I was at Jim's Unmasked taping. You guys are gonna hate it.

82  2016-04-25 by Mrfinley

Because he:
*Claims that when Anthony told him rehab he "knew he was serious"
*95% of the humor is tranny jokes.
*When asked about the Chip Cartoon, he offers no specifics as to what's happening with it, gives vague talk of "new ideas", blames others for setting the $200,000 target.
*Also claims that it's the truest incarnation of the character, and that fans simply have a different expectation.
*Defends Opie re: the show break-up
*Refuses to give thoughts on resigning in October.
*Talks alot about Club Soda Kenny (although disparagingly)
*Reveals at length that he's not a real big fan of P.C. culture and - apparently! - values free speech for comedians in this country!!
*talks about why O&A fans are disgruntled, and offers condescending and simplistic explanations.

That said, the audience and I had a great time. Ronnie B. was hilarious, quick as ever, and brought the hard hitting questions. I was hammered though, so I'm probably forgetting a lot.


I'm excited that he isn't holding back about PC culture. I would love to hear his thoughts.

I wonder if that's why he's voting Trump, he's just sick of "it". He just never says...

I doubt he knows which district hes registered in, let alone his polling place.

Every tranny on the west side has been to Jim's "polling place."

You mean his asshole right?

I didn't even think of that but now that you mention it.


I wonder if he has anything to say about the media.


He says they can go fetch a stick for all he's concerned!

Are you ready for hard hitting non committal middle of the road hypocrisy?

The louder you scream, the harder he delivers uncontroversial opinions that we heard a decade ago.

I can't wait for him to retcon this when Amy makes a heartfelt YouTube about Respect For Others.

It's like when a woman says she's a feminist. Yeah no shit you are, you're a female stupid. Where are the women actively trying to stop gender equality.


* This comment wasn't an invitation to have a discussion about feminism. So you can fuck off with posting your articles and dumb opinions. It has zero to do with the post you dumb faggots.

Feminists are against gender eqality

Are They?

Most definitely. They assume all women are victims incapable of their own agency because of a nebulous "patriarchy" that opresses them

Do they?

Pretty much. You check out Christina Hoff- Summers. Shes a 1970s feminist who talks about how modern feminism became antiwoman and authoritarian

Does she?

If you dont change the subject ill just keep bombarding you.

Will you?

This whole thing made my morning. Thanks dicks.

Will I Am?

Were you required to take gender studies?

Was I?

She's also a fucking idiot and not a feminist at all. Just FYI.

The only thing faggier than a feminist is an MRA like ol' biobot.

Why are people downvoting you?

Women are much worse off since feminists took over. Forty years ago, the average woman stayed at home and raised her children. Now the average woman is a single mom who has to work AND raise her kids. Feminism is a shitty deal for women.

Also, women entering the workplace suppressed wages for the entire country. Basically it's a zero sum game; when women entered the workplace they reduced the value of labor across the board. (The more people who work, the less that it's worth.)

This is why corporations are pro-feminism and pro-immigration; they want to reduce the value of labor.

do they?

Purchase yourself a dictionary.


Or words that contain an action commonly associated with a pussy.

Lol are you a male feminist? Egalitarianism is eqality. Feminism is... uh .... just women. Its in the name. Feminists can change the d3finition all they want. To bad their actions speak louder

the way this thread became an argument about feminism this quickly is amazing tbh

I blame mr. schortschorts

he should be executed in a similar fashion to the leaders of the Munster Rebellion.

That is too tame.

You triggered them. They should go back to tumblr and hide in their safe space.

A male feminist?

Like a menimist perhaps?

I'm hella smart.


You gotta be in the top ten of dumbest people here.

*Hey biobotX1 my comments went from +5 to -4 without decreasing my comment karma which means you're using alt accounts to upvote yourself and downvote me you obvious faggot.

Did you take gender studies?

