Roland is dying

56  2016-04-24 by Dennyislife


Notice the tilt of the plane clearly towards Rolands side.

That poor pilot had to fight his weight on the stick the whole way.

If Roland gets up to use the bathroom the plane will crash

We can only hope he had a big meal before boarding.

Or does that go without saying?

Roland looks like one of those face swap photoshops where they put a baby's head on someone's body

Nah, that's a Boeing. Sticks are for queer Airbus and fighter jets. Most likely a yoke, but I digress.

I like the cut of your jib Air Marshal.

Planes have roll trim so this would be a non issue.

Could you imagine having to endure the awful stench of Roland's fat rolls for 4-5 hours on a plane,yuck.

Each rolls smells like a different deli meat.

Ol' antipasto sweats

It probably smells like the space between a cows udders and asshole. I'm not sure what that's called. Cow taint? I don't know. It smells gross though.

its called both the Aitch bone, used for boiling-pieces, stews and pot roasts.

also just Buttock or round, used for steaks, pot roasts, beef รก la mode; also a prime boiling piece.

Smells like an Exxon gas station and fermentation.

MMM that dry, cheesy, sweat smell.

Roland looks like if Shrek let himself go

I don't know who Paul Ofcharsky is, but he must have been a kiddy diddler in a past life to deserve sitting next to Roland on a plane.

Paul is a new employee of the show. I think

He's the one who "accidentally" saw Roland jerking off.

So he swallowed Rolands load.

I saw Roland and this guy sitting next to each other on the G train in Brooklyn about a month ago. They seemed awfully "chummy".

Sure you did.

I did. Roland was wearing a University of Kansas t shirt and Brooklyn Nets shorts (even though it was like 50 degrees).

It's always annoyingly ironic when fat shits wear athletic clothing.

But in reality it makes sense because fatty's are always sweating.

To be fair he just tosses on whatever sports swag he gets for free. You are giving this fat lazy fuck way too much credit

Yes, he makes all the viral videos.


He's the guy Jimmy wants to fuck.

He's the guy I want to fuck

Is Roland available for Stanhope's death pool?

Not quickly enough.

he needs to start booking himself at a doctors office

Perhaps fake Roland could ask Dr Steve for some health advice or list some symptoms that fake Roland might have. Maybe it would help real Roland out.

How is it possible that the airlines don't charge Roland for two seats? You often hear news reports about some fatty being kicked off a plane for being too fat, yet Roland gets a free pass...

Fat, round and bald never looks good. ask that fatso bawby

To be fair, Roland makes Bobby look like Karen Carpenter.

It looks like Roland has Bobby inside of him like one of those russian dolls.

Can you imagine the meals he has at home. I could see this blob eating four whole pizzas.

Roland wears a size 96 hat.

A 43 gallon hat.

Head like a fucking orange.

Paul looks so pleased to be sitting next to that fat piece of shit. I bet Roland's fat was spilling over onto his seat. Or he had his little pecker out and was making Paul look at it.

when Roland dies, will his ghost be fat too?

He'd make a great Beetlejuice character. Sitting around in the waiting room for eternity while the few hundred tumors riddled through his body (look at the lumps in that face!) try to fight the good fight. But they all fail because instead of eating Roland, Roland's famished cells eat them. Dozens of new ones break out every day but every one is overwhelmed, like morning clouds in the desert.

Alright, who is fuck face fred in here?

He truly is a fat slob.

There's no way Roland's arms are long enough to wash between all his fat folds and ass.

I can't imagine how awful that waste of space must smell

I am really reluctant to make a comment here...I do not want to feel like a bag of shit when the inevitable happens in next 60 days. He's what, 40?


There is no way that's human.

Paul looks older than I envisioned him.

he's just spent a weekend with erock, opie and roland. You'd look like that too

I hope he is!

This must one of the airlines that doesn't make disgusting fat bodies pay for two seats.


It's so weird to get satisfaction out of someone's fat death. I should feel bad, but yet, it feels just right.

Did Paul borrow one of opies rad shirts?

To come out of the closet...

I hope the next post is "Roland is dead"

Roland's got a big fat face but his nose eyes and mouth are very close together

Has anyone noticed the guy in background to the right of Rolands fat skull? Is that a 1920's pilot? The fuck is going on there.


I hope he does diet.


Remove the t.

SE7EN movie photoshop using ROLAND.....please....pretty please

Crack open the champagne and tie on the party hats!

It's a celebration bitches!