Tss Tss One time I got so fawwwkin zooted I lost my gun...

21  2016-04-23 by SirWallaceII

I was lookin for it inda couch or summmmtin. hey fawkin couch its like a giant fawkin coooota inbetween the cushions and my gun fell in like a tiny fawkin pecka.


Fuckin double bazookas or sumthin tsss

C'mon man, you lost your GUNZ.

Maybe Lamar just borrowed it?!?

No Chip, that never happened. How`s the cartoon coming along??

Faaaawk. Might as well call me Walt Chipperson. tss tss here we leave today and enter a world of yesterday, tomarrow and Peckaaaaz tss tss

double gunz cawksucka

As all the fags here search for the lost tv remote in their rolls of fat.

No no no, many of us are actually very thin!

Yeah AIDS fucks with us all. But at least we're upbeat motherfuckers.

They don't call it being positive for nothing.