Patrice O'Neal Owns The Room & Gets Serious About Comedy

46  2016-04-22 by HeyYoLessonHereBey


God this just reinforces how overrated Bob Saget is. Once you get over the whole "The dad from Full House said cunt" he is mediocre.

Robert Schimmel was a way, way funnier version of Bob Saget. RIP.

Minus his last two albums where he got super serious because of his cancer.

Tig Nataro fan I take it?

Her special wasn't bad.

And yes, I get the bit. But, Tig didn't bring the fuckin energy in the room down when she talked about it. The jokes just ground to a halt with Schimmel. His special, Reserection was amazing.

Hes pretty funny on O&A though. Hes usually pretty funny.

More like Jack SubPar.


Roseanne was pretty funny.

Man, I miss this dude so much. I've had family members and friends die, but I'd have Patrice back before any of them. Maybe that's messed up on my behalf, but he taught me more than any of those people.

Only person's death that made me cry without ever meeting them. For all his faults, he's still prob my fav person ever.

Same way. I remember I was in my college Horror Literature class when my friend texted me saying he passed. I actually cried. Like a big sloppy school boy fag, I left class early and cried in my car. Also, I looked at my local clubs schedule and saw I had missed him in person by a couple month. Haven't gotten over that, either.

I was pretty depressed about Otto, too. Had tickets for the next week to see him do stand up. Instead he was deaaadd.

that's pathetic

Might be, but I'm in the same boat.

salvage whatever pride you have left and never tell anyone you had such a dumb thought

Stop trying to be edgy. You're embarrassing yourself.

I've had family members and friends die, but I'd have Patrice back before any of them

...I'm in the same boat

nothing i say will ever be as embarrassing as that

And by the way...I don't think it's embarrassing on my end to be raised in a family of crack-smoking alcoholic junkies. So it's not that I adore Patrice more than a loving, healthy family. I adore him more than a pretty fucking useless one I no longer talk to.

Are you a Vos?

If only. I'd have some Jew Gold tucked away somewhere.

keep your life story to yourself. im not dr phil, i dont want to hear it.

Such edge! Are you hoping O&A/J call you up from the minor leagues, edgy boy?

why are you so mad? i came here to impersonally insult you, not hear your sob story. it's not my fault you're not as good as crack.

I bet you practice your interviews with them, don't you? <3

He is a baby ho celebrity bootlicking suckass.


He was fucking great. I wonder what he would say about all this shit Opie, Jim, & Ant are doing.

Fuck that. I want to know what he'd say about more important stuff like Caitlyn Jenner.

How ironic is it that the people who probably appreciate Patrice the most these days are a bunch of mostly white fans of what was a mostly right leaning dick joke radio show? Only black comics I've seen represent for Patrice in recent years have been Chris Rock and Aries Spears

We lose Patrice...yet, the fat-tongued cousin of Chris Rock still walks this earth. What a fucking tragedy.

Hannibal Burress talks about Patrice every now and then.

I think the most interesting thing about Patrice is how self aware he makes his material. He's way more of an 'alternative' comic than you'd think, so much of this is meta humor. The other thing too, is doing that meta humor is super disruptive to people doing straight comedy around him, but he does give it places to go and doesn't derail other people being funny. I find that the other people in his circle (the other O&A guys) do the same thing but really clog up the comedy with it because they're being passive aggressive.

I hate hope

Sandra Bernhard seems pretty cunty

She's been cunty since 1986.

What a fun guy I miss him

I think I heard this show was like a 4 hour taping. I wish I could see more footage. This show had some really good guests. Instead of forced topics like Tough Crowd this was literally just a comic hang.

Everybody knows Partrice is the best, the real surprise here is that Bob Saget can be funny.

I miss him so much :(

That was fantastic. I miss Patrice.

who is that terrible pandering dude with the mole? Dude made my skin crawl with his 'the view' inflection. Roseanne is a pretty good egg though.

Watch any intro to Paul Provenza's show to solidify your judgement that he's a hacky retard. FUCK this entire show is shit. This panel and crowd are the reason why comedians think they are superior to the common civilian. They'll say anything and these morons will laugh and eat it up. All you have to do is talk about your ass and things inside your ass.




The Green Room was a cool show, Burr's episode was great too.

So fucking bummed Norm and Patrice never did anything together..

Because Norm is always naturally curious about things you never thought you wanted to know, and Patrice had a fucking quick wit and would give you a 10/10 - i feel you nigger' answer.

But whatever, maybe he'll talk about it in the book.. I'm sure they must have met at some point.

I remember the WTF podcast when Norm mentioned Patrice and said he loved him on the Charlie Sheen roast, but stupid Marc Maron cut him off and changed the subject. This was one month before Patrice died.

Listen up people, go see Vos at the Stress Factory tomorrow night.

That host is beyond annoying

that was an embarrassing crew of alleged comedians he was with... no burr no quinn .... patrice carried that ep