I've actually met and know quite a few women around my age and much older who have actually outright said they don't like modern day feminism or feminists. Unprovoked too, trust me that's not the type of information I try to elicit from anybody. Let's not talk controversial issues while I'm trying to get in or around your pants. Also you'd be surprised at the amount of objectively unflattering females (not by my standards,lol, amirite gang?!) who think abortion should be illegal because they view having a baby as a punishment.

Tsss...yeah maybe they're a buncha femoutists or sumpthin

I wish I could upvote and downvote this at the same time.





Hahaha fuck man welcome back, I'm glad you didn''t die while taking a shit.

Unlike Elvis and his poo suede shoes.

Maybe feminisnt's?

First, to assume that the word “feminist” refers solely to the radical wing of the movement is incorrect. The official definition of a feminist is anyone who believes in political, legal, economic and social equal rights for the sexes. Like it or not, if you believe in gender equality, then you are by definition a feminist, even if you highly would not like to identify as one and view all feminists as irascible harpies. Feminism isn’t about encouraging women to act like men in order to reach equal status or hating on men or superiority. The goal of feminism is to create a space in which women can thrive, an environment without aggression or sexual violence, an environment in which alpha males are not idolized for taking advantage of women in their moments of weakness


Okay for starters don't open with the dictionary says x because the definition of nigger is "an ignorant person."

a contemptuous term for a black or dark-skinned person.

Origin late 17th century (as an adjective): from earlier neger, from French nègre, from Spanish negro ‘black’ (see Negro).


So you can't just shoehorn what could possibly be an outdated definition into an argument without evaluating how the word has changed since it was first introduced? Word up dude, keep fighting the good fight retweeting Jezebel articles.

Is this whole site a bunch of boring sjw/anti-sjw conflict? I thought we were here to talk about our favorite former shock jock soap opera. that's pathetic enough without all this

Opie has breasts.

Why do women need a space to thrive? Arnt women capable? Whats keeping them down?

First, to assume that the word “copy-paste” refers solely to the radical wing of the movement is incorrect. The official definition of a feminist is anyone who believes in political, legal, economic and social equal rights for the sexes. Like it or not, if you believe in gender equality, then you are by definition a feminist, even if you highly would not like to identify as one and view all feminists as irascible harpies. Feminism isn’t about encouraging women to act like men in order to reach equal status or hating on men or superiority. The goal of feminism is to create a space in which women can thrive, an environment without aggression or sexual violence, an environment in which alpha males are not idolized for taking advantage of women in their moments of weakness

Just no. That would be an egalitarian, not a feminist. They can try to rebrand the word "feminist" as much as they want, but the root of the word remains the same.

Egalitarian is just a word for people who hate equality movements who don't want to flat out admit that their racist.

No, no it isn't. Back to Jezebel with you. Got any more buzzword "-isms" to throw out?

What, you mean like "egalitarianism", the word you just used?

Also, yes it is. I'm right and youre wrong. Back to Jezebel with you.

How is that a buzzword when I pointed out that nobody uses it, and instead improperly use "feminism"? A buzzword is a popular phrase thrown around constantly, not a little known word that should be used. Way to try and repeat my stuff back to me while completely failing. Fucking loser; you're not even close to being right.

Egalitarian gets thrown around constantly by people trying to discredit feminism. I'm right, you're wrong, I win, you lose.

No it doesn't. You can type that, but you're lying. For example, a google search for Feminism produces 50.7 million results. For Egalitarianism, only 1.02 million. So a word used 50 times less than the other is still a buzzword? And then when you said "go back to Jezebel": what? They don't use the term egalitarian there, that was the entire point of why I called you on using the bullshit definition of feminism. You're now so desperate that you have to declare yourself the "winner" because you know you're wrong. How pathetic you are.

That's because feminism isn't a buzzword, it's a legitimate school of thought. Egalitarian is a buzzword that anti feminists use to be contrarian.

Also I win. Go back to Jezebel.

Anyway. Are you saying feminism is a synonym for egalitarianism? If thats true why does feminism assume primacy of female problems?

I'm saying it's weird to argue about feminism on this thread. The way victimhood works is available at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karpman_drama_triangle and yea its pernicious

Run away. No safe spaces here

yeah. clearly no safe space from boring rehashed nonsense about shit no one cares about in a site about irrelevant comedy figures

The goal of feminism is to create a space in which women can thrive, an environment without aggression or sexual violence

This is why you definition of feminism is wrong; men love and thrive in aggression (and we love sex and violence too [generally]), therefore, feminism seeks to privilege a woman's preferred conditions. That is not equality; that is acquiescing to women and belittling our own strengths. That is making women superior and precious, and you a protector (you're really crushing traditional gender roles there genius). No. Fuck off and humiliate yourself elsewhere.

Men do not love violence in their personal life in general. This was a really stupid thing you just said. You're stupid.

You're right. Nobody likes football or boxing or action movies or comic books or war documentaries or true crime series. We hate violence.

No one wants to live in a violent neighborhood stupid


Equal opportunity, fine. Equity? Fuck off.

Lol, downvoted for accurately describing what feminism here. Unfortunately a lot of people here are really fucking stupid.

Feminism is bad for everyone, women in particular.

82% of women do not identify as feminists.


Thank god you are here, in this hive of villainous feminism, shining a light on the beast within.

OP is the real champion in this thread.

When will they learn to respect your hard core trolling skills. You even had me going for a bit.

It's pretty simple. We were all better off before feminism. Women in particular. I'm putting my money where my mouth is. My wife raises our kids and I pay the bills.

Then dont say dumb shit

yeah, he really gives it the business I tell ya

I hear he really gave it to those fat-cats in Washington...

Can't wait to hear another solid Fagatorial

I don't plan on listening as I'm not a comic. Not being in the industry, it will surely be over my head.

Tbh, as a civilian, they steered clear of too much in depth craft talk. Thank God, cuz to a plebe like me, it seems like magic what they do!

Oh, good. Once the professionals start discussing what is funny and what isn't I may as well be listening to a lecture on string theory!

Yeah, this was my first time at the "cellar" and I tried perusing some of the literature about the "feel of the room" beforehand, but just sitting there I don't think I was fully able to appreciate it. Just imagine.. being 3 feet away... on the other side of the microphone... intuiting the space.. then I'd have 18 hours of podcast material

So obnoxious. I'm not a comedy analyst but I have a bachelor of science I'm pretty sure I can comprehend the basics of dick jokes.

No you can't because you see you are a civilian!!!!!!!

nigga so ugly, should stay masked.

No one cared who I was until I put on the mask.

That fella is a pedo

For you

No the Indian bitch said something like his only crime was that he made love to me, bane saved her when she was a kid, unless bane is a cumia, he's a pedo


If i pull that off will you die?

You're a wormy guy!

for you

For someone who never sleeps, he never seems to have eye bags.

He has sleep apnea?

Yeah, now that you mention it, he's never really discussed it before.


The fact that he buys into Anthony's rehab shows what a boob he is. And shows how fake his own rehab stories are.

Maybe he's just trying to help the public stature of a friend who has found himself in some legal trouble?

Hey guys...I'm starting an IndieGoGo. I'd like you guys to give me 200k up front now, and then me and my guys are gonna "kick around some ideas".

Sound good?

To be fair, I'm pretty sure he knows that he cant just release the type of shit he's been releasing. He's probably like fuck, now that I took peoples money, and they hate what we got, we gotta figure something else out. It is better than getting 3 more episodes of sub-ebaums world circa 2004 silly vids

but he said its going great and he loves the direction of the show right?

if its the "true" incarnation of chip, then the true one sucks and I want the fake one back

At some point you actually have to LISTEN to what your fans want and not just ignore them pretend like they don't understand. People aren't just going to pay to see Chip in his "true form". Jim has spent so much time bashing callers I think it's really hard for him to actually respect what his fans think.

