Norton Hosting the Show with Vos Was Embarrassing

24  2016-04-21 by beeseesee

As hard as it is to admit, Ku was right yesterday when she said "We need Opie here to drive the train, otherwise we just sound like retards."

Jim responded, "Well I prefer to just chat"

(I encourage you to read the following in Jay Mohr's Colin voice) You prefer just to fucking chat? If Jim and Vos CHATTED on the radio for three hours every morning it would be nothing but sobriety talk, quotes from 8 movies, Jim subjecting us to repulsive, self-indulgent sex fantasies, a mad libs rant against "fucking political correctness" "in this day and age" "in society today" and "in this country now", constant plugs and Vos insisting that he is not pathetically insecure and is a comