What's wrong with you?

20  2016-04-21 by WretchedPotato


Compliment: that buck-toothed 6 on the left is now a 9 when in the same room as piggy.

She looks like retarded Lexi Belle

Still sad Lexi got fat

She did? That sounds nice....

yeah she went from playing a porn sized version of a high school girl, to playing a real life sized version of a high school girl

Pics? She did get a boobjob though that much is obvious.

Great description

thanks, i love this sub, this is the funniest sub on reddit

A complement? Sure, lets. It's nice how this video is only 11 seconds long.

too long

It doesn't look like she can button up her cardigan...

That could be a complement.

Can I write a mean comment if I stole it from a comedian?

nice try civilian

I've never seen a pair of titties be big and not big at the same time.

She reminded me I need to buy a bag of marshmallows. Thanks Big Amy

That's an idea for a sketch on her show.

A thin woman in a restaurant is about to start in on her dessert. Big Amy waddles by, thin woman looks at her in disgust, then looks back at her dessert, and pushes it away.

"Thanks, Big Amy!"

Speaking of restaurants, she should open a "Bob's Big Amy!".

It wouldn't work for her. It's too original.

Amy's face looks like a fat suit in a low budget movie.

"Big Chipmunk's House."

My girlfriend watches that other woman's YouTube videos. Think she does them drinking. That's how she'd laugh so easily

Compliment: I've never seen such an elegant mashed potato in a white bag.

I'm just playing a sexist Muslim character. That's why I write mean comments about these two sows. It's a character... for comedy... you little people wouldn't understand.

Doesn't Amy think she's not plus sized? You're over weight, that means plus sized. Check out your BMI, step on a scale, you're not the healthy size, therefore you are plus sized.

Amy has the chest of a well fed bullfrog.

shes a biiiiig girl...

How does she have a career?

She's a shoe-in for the Large Marge role in the PeeWee reboot.

"Tell 'em Big Amy sent you!"

What was funny about that? The other chick was hot but laughing at her like that made me want to rip her cunt out with a fork.

bitch got a face like jontron

Damn she looks like she's eaten her way into a size 7. Maybe even an 8.

Man she's ugly. So is she.

Women fucking suck

Who is that jewface on the left?

She looks like she's about to shit a JayZ cock sized shit.

"Oh, I don't know. You stole my jokes"

I really fucking hate that there has to be something wrong with me in order for me to leave mean comments. I'm mean to everyone I work with and everyone I know, and it's earned me respect, not alienation


That Amy Schumer show was funny. I liked the pussy yogurt bit.

big ol' amy schumer really throwin' her weight around

lying thieving cunt

Great description

Pics? She did get a boobjob though that much is obvious.