I miss when I use to like Jim. Simpler times.

Come on man. Think of all the LAFFS over the years.

Resign means to give up one's position with an organization.

Re-sign means, in this context, to continue a contract.

Which do you mean?

He is re-signing this October so he can resign himself to another year of mediocre horseshit.

both work, no?

Fix your bullet points dunderhead.


Well I tried.

When does it air? Lots of stuff to shit on him about and I've got a feeling this sub might be a bit mean about it.

Oh I don't know, one thing I know about this place is that it's fair and rational...

I don't think that it is at all.

Friday 4/29 on Bennington - 2pm ET hour.

Not sure, The taping was last tuesdee

they're playing it the last hour of this friday's show

I need to know if he mentioned anything about language and if there's some sort of commonality

That makes me tense up whenever I hear that. Professor Norton discusses linguistics.

No Chinsky

God damn that's good

Any Chomsky?

There was, mercifully, a paucity of pretentiousness of that sort for the most part.

The fact that Jim wants to make Chip a character in and of himself and not a way to deliver a joke makes me want to set him on fire and kick him off a building.

Give em the ole' Islamic Gay Marriage

I think I'm done being a fan of Jim Norton.

Are you going to use another comedians character's catchphrase as your username?

Nah can't be fucked

Wait so there's tranny jokes, phew thank god. You know he just doesn't give us enough of those.

Take heart in knowing that Ron makes it work most of the time

i wonder if tranny shitting on his chest was mentioned?

Also claims that it's the truest incarnation of the character, and that fans simply have a different expectation

He's fucking joking right?

Wow, everything I hate about Jimmy all in one package! Can't wait to not listen.

I'm tellin' you, Ron makes it worth it.

I love Ron but no, not after reading your OP, he can't.

He subtly undercuts Jim's B.S. and also takes shots at how full of shit O&A both are.. I enjoyed it.

"Jimmy, have you heard my fatso daughter, Gail, parrot everything I say? How about my fatso, drug addicted producer who has to kiss my ass or he'll lose his 17 dollar an hour job, Hicks parrot everything i say?

That's so much better than O and J...but not TACS. I fully support TACS. I have no qualms with a guy hospitalizing a woman as long as he is running a podcast network i invested money in." - Ron Bennington.

Gail is not fat, she is SLIGHTLY cushioned. 10/10 would.

She looks like Ron with a wig on.

Oh, you wouldn't fuck Ron? Not even out of respect? Way to show your appreciation, dude.

Biggest thing about the fucking Chip show no one mentions that's the Biggest problem, Jenny Fucking Carm. We want Jimmy, not this bitch

she's mentioned in the unmast. But who knows? to Jim, his relationship with her spawned all these characters. Without her, they never would have happened. Would you give your muse a cut if she helped you dissociate your way through dealing with a cement bag lunch carrying poor boy made good ex-caddie ex-mafia radio genius?

How hard is it for Jimmy to just be like, "Nah, let's set the target funding at $50,000"? Who's project is it, after all - theirs or his?

Yeah, he would be sittin' there, with his container of coffee..

Well, if you had no respect for a medium (animation) and yet still wanted to attempt it, you wouldn't make sure it was someone else's fault if it failed?

He's one of the worst interviewer ever and still dream of being a talk show host

I really don't understand why he has delusions of grandeur. Most of us are fans of his and support him. All he wants to do is other things that have nothing to do with his fan base. I also want to shoot the five drunks and two hot chicks (including Jenny-Carm....Yuk) who told him to animate Chip.

Way to discredit yourself at the end, you drunk queer. Now I hafta listen to that piece of shit myself.

If being drunk discredits my queerness, then I'll have to eat your shit myself.

Well then, it's a date.

The well must be running dry for Unmasked.

If the rehab was voluntary and not court-ordered, then Ant would take it seriously and not be tweeting and be on Instagram, while there.

