Bill Maher takes aim at white guilt

40  2016-04-23 by vatred


I must admit, I misjudged Mr. Maher. He's still a patronizing asshole, but his show is funny as fuck, and his willingness to mock liberals is much appreciated.

I find the range of opinions of Bill Maher go from "I disagree with everything he says, I don't think he's funny, and he is a smug asshole with a punchable face" to "I agree with everything he says, I think he is hilarious, but he is a smug asshole with a punchable face"

This is what happens when someone doesn't really align themselves with any one specific party or ideology. They just assess things as an individual and react to them.

Anthony and Maher are kinda similar in this way. People align them with specific parties, but they both just handle issues on a one-by-one basis.

The majority of people in real life do that also. It's the fucking pyschos who want to force their opinion on the world that get involved in politics and the media. "I wanna change the world, maaaaan"

Also Ant is hardly fucking rational.

Ant has problems preventing exposing that his life is just as fucked up as many others.

And you're rational, faggot who can't make a point without "fucking"?

You're right, saying "fucking" means I'm irrational and thus my claim that Anthony is "hardly rational" is refuted by the big brain of Barnabus.

nigga got a large assed brain

He is pretty rational when it comes to political issues. He goes off but he does his research, which is more than what you can say for half of this country.

Is he irrational when it comes to other shit in his life? Oh, hell yeah.

I would say Ant is more informed than your average person politically but everything else in his life is out of control. The man is pro gay marriage and hates religion among many other social issues. I know people would just love to label him a typical republican but he is not.

One of my favorite jokes from SNL said that Bill Maher's face looks like an apple that's been left on a radiator.

He's one of the few unique voices left that has the guts to do segments like this, though.

Das cause he got a large assed nose

This is how everyone in media should be. Rigid partisan hacks

Gee Bill, how did progressive white people get here? .... Maybe they...WATCHED YOUR FUCKING SHOW FOR 15 YEARS. You've labeled half the country racist for shit as benign as wanting a lower tax percentage. What a bag of shit.

Even if I disagree with a lot of his politics, I'll still give him credit for saying shit like this, or not being afraid of saying there is a problem with Islam. It's a lot more than most liberal guys in his position would do.

He still KEEPS it very SAFE. Aside from the JENNER thing at the END, this was something you COULD hear on MORNING RADIO.

I'll give him all the props in the world as a joke teller. I'm not sure there's anyone alive better than him. He's been great with his criticism of Islam & recently, parts of the regressive left. But for the most part, he is the regressive left. The history of Real Time is essentially him doing to the right what he is all of a sudden upset by the far left retard millennials now doing to him.

liberals have just gone way overboard the past few years. he has never really swayed just the liberals nowadays are so bad hes just reacting to them differently now.

Home run cocksucka

He's was a Libertarian 15 years ago

"If you look like a woman, use the womans room, if you look like a man, use the mens room. If your a bearded dude in a dress, hold it til you get home"

As a straight, white monstrous male, I agree. Why can't it all be so simple?

How about if you have a penis you use the mens room if you don't you use the womans room? These are bathrooms designed to accommodate biological organs why the fuck do we need to politicize this with muh social science emotions?

because fuck efficiency

Fuck you and your beard shaming it's the current year.

Nigga got a huge ass nose

Tss dat's why dey call him Bill.


Nigga just got a mouth and neck

Nigga look like a bird

I think more people in this thread should say smug some more.

Its the perfect word for him. Its real hard not to use it

I think smarmy is better

schmarmy is better

Guy helps create the patronizing, smug, anti-white Left then complains about it 20 years later? Makes sense....

In all fairness, it was a pretty funny segment.

Many forget that Bill Maher was a Bob Dole guy in 1996. Then again, most Republicans today find Senator Dole's views to be only very slightly to the right of Obama.

It's almost like anyone can register to be a republican and don't have to be some like minded caricature.

He was for Ron Paul in 2012. He's for Sanders now.

Not very consistent.

Personally, I have more respect for folks who don't vote purely on party lines.

I tend to disagree with Maher as much as most here do (but for different reasons), but I still enjoy his show.

Fair enough but to go from the most conservative republican to the most liberal democrat is a bit inconsistent.

Well... I'll use myself as an example: If the candidates nominated for President are Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump and I was forced to vote for one of them, although I probably align more with her there is no way I'm voting for Clinton simply because she is a war monger [and war criminal if we're being honest] who will continue to needlessly put our troops in harms way and needlessly kill innocent civilians with drones. If I had to vote with those choices, I'd have to vote for Trump.

While that may be inconsistent, I'm pretty sick of the US [Note: I'm NOT referring to our troops with what follows, I AM referring to Commander in Chief] needlessly killing countless innocent civilians (and having American servicemen killed in the process) and then wonder why "they hate us" while never, ever mentioning the possibility it's because we killed their families, destroyed their homes and land for no real good reason and trying to convince the mouth-breathing public of the biggest lie of them all -- that "they hate us for our values." With Clinton we'll invade more countries for no good reason; it will be Bush 2.0 on steroids.

Inconsistent, yes. But I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing. :-)

I ain't reading dat shit.

Yup, it's long and I kind of babble endlessly. Just read the last line, it's the only important one. ;-)

Shut up you 2 party faggot.

He was for Ron Paul in 2012? Wasn't that when he donated $1million to Obama?

I guess he donated during the general? He supported Paul in the primaries I believe

That's kinda like what happened here in this very subreddit.

Sad but true.

even if i agree with him i just cant get over how fucking smug he is

Anyone else get douche chills at 0:30 watching that co-host's air punch?

Thats not a co-host. Thats the guest, he's the main guy on HBO's Sillicon Valley

Oh God yes you weren't the only one buddy.

It was awful.

