I watched Inside Amy Schumer so you don't have to. Spoiler: it stinks and there's potentially new stolen material

112  2016-04-22 by Ant_Sucks

Sketch #1

Amy as some sort of "Most Interesting Woman In The World" type character. "Vietnam is a veteran of her". Lots of theft from the internet in this one. Lots of shoehorn references to her vagina too. The line "a bird in her hand is worth three in the bush" is followed by a predictable vagina joke.

Her one line is "I don't always drink beer, but when I do I always have to pay for it myself" as she's being thrown out of a bar. Punchline: It's an ad for hospice care for women who live like men. .

Interviews Talks to Club Soda Kenny about sex. He reveals his wife doesn't sleep in the same room as him. Fails to extract anything funny. Then talks to Judy Gold about vaginas.

Sketch #2 Relationship Center - some sports commentators comment on whether Amy and her boyfriend will have sex even though they're both too tired. Not a bad premise in the hands of someone with talent. Each scores a point where they come up with a good excuse not to. Punchline: None, but apparently the team of writers thought that the premise would carry the whole shitty sketch.

Mini - Sketch. Back to the Most Interesting Woman in the World bullshit. Meme style phrase where the twist is Amy has genital herpes.

Sketch #3 Amy is getting a Pap smear. Four old men walk in. They're Congressmen. haha, we can see where this is going lol. They act condescending towards her, assume she has children because she's 34. They ask a bunch of sexist questions.

Punchline: Amy: "Can we get some women in here?" Congressman: "That'll be like letting the lions run the zoo." All the sexist white males laugh

Interviews Amy: "What movie best describes your vagina."

Sketch #4: Spoof of those yogurt probiotic commercials, except it's for your vagina. I swear this is another stolen sketch. "Yo Puss - makes your pussy taste like nothing".

Mini-sketch Most Interesting Woman again. "They say what goes up must come down: Me, I just like going down". Flirts with the people next to her. And that's the joke.

I'm now watching in 2x speed so this will be over faster.

Sketch #5 Amy makes a Hip Hop opera. Just picture a walrus flapping about trying to rap and being so random lol. This is the worst thing I've ever seen. Her shoplifting sister is in this one

Interviews Amy interviews an underpaid latino woman who waxes legs. Just kidding, she waxes vaginas.

Asks her if she wears a mask because of the smell. Amy: "How would you describe my vagina?"


They almost get their lines right, but burst out laughing instead. For example, She calls Rachel Dratch by her real name instead of her character. GOLD.


I'm fucking dead

Thank you for your service.

Does her bestie, JLAW, make an appearance? They're so cool and quirky together.

Does Amy not realize how terrible she looks by comparison when they are together? If you're a hideous blob, you want to hang out with people even more hideous, not a gorgeous hollywood starlet.

JLaw is sexy even without makeup, and was nice enough to show us all her hiney hole. Amy looks like a mix between Miss Piggy and this thing from Big Trouble in Little China

You guys have weird obsession with Jude Law.

He's handsome awright

Poor Thunder... that anger issue got too much in the end

Prince is lucky he's not around to see this.

So's Patton's wife

It's odd she's make so many jokes about a body part she can no longer see.

No worries, the smell is always present

A stinky PUSSAH!

Or as /u/TriangleDimes once put it... "I'd hate to be caught within the fetid cone of stink that's surely blasting from that swamp coffin she calls a pussy."

Except in the reflection of their lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll's eyes.

now that i can't see prince anymore, maybe i should check out inside amy schumer instead

LOLOL... I like when she makes the joke about her vagina!!

That one stood out for me as well.

Is she best friends with that Fat cunt Australian that also got famous for no discernable reason. She played Fat amy in some chick flick movie. Amy needs to join a fat chick gang and p[rowel hollywood together. preying on Cab drivers forcing them to finger blast their extra meaty sushi holes.

They could call themselves 'The Fat Pack.'

"extra meaty sushi holes"


Needs more vagina.


we know she'll at least invest her money well, which is unfortunate

The regular type people are starting to say, "oh her again"

She's Andrew Dice Clay.

Dice is in better shape.

Dice is fuckable.

As far as the most interesting women in the world, I know Patrice used to make that joke on O&A a lot, saying that nobody would ever want to see some old bitch try to be cool. Maybe he used to say it outside O&A too, and Amy or Kurt, or whoever didn't realize it was on the radio too? Or maybe it's just parallel thinking and I'm an over-analyzing faggot.

He definitely made that joke a number of times.

