 2005 at the latest. They would make interns read from it as a punishment when they messed something up, so it happened on quite a few different shows. They didn't use it very often though because Opie claimed Jim had been bringing too much gay to the show.

I re-listened to some of their early XM stuff not long ago and most of it has not aged well in my opinion, but that was one bit that really made me laugh when it happened. Sorry I can't narrow it down further than that time-frame.


Noah? Is that you?


That sounds like Noah to me.

I have a weakness for young filipino boys, so I know how you feel. When I'm not moderating the /r/tacn sub I'm trying to organize some boy sex for myself.