Ever since that guy popped up he's been cringey as hell in everything. He's randomly on late night shows and in commercials all the time and everything he says is a douche cringe bomb.

See....there's a way to address this issue without the word "savage."

His bit on bathrooms at the end was great and I love that Mackelmore is a joke even among the Bill Maher crowd now.

That "we're used to stupidity from the conservatives" line bugged me. It's not really that accurate. Nancy Pelosi is as dumb as Sarah Palin. Obama is as dumb as Bush. Chris Matthews is as biased as Bill O'Reilly. Ron Paul is as smart as Bernie Sanders (I'd say smarter tbh). Bill just spent his career targeting the other side because at least dumb democrats agree with him. And now because of the ignoring of idiots on his side they've hijacked the left and he can't ignore the stupidity anymore or else he's seen as a part of it.

Hold on, let's get real here... No one's as dumb as Sarah Palin, except perhaps her watermelon head son.

No they are both retards. Watch.

If you get passed the smarmy conservative editing you can see how retarded pelosi is

The word is "past." Honestly, my biggest qualm with right wingers is their shitty grammar. That's not hyperbole, that's literally the most annoying thing about you guys.

Sorry dude. I'm dyslexic 😞. Also I wouldn't really describe myself as conservative.

That "we're used to stupidity from the conservatives" line bugged me. It's not really that accurate. Nancy Pelosi is as dumb as Sarah Palin. Obama is as dumb as Bush. Chris Matthews is as biased as Bill O'Reilly. Ron Paul is as smart as Bernie Sanders (I'd say smarter tbh).

I thought this was going to be a poignant post about how they actually aren't dumb at all and both sides are working towards the same goals while using wedge issues to divide u- nope. Same retarded 'both sides are equally bad (except liberals are extra bad)' bullshit as always. Flip side of the same faggot coin.

Well I agree. Whether the next president is Clinton or Cruz the end result is the same. I wasn't talking about the big picture though. I was just pointing out how the left has lost the run of itself because liberals like Maher let liberal stupidity run unchecked. It's like how Palin wasn't criticized by Fox. If they had been hard on her as they should've she wouldn't of been picked for VP and Mcain could've won. I was making the observation both sides stink because they both would rather focus on the opposite sides ineptitude than their own problems.

The Neocons in both parties running Congress is another story.

Obama isn't as dumb as fucking Bush and no one is even close to as dumb as Sarah Palin. You ruined a kinda fair point with horrible examples

Pelosi is as dumb as Palin. Obama is as incompetent as Bush. I agree smart might be the wrong word. There are some Obama blunders on the same level as Bushisms. But I agree he's not an idiot.

Really though. Pelosi is a complete retard. She once said the government putting money into STD research would stimulate the economy.

I'm sorry but she's not even close to as dumb as Palin. Palin is the dumbest politician ever. Honestly if she was that epically stupid she woulda been figured out by now. I've seen her talk in interviews and she's not even close to that stupid

And regarding Obama- he's not as incompetent as Bush. The country is in far better shape than it was. And our relationship with the rest of the world has improved by leaps and bounds and were actually respected and even beloved because of Obama.

Obama tripled the debt. He continued to arm Islamic terror as well as bomb children. And I'm abroad. People still hate America.

People are easy on him because tje media is liberal but America is no better off under Obama. No legitimate economist will tell you we're better off.

There are interviews where Palin doesn't seem dumb either. She still is. Also you forget Dem Hank Johnson

LIBERALS are really proud of their SMART. EDUCATION and KNOWLEDGE make someone LIBERAL. IF you are not LIBERAL, you ARE not SMART!!! Remember when ANN COULTER said that KEITH OLBERMANN went to FAKE Cornell? He brought his DAPLOMA on to his SHOW to prove his ELITE EDUCATION!!! He is SMRT. BELEAF him!!

LIBS use their SMART to differentiate THEMSELVES from dumb CONSERVATIVES. They BOND because they are BETTER than people who are TOO STUPID to hold the same VIEWS.

Maher is the best. He blasted that dopey bitch that claimed Trumps campaign manager assaulted her last week

nice clip, people are getting sick all over

Good for him.

Maher needs to be honest with himself. He isn't addressing a "handful" of liberals that have white guilt. The entire liberal party fuels white guilt.

Hillary Clinton just held a press conference where she said, "We need to end systemic racism that plagues our country and our government."

Bernie has released ads describing how he will fight for minorities that are victims of "widespread" police brutality. He flashed images of Ferguson and Baltimore - with white cops squaring off against black protesters.

We don't live in the 1950s. Equality is at an all time high and minorities are present in all facets of elected/appointed office. To say that minorities are being kept down by whites is negligent at best.

The problem for Maher is that he believes he's an ultra liberal. But, when he hears the liberal agenda/talking points, he doesn't identify with it. His opinions (especially on race and Islam) place him much closer to the middle than he is comfortable admitting. It isn't his fault - his party was hijacked by lunatics.

as much as I agree with everything he says, will the "liberals eat kale" joke ever go away?

When the fuck did cabbage become some sort of fancy delicacy? I'm Irish that shit has always been around, I never cared much for it.

Woop Woooooo, Yeah! Wooop Yaow! Yeeeeeaaaaah woop!

Found the negro.

But it's 2016!!!

He's right too bad he doesn't have the balls to say what needs to be said without first padding it with "Well we know conservatives are the worst things imaginable and spawns of Satan but us liberals have minor problems too".

He's slowly morphing into Larry King

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I've said this for a while. My political views are more similar to Bill Maher's than any person on tv I've ever heard. I agree with almost everything he ever says.

You are a little baby ho.

That's not what yo moms said last night


I used to feel that way about that Penn & Teller show "Bullshit" and also about "South Park".

I'm with ya buddy. Maher is my mouthpiece for sure