"Vietnam is a veteran of her"

That was one of those "Chuck Norris Fact" jokes that was popular 10 years ago.

"Talks to Club Soda Kenny about sex. He reveals his wife doesn't sleep in the same room as him."

Probably because you fuck like a retarded turtle, Kenny.

These skits sound like edgy Geico commercials.

You dont like it?

does it have a laugh track, it sounds like it needs a laugh track.

dat sounds pretty fawkin funny tho

FAWK YEAH I LIKE JOKES ABOUT PUSSIES and the yogert thing...fawkin fahgetabout it! DVVVV DVVVVV

shes got a fat fawkin cootah!...schNknNNKHhHhh

"The average Stern fan tunes in for 2:15" "but people hate him" "that's the thing, the average Stern haters tunes in for 2:45" you're turning the bitch into Howard. Her fans aren't writing rundowns.

In all 4 seasons this is the first time Ive tuned in. I'm getting so much entertainment from these comments I might do it again if she ever does an episode addressing her theft

Oh no. Poor Rachel Dratch got dragged into this garbage?

Rachel did chubby and frumpy long before Amy made it famous.

What else was she doing?

I caught the episode. I didn't really like it much. Waaay too many forced sex/vagina references. The writing was mediocre, the acting mediocre. The show is trying so hard to exhibit the current type of feminism that is popular--the girl who acts like a man and gives zero fucks. They drink and sleep around, they don't want kids, etc. I guess that's "empowering" or something. While I was not too impressed with the episode (and probably won't watch this season) I'm not going to bash it too hard because it's not for me. I'm a 34 year old man. This show is targeted to women from the ages of 17-30. It's not for men...at all. The way Jackass is for guys this show is for chicks. Periods, body positivity, feminism, a woman's worth as she ages, that's what the show's about.

The sketch with the dude from Hamilton was unbearable in it's awfulness. I felt sorry for him. I pictured him going "oof" multiple times in his head at how bad it was.

I'm a 34 year old man too.

Bless you for doing God's work. You are kind & gentle...

So is Norton campaigning for Schumer on O&J again so he can get his 15 seconds per season cameo?

Hahaha vaginas.

Is this place like the male, tranny porn infested version of a book club? If so I'll be subscribing.

You're doing the difficult work many of refuse to do. Thank you sir.

I opened this thread just to see how soon a cunt would be brought up. Second line.

She didn't start off the new season with a lie detector test?

No, but I guess she's hoping it's blown over. There's a thousand lie detector sketches out there, so there'd be no way she could do one and be original. Not with those writers.

I can't believe there's writers for this shit. It sounds more like there's a focus group of 50-somethings that have just discovered internet memes and old youtube bits.

Thank you for your service. We need brave individuals like yourself to catalog this garbage so our crack team can scour the Internet for where the "jokes" and "bits" originated. If she slips up again, and she will, we will strike like a viper.

Its a wild show


As shitty and awful as this Amy show sounds, I bet it's still better than Jimmy's cartoon.

Anyway, thank you for your service, OP.


The thing on my ass that I think is a hemorrhoid but it's been there for years and I haven't gotten checked out by a doctor is better than Jimmy's cartoon.

i actually found the hip hop opera one the most tolerable, just by virtue of how absurd it was

Well its one of the few skits that wasn't about stinking rotting pussies, so its out of her comfort zone.

I've never seen this show, and never will. Thank you for wading through this shit pool. This sounds like derivative, hackey trash. Is the whole show just vagina jokes? And "haha men think women are stupid"? If so, then she's only proving that women are stupid.

You're doing the lords work brother.

Lets be honest though... if there's potentially stolen material, you know we all kinda wanna see it for the rageporn.

I couldn't believe how horrible it was. She has jumped the shark already. Her 15 minutes of fame didn't last 10.

Her an Sarah Silverman should do a show together. It would be the quantum singularity of unfunny feminist vagina jokes.

I turned it on last night and saw the congressmen and yogurt, it was embarrassingly bad.


Why was she mad at a kid for joking that she was a whore again?

Jesus, we get it, YOU HAVE A CUNT.

How long will it be before a few Chippa cartoons start becoming filler in her show?

wow! ... pretty damning review/ breakdown .... however you were pretty much sounding the chorus ... many actual reviews charge the season premiere with being : "sloppy" or "lazy" or "disjointed" .... the true test of how unfounded her fame is beginning ... "THE LAZY THIEF" is a damaging label for any person with any job.


It's ok OP, we're all friends here. You can admit you actually like the show, no one will judge you.