I figured out Ant's surprise guest on his return to TACS after rehab.

0  2016-04-22 by AnthonyQueermia


Dicks are the new pussies, faggots.

Now you're getting it.

That makes balls the new tits! Get to suckin those bouncy globes you faggots!

What are you gay? Balls are not tits. Everyone put their juicy cocks away we have a faggot in the room.

If you think a girl's balls are gay then that makes you the faggot, gentlesir

You're barking up the wrong tree. I'm getting gender assignment surgery in a few weeks. I can't wait to find out what they make me!

you have no gender as of yet?

I like surprises.

Gender is a social construct.

Try NSFW next time faggot. I was just placed on suspension at Panera thanks to you.

Me too. My manager saw it and is questioning my sexuality.

I would think him seeing you look at it would confirm his suspicions about your sexuality. Everyone in the chain has heard the rumors about you.

I know. Even the other store across town were spreading rumors about me and my proclivities.


What are the tranny subs on reddit? Asking for a friend


This is just unnecessary. Yes I clicked play.

"Anal is your future"...and wouldn't you know Tranthony is coming out of rehab soon. Coincidence?

She finally worked into anal. I'm proud of her. It beats (is way better than) wacking-off your limp dick around other freak bitches.

why every time I got on here I see some trannies

We're a very progressive sub



Anthony is a really odd dude.

Says odd shit to people.

Oooo. She does magic tricks

Dude, wtf?