By the end of the list I was hoping to read "Peckahs." Norton is an ass.

When does this bullshit air?

Ive heard that story about the butcher knife and the window. He never mentioned he did coke before ever. Plus the way he says it.... hes a lying fuck

what story is this? is this during the throes of addiction?

did he say "i am doing better than ever " or " I'm happier than I have ever been" ? ... the breakdown seems like he addressed a lot of negative stuff ... did he acknowledge what appears on the surface to be the beginning of the downswing of his career ??

How can he be happier then ever ? He's one half of O and J

he says some strange shit dude

There was talk of the magazine piece- esquire i think- saying he's at the peak of his career. He was deprecating about it. People here seem to think Jim is delusional and that's why he's not "keeping it real". I think there may be a little of that, but more so it's just craven yet misguided career moves. I don't know which would be worse.

yeah that is exactly what i am curious about.. "peak of his career" in particular, from the outside this last 2 years to me looked like the worst in 10 years ... also the career and financial decisions he made are all terrible... he recently talked about how no one wants another talk show ... after spending 4 years thinking he was the next mike Douglas.

i feel like the cellar "tough crowd" dynamic is what could work for him. other than that i dunno. it seems like he dunno neither. but i dont think hes as delusional as people make him out to be.

i agree about the delusional stuff mostly ... but he just doesn't seem very happy or as funny...but he says he is more happy and never funnier ... i don't get it obviously


I suppose at least he wasn't jerking himself off about not drinking.

But he was jerking himself off and drinking what came out.

what...no pehkas?

I think it sounds just lovely

Didn't Jim say at first that he didn't know O&A couldn't stand each other, then later he said he did know?

Brutality honest. Rip 2001- slightly after

Must be frustrating for Ron to have to "unmask" his own friends, knowing that they're full of shit.

Ron is a feminist. He gives his no-talent daughter a 500,000 dollar a year job. That's feminism for you.

Just look the other way regarding his feminist street cred when it comes to supporting a dude who beat up a woman, broke her ribs and tried to choke the life out of her. That's where Ron's feminist ends

why wouldn't you give your daughter a job if she wanted in? that's how the world works. nepotism. From your local deli to fortune 500 companies. Even former Presidents.

I'm not saying it doesn't happen in all walks of life, or that its bad to look out for your own.

But Ron, who rants and raves (or used to) about kids clinging too close to their parents these days, about how when he was 17 he hit the road and never looked back and can't imagine having to be in his 20's relying on mommy and daddy, and who called out a bunch of those Wall Street tycoons for spoon feeding their children everything they've gotten in life, comes off slightly hypocritical.

He's only giving her an opportunity. She still needs to show up, prepared, and contribute on mic. She's not some producer who shows up half the time.

She's also godawful.

nah, I like her. I had to resist my temptation to immediately hate holes on the air, and I've turned around.


Deep within his own ass.

Do they?

Pretty much. You check out Christina Hoff- Summers. Shes a 1970s feminist who talks about how modern feminism became antiwoman and authoritarian


Yeah, now that you mention it, he's never really discussed it before.

You mean his asshole right?

I really don't understand why he has delusions of grandeur. Most of us are fans of his and support him. All he wants to do is other things that have nothing to do with his fan base. I also want to shoot the five drunks and two hot chicks (including Jenny-Carm....Yuk) who told him to animate Chip.

You're right. Nobody likes football or boxing or action movies or comic books or war documentaries or true crime series. We hate violence.

No one wants to live in a violent neighborhood stupid

No it doesn't. You can type that, but you're lying. For example, a google search for Feminism produces 50.7 million results. For Egalitarianism, only 1.02 million. So a word used 50 times less than the other is still a buzzword? And then when you said "go back to Jezebel": what? They don't use the term egalitarian there, that was the entire point of why I called you on using the bullshit definition of feminism. You're now so desperate that you have to declare yourself the "winner" because you know you're wrong. How pathetic you are.