An analysis of the transcript of last night's Inside Amy Schumer reveals the secret behind Emmy Award quality writing.

93  2016-04-22 by Ant_Sucks



She's the worst.

That post is funnier than anything she's ever done.

beat me to the comment

Don't know why that kid on the red carpet thought it would be cute to do a double entendre joke about the girl who calls her show Inside Amy Schumer. It's not like she talks about sex that much.

Yeah she was such a bitch about it, too. It would be one thing if that kid directed that joke at someone like say, Anne Hathaway. Maybe people wouldn't associate Amy with being a total whore if she didnt make her persona a total whore. What a thin-skinned cunt.


That's right. Joking is a serious privilege of comedians, not meant for mere civilians.

What a thin-skinned cunt.

That's odd. Why did Norton defend her? Doesn't he like meaty pussies?

What a thin-skinned cunt.

The only thin thing about her is her skin.

Haha she is such a stupid bitch. the best Amy Schumer moment is when she criticizes the Salon article that labeled her plus size. how do people not see past her fake feminist bullshit after that?

Didn't she even say at one point she wanted to call the show "Come Inside Amy Schumer" but CC said no?

I'm convinced that any female comedian who starts making it in her late 20's or 30's immediately uses her platform to find a mate, because that's all they really want. Patrice had a theory that successful women don't want success. They want to be the spouse of a successful man. This vagina fixation is like some mating call she's putting out. She obsessively sexualizes herself because she's desperate to find some dude who will have her. I have a female relative whose a writer for a major comedy show and she does the same thing. Every skit and joke she writes is saturated with her insecurity about her appearance and desperation for some kind of man in her life.

Ironic, because that kind of behavior is repulsive to men, especially when it comes with a food addiction.

Notepad++ army

Notepad++ is great but Windows sucks.


She said "vagina".


My vaginaaaaaa

Isn't Dr. Mezger responsible for this?

Jean Val Metzger just needed some jokes for his hungry kids

Kurt The Cuck isn't soley responsible for this. He's got a whole room of female writers working against him with Bob Kelley's sourdough starters in their vags stinking up the room.

but he got an emmy from this shit show

This reads like a South Park parody episode rather an actual network sketch show trying to create funny jokes

great prediction


As insufferable as Amy is as a public figure, I always said her show was good. Her stand-up is mediocre & I hated "Train Wreck" but I really liked her show.

Didn't laugh once the entire premiere. Atleast when Louis makes an episode of TV that unfunny it's cuz he's not trying to be funny

I think this can be classified as "Data journalism".

Check that script for "cocaine dealer".

Wheres that meme thing someone made where it says I did a sex, I ate a thing

yer a saint on ert

So brave!

if all she ever does is refer to her genitals, intercourse and her appearance (and we have empirical evidence above) - and almost all women seem to praise if not idolize her .... is it so unreasonable to infer that : even empowered women look at themselves as a simple series of holes? i think the obsession with her indicates : a systemic lack of self worth in both genders

Disgusts me how she acts like she's "not that comedian" but every joke involves her fat vagina or someone trying to have sex with her (yeah right)

We need to buy Cuck Metzger a thesaurus.

Artie Lange mentioned on his podcast the other day that Big Amy now has a bodyguard with her when she stops by The Comedy Cellar.

"I wish I was joking"

What is wrong at home, gentleman?

Unless a plus-sized, greasy, pile of corpulent 35 year old sushi has burst in to your home and is oozing pus onto your Panera bread sofa cover...I'd say this hating is gender based. For shame.

You may have missed the thousands of times this sub has mocked the comedy crutches of gentleman. Fuck you, cunt.

well that's true. we're all mostly fond of jim norton but I think we can all see his limitations and we give him a lot of shit for it. doesn't take away from his qualities we do enjoy.

nobody is perfect, right gang? KKTITN


Does frank talk about a woman's body frighten you?

Haha great reply. You're a valued member of this sub

Who cares? Seriously who really cares? Even if all female comics only do jokes about their vaginas and periods (they don't, but let's say they did), what is the problem? Most male comics (seriously, go to some open mics) do jokes about masturbation and porn. I get attacking her about being a joke thief, but are vagina jokes too cheap and low-brow for fans of a show where the hosts regularly farted into the mic?

Yeah go ahead and downvote me for trying to have a conversation.

but are vagina jokes too cheap and low-brow for fans of a show where the hosts regularly farted into the mic?

Where's Jimmy's Emmy for all those merry cracks?

Amy Schumer lacks the sort of je ne se quois of Rich Vos' subtle "dryer door" bit.

Her talking about her vagina is whatever. It doesn't bother me. The fact she went after a 17Yo kid for making an extremely light hearted joke about not being the only guy to have a nice night with Amy schumer was enraging. She has a show called "inside Amy schumer", a movie called train wreck about all of her failed relationships and constantly talks about all the guts she sleeps with. But yet publicly shames that kid for making a dumb joke. He wasn't even trying to be mean. For some reason it's fine for her to joke about not dating Hispanics because she like consensual sex though.

That's all reasonable, I'm just focusing on the "she does dumb hack jokes" when O&A is 50% gay innuendo and whatnot. I'm not saying that's a bad thing, I just find it odd that people are so concerned about it.

But given the level of star Big Amy is, she's going to be compared against the top comics in the world. Louis CK and Kevin Hart have some shitting and jerking off jokes, but that's not what they're known for. If one of them came out with a new special that was just "LOL! HOW ABOUT MY PENIS?! OMG I FARTED!" they'd be reduced to opening for Rich Vos in a year. Women get the affirmative action treatment in comedy. "Yeah, you're mediocre. But you showed up, so here's a TV show."

Yeah but people in here hate it when Louis goes highbrow, and Louis definitely made his bones on doing extremely dirty body-oriented humor.

As someone who didn't ride the OA wave to follow Louis, and discovered him while he was rising, finding OA through him later on, I'd say his biggest draw was his highbrow stuff. Well, maybe not HIGH BROW. But he was creative and real and always seemed to be able to point out dumb things in life from a new perspective. I relate him to George Carlin a lot in anger and social commentary comedy.

My point is that I think Louie rose uprose through his more clever humor. It's what people like more. So to say that he and other make comics make hacky dirty jokes to stardom isn't really accurate. Likewise, is reasonable to be resentful that Amy got to a similar height on her hacky schtick.

His big breakthrough was a masturbating bear

there are hacky male comics sure, but gender is never a focus everything creative or good quality in comedy is a dude. every. single. female comic has this same exact schtick and the sudden shoehorning of it into pop culture because women need to be "empowered" and networks will be branded as sexist if they dont go along with it and its pretty awful.

So the way you see it, literally all female comics only do humor about sex and their bodies, and there is a great injustice being done in comedy?

Idk about the word injustice, but the current wave of women forced on tv because "there arent enough women in comedy" all have the same schtick and the fact that progressive societal factors are dictating who gets what in show business rather than creative people with talent is kinda shitty. I mean...I guess I dont care that much but I cant help but notice that its kinda awful.

For me something like Broad City is great, I think the show is funny and the girls are believable, and it feels new even if it is a lot of sex and dating stuff. What bothers me more is that something like Girls is a really mediocre, boring rehash of Sex and the City, and Lena Dunham gets elevated to genius. But these are also TV shows, not stand ups.

Comedians. Let's be civilians.