Seriously, how many fans of these guys are there?

20  2016-04-23 by Lies_and_Propaganda

3+ hour episodes of their shows get 60kish views on YouTube. Bobo has nearly 200k Twitter followers unless someone bought them for him.

But Opies tweets get only a few ass kissers replying and a bunch of people being dicks.

How many people subscribe to TACS? I believe the assumed number for Artie Langes same set up is he makes 400k, meaning what 4K subscribers? So with all the people Anthony has to pay he'd need 15-20k subscribers to break even, but there's no way there's that many subs right?

Also how many people still have Sirius to listen to Opie and Jim? And you have to assume most listen to it for Stern and others. The Opie Radio podcast forever sits around number 100 on the iTunes chart, from shows around the same level of popularity that's 50k people regularly downloading.

I don't know why I cared to type this out, I'm pretty fucked up, but I never delete multiple paragraph rants so thanks for reading and maybe but probably not helping me figure out how many and who these peoples fans are.



Bobo's followers are fake you fucking fool. People on this sub bought them as a jooooooke.

It's nice people here are willing to spend money on shit like that.

If you want to know the popularity of these people, you can check out other freaks twitter, big a, stalker Patti, Fred from Brooklyn,erock, Sam Roberts etc, they all got shit numbers,I think erock has 10k last time I checked, and he's supposed to be a radio host of sxm

And I would argue had ERock would be better to follow than the BaBos

sniff Got a few bucks fer a sudok??? Shirt, mug? What about a cartoon? Danny?

to subscribe to most or all the various satellite radio and podcast networks is a negligible amount of money (all in its about as much as my cell bill per month) .... the bitching about paying for these inexpensive services; and how it violates everyone's iron-clad principles regarding their high standards for entertainment.... i believe this could indicate : a high number of posters are either children or adults living in abject poverty

nigga i get at least 40-50 hours of podcasts for free from scientists, journalists and professional radio broadcasters that put out their content for free like the BBC or Radiolab or any of the million tech/gaming/news shows. The different topics and range of styles in the podcast arena are so numerous that if a person simply puts in a few hours of research to find what they like you'll end up with literally more audio content than you can possibly listen to in your free time. And it's all stuff that you want to listen to, not just some shit that you go to out of habit.

Thats cool that you're so proud of having 50 disposable dollars a month, though you should maybe make an intelligent purchasing decision for once and spend it on hard drugs like the rest of us.

I also believe that unironically using "...." in your posts too frequently indicates: you're well over 50 years old. My dad really likes CarTalk (if you're into auto-moh-beels), the newly revived Leo Laporte Call For Help podcast (if you're into tech) and Adam Carrolla's show (if you're a cunt). There are better ways, friend.

Get a load of the fucking college boy with his science podcasts.

Race Wars has a doctor on it


you realize if you're busy doing a podcast and you're not an entertainer, chances are you're shit in your professional career. if you're a half decent scientist there are plenty of companies that would pay you much more than lootcrate's marketing team

You realize that there are national radio shows like Quirks and Quarks or the BBC Science Hour that have nobel laureates on them to discuss cutting edge astrophysics and the sitch? You're right though, not everybody can be anthony "basement studio" cumia.

Abject poverty. Making it happen off of roughly $2K a month take home right now. Thankfully, the mortgage on this shitbox studio has been paid off.

I subscribe to TACN but no sirius in my country. It's the price of one beer a month. Even if you hate Anthony the other shows should be worth that at least. You are poor as shit if you don't.

I couldn't care less about the money, I just don't support Anthony because he doesn't give a shit about the people who pay his bills. It's not that I expect him to suck my dick or anything, but doing some show prep and maybe not being a total piece of shit in his personal life to the point of it effecting what guests he can get would be nice. I can't justify paying $7 just for LoS when I know the majority of that money goes into Cumia's pockets.

are you kidding? the money directly supports his drug and alcohol addiction. anthony has unintentionally been producing some of the most compelling content of his career.

I get u dude, but a little 9 year old chinese kid also built your iphone. The world is full of cunts, But Anthony also has to pay his staff. Gavin is a millionare but puts on a good show, East Side Dave is poor and puts on a good show. i think he and the others should see some scratch for their shows i enjoy.

Gavin is a millionare but puts on a good show,

people keep on saying this but its probably a very low million, he's definitely only a millionaire not a tens of millions or hundreds of millions. got it keanu?

The egos people have on this forum are unreal. You don't pay his fucking bills; he pays his own bills. Paying somebody for a service they give isn't "paying their bills." Even if you dislike his show, if you honestly think getting multiple, good shows on the platform while not changing the price of the subscription isn't "giving a shit" then you're delusional. The guy realized that one show behind a paywall would lead to complaints so he went and extended it to be a network. You're just an entitled douche caught up in fucking internet drama like a 12 year old. Oh boo hoo I don't like his personal life, grow the fuck up and get off reddit for a couple hours a day.

You realize that there are people who dont give a shit about any of this.

O&A just need to get back together already. Everyone will go back to liking them again if they get back together. All the rage on here is really just frustration at this point, and I think all anyone wants is to have their stupid radio show back. I miss Jocktober.

And fucks here are making that impossible.

You think it is people here keeping Anthony and Opie from having a show again? Not SiriusXM wanting nothing to do with Anthony? Not Anthony doing multiple shows dedicated to trashing Opie and selling T-shirts making fun of Opie? Not Anthony's legal troubles? It's a subreddit with a couple hundred people who are keeping the show broken up? Gimme a break.

Stern needs to croak so Opie can be the big man. That's the only way for Ant to come back.

Opie and Anthony don't even like each other. Why would Opie want to work with Anthony again after the hours of broadcasting Ant did trashing Opie and selling T-shirts mocking him? And for Ant's part he refused to even meet with Opie or talk to him... you think he'd want to work with him again?

More money. The void left after that blind afro fuck will make Sirius desperate for another show picking up the slack.

That is not and never will be a possibility. A - Opie clearly hates dude. B - Trant sells sloth shirts on his website for shits sake. C - they are nothing close to being able to make that radio again. People change. D - no platform. Give it up. Really ... some of you people.

We all miss that crazy show but the illusion that they could or would get back together is just that.

There is a reason why Keith is having to try to either lowball the Legion of Skanks for their show or just cut them from the network altogether, and that reason is a lack of subscribers.

So with all the people Anthony has to pay he'd need 15-20k subscribers to break even, but there's no way there's that many subs right?

I don't know why people find this so hard to believe. Just looking Gavin alone he's got 80k followers. Even if you assume he has fakes too, if just 10% that number subscribe that's 8k for him alone. Since he's an either "love or hate" personality his fans are pretty committed and that number is easy to imagine.

You usually can't even rent commercial space in NYC without providing audited financial statements. They probably have way more subs than people here want to admit.

The problem with that logic is that Gavin's followers from the O&A crowd are old men while his followers from the 4chan crowd are 20-something nerds and neckbeards. The old men here pay Anthony for their access to Gavin's rants; the 20-something nerds simply share it for free because it's a generational/cultural thing. For the guys here who sell Mazda's for a living and have 2.5 kids and don't have time to hang out on imageboards and catch dailymotion uploads of Gavin, Ant's network is the logical choice. For the btards, they're living out their faggoty cultural war against the feminists and Ant's network doesn't even ping on the radar for them. What's that? One of Gavin's videos which I want to share to prove some fat dyke wrong is locked behind a paywall? Not anymore it isn't.

The old men here assume that Gavin's following are all like themselves when in reality the folks here are the small minority compared to the (unfortunately) literally globally-significant group of gamergate techbeards who flip your burgers and watch youtube videos of Gavin shoving stuff up his ass to prove that men or catholics are superior or something.

literally globally-significant group of gamergate techbeards who flip your burgers and watch youtube videos of Gavin shoving stuff up his ass to prove that men or catholics are superior or something.

Best description of GG.

The problem with that logic is that Gavin's followers from the O&A crowd are old men while his followers from the 4chan crowd are 20-something nerds and neckbeards.

do you know what a neckbeard is?

Inform me

But.... doesn't that just prove my point? When I said 10% I already assumed that whoever would pay would be in the minority. And we can probably agree that Ant's fans have been listening to him for forever and are in their 30s-40s who are most likely to just pay anyway? He's not going after the 22 year old neckbeard demo.

40k subscribers is well within the realm of possibility.

We've both committed far too many words to this nonsense. I suggest we kill ourselves.

Sadly, this is true. See you on the other side.



That fact is almost meaningless. Ask Google how many people are paying for YouTube Red out of the billion subscribers to different YouTube channels.

following on twitter is a lt different than finding him on an obscure website and paying netflix prices to hear him for an hour a week. I figure he has more subs than I would think with all the overhead but its hard for me to imagine. And if its true I dont see why he doesnt just give it there a reason not to?

Bobo is an idiot and people like messing with him, trolls buy him followers and pretend to be girls to get dick pics.

As for opie, he isnt a likable person or funny, for all the stupid shit ant and jimmy do they are at least funny.

Opie and Anthony used to be a funny show with a hardcore and dedicated fan base we were called the "pests". Of course everything has fallen apart since the good times. Patrice died, ant got fired and is now an alcoholic racist pedophile, opie is an unfunny try hard faggot, jimmy is a c list comedian who still hasnt made it in the mainstream. All the comedian friends who used to show up all the time almost never do anymore because they got too big or have their own podcast.

The years have not been kind.

ant has always been an alcoholic racist pedophile. Now we can add tranny lover

If you are calling someone an "alcoholic, pedophile racist" then you were never a pest. A pest isn't some faggot attaching "isms" to someone. You're a poser.

It has been amazing watching this place devolve into the realms of a standard Tumblr blog over the past year.

Ew, dude. You're likely 40+, telling people who is and isn't a true "pest". How embarrassing.

I'm 28 for one thing, and calling people out for being phony pests. Pests weren't a bunch of thin skinned faggots tossing out "-isms" because fighting back against that kind of hack, pussy shit and assaulting the people who tried to attack the show was what the Pests were made for. You're the embarrassment for projecting onto me.

lol who cares

I've only listened to the clips/episodes with Patrice or Billy Redface in them, and maybe that clip of caller Michael going off on Jimmy and then talking about Asians.

OK ive been trying to quantify # of fans for a while and I would say...... as accurately as ITHINK I can say, for $1million: I would say overall there are 100k OandJ regular listeners who would say theyre fans (globally) and I would say Cumia has no more than 5k subscribers

Cumia has to have more thank 5k, he could barely pay himself with 500k he'd make from that. There's a lot of people on his payroll, I'd likely say 10k is close since it does seem like they're trying to save money getting rid of or lowering the money LoS gets.

And 100k seems right for Opie, but Stern is delusional and believes 20 million listen to him. That means there are at least that many people who have Sirius, and you're telling me Opie now only gets 100k of that, why would Sirius keep him? But I don't believe sterns numbers, so 100k sounds right.

What numbers do you think Opie and Anthony pulled at their peak? 750k?

They'll all get back together in 2017 so don't worry about today...

Whats with all these fuckers using "followers" as a factual number for listeners? People could like someone for 5 minutes follow them and then never think of them again. It takes a prissy preteen girl to unfollow someone whos upset them....oh right this subreddit

Is there another O&J listening thread somewhere on the intertubes? If not, I think their listeners are well into the dozens.

Absolutely nobody gives a fuck about the show except us retards looking to make hay/bust balls. It's impossible to listen to O&J unironically if you have a triple-digit IQ, like Vosch.

Look for Rich at the Stress Factory in New Brunswick, New Jersey, tonight, April 23rd. Let's say 9ish.

Stern needs to croak so Opie can be the big man. That's the only way for Ant to come back.