Highlights of Todays Show

26  2016-04-21 by PeteFo

  1. Basic Hockey explanation for 20 minutes

  2. A room full of people avoiding saying the word faggot for 20 minutes

  3. Opie's Lie of the Day: "Back in the day in Rochester, me and Curt Schilling hung out many, MANY times!"

  4. An entire room not knowing that LSD and Acid are the same thing.

  5. An new Opie fake laugh reminiscent of Patrices airless guffaw.

  6. Judy Gold going full Sherrod, reminding everyone of her kikeness every 3-5 minutes.

What a pile of horseshit.


I finally stopped listening to the show about six weeks ago. It was like being in a horrible relationship that you stay in even though it is downright toxic. Now that I've been away for a while, I am angry at myself for staying with the show, and hating it, for as long as I did.

Wow you lasted that long I tapped out way before that,people on here that need to try and explain this episode as to why it's "getting better"

Year strong. Fuck that old fat bitch.

a year and 3 months for me. one day at a time.

I finally pulled the plug a few months ago. I'll catch clips on here and occasionally I'll try and tune in. Opie is just absolute poison to my ears now. It's also painful to realize that Jimmy is sitting their while Opie babbles about nothing. Or while that unfunny dudebro Chris Destefano (or however the fuck his dumb name spelled) is yelling about hockey or his Dad. Jim was the only thing keeping me around, but he just seems content with mediocrity.

I saw someone post the Chris "Tucker max" Destefano and it really sticks. Heard some of the show with him yesterday and couldn't change the channel fast enough.

I pulled the plug after they went to Montreal the year Ant got fired. It really is a great feeling of relief to not listen to the show anymore.

I'm only tapping in now for specific reasons. Louis CK's recent guest spot was my first extensive listen in a long time.

I've been O&A/J free for 4.5 years. Shortly after Patrice died, I had to take a break...then the break never stopped.

I still miss that fucking guy. Meh.

Judy Gold is the most insufferable kike cunt I've ever had the displeasure of listen to. Holy mother of Christ. Hitler was right.

She's worse than Sherrod. Not by much. But still.

Thank god I didn't listen. I've played hockey my entire life and am a huge Rangers fan and follow the entire NHL basically religiously. Anytime I have to listen to Opie talk about hockey I want to just crash my car. He is absolutely clueless. Distefano I can only imagine is even worse.

You forgot Opie saying Tom Papa's sourdough bread talk being compared to Patrice and the briefcase of dildos

Tom Papa should be a biological weapon. He walks into a room and sucks your will to live with his boring existence and nervous laughter. I tuned out when the bread discussion started.

How much sourdough bread does this man eat? This recipe is all he's talked about for the past few months.

I thought you were asking that about Patrice at first. My answer would have been "too much."

I've got to the point that I don't listen to the show if Chris D. or Sherrod are on.

Weird, the rest of us got to the point that we don't listen to the show if any guest or host is on.

Every time Sharod starts ranting and trying to be funny https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L8KJ5XHvWsM

You actually listened to the entire show? Ouch.

That was all within a 20 minute period of a four hour show.

Double ouch

I learned how to make sourdough bread.. FUCK YOU!!!

Seriously, who still listens to this shit?

Weird, the rest of us got to the point that we don't listen to the show if any guest or host is on.

Every time Sharod starts ranting and trying to be funny https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L8KJ5XHvWsM