16  2016-04-24 by GRIZx


Shout out to that rat cocksucker /u/Timmy_branmuffins we know you ratted the sub out to Keith the cop. We know you send all of our shit to Keith you faggot.

I can't watch. Can you hook a brother up with bullet points?

Good man. Thanks

Your back & forth with him in this vid was more interesting than the Luis vs. Nobody podcaster

Hahaha lol at using terms like "rat" and "our shit" to describe an opie and anthony fan forum

This is serious business



Notice he was talking shit about this dude because he was talking shit about Ant? That's all you fucks do is talk shit about Ant.. Like you're a parasite to him. Now you're all butthurt when I show up and annoy you? Louis is right not all on Reddit are trolls. But most of you by definition is exactly that. Cry about having to pay for LOS all you want.. But that's how Gomez gets paid.. You just want to steal his shit.


You should type more paragraphs, faggot. You care too much. 😢


Wait until Empress Fuck-up stumbles out of rehab and into his next inevitable blunder.

You and the shadowbanned stalkers better pray he begs Opie for his job back or it's going to continue to be a rough 2016 for you fucking faggots.



Potentum Podcast is embarrassing. Who would want a meta podcast about this sub? The level of loser to think up that and carry it out is pathetic.

he is by all standards bad at it ... terrible idea poorly executed by an unsympathetic host. not one redeeming quality. not a glimmer of potential.


That was a real ass stroll.


I think it's this

But I don't care enough about any of these people to check further.

Nothing in the history of the internet is gayer than board drama between individual posters. And the internet's history has a whole lotta gay.

lol Some queer is trying to rat out /u/cbanks420lol in Luis' Periscope chat.

Timmy_Branmuffins snitches out everyone he's a massive shitdick.

One day he'll get that Precious compound invite and be able to deepthroat Ant and the rest of the crew and then he can die a happy little sycophant.

Not going to lie I'd like to see a periscope of it.

Man when you find a big word you pound that shit into the ground!

Fuck my asshole, faggot.

You and big words.. Not so much.

Isn't that the dude who spends long hours on the phone with Bobo just so he can get "shout outs" on the show by a Retard?

That's the same fag I was fighting with /u/timmy_branmuffins

Holy shit, he's doing it again? If anyone from the Cumia network ever rejects him, he's going to show up with a gun and put a bullet in someone's head. That motherfucker is Travis Bicklet with autism.

Yeah holy shit is right, take a look at his post history. That's the fucking whitest Knight I've ever seen. It would be fucking severely douchey if he was doing it for a hot girl but he's doing it for a 60 year old man and his failure of a producer Keith the cuck

😂... 😘

Is this true Timmy? Are you being a massive shitdick?


As someone who works and doesn't have time to watch 22 mins of an F level celebrity talking about petty drama.

Can I get the TL;DW version?

TLDW: Ant fucked some trannies

"This isn't my first rodeo"? The cigar? The perving on the chicks?

Where's Joe's Wall of Douche when you need it?

Rather than spend 15 minutes trying to big time a zilch, why not go on the dude's podcast and destroy him in 2? Surely, a Rhinestone Cowboy of Luis' stature could eviscerate the guy without breaking a sweat, unlike the one he broke here, walking to the MGM Grand.

Yet again, Luis proves himself to be a total kids table no-talent. Being involved in these Z-list beefs seems to be about 98% of his "act".

Even if I don't agree with something on here, I wouldnt fuckin snitch. I hope you guys fuck em up

He ain't wrong.

Louis J Pusswar The Cuban Turkey

I'm not sure what this is about, I'm not watching it, but I'm pretty sure it's stupid.

I'm a dumb piece of shit but even I'm above this petty drama

This is a good promo. I hope Vince McMahon is watching.

P.R. Punk

Who fucking gives a sweet fuck about the fag

Luis is an unfunny fuck boy.

Broadcast not found.

Unfunny. Rambling. Same shit said over, and over, and over and over.

I thought people who call themselves comedians are supposed to be somewhat entertaining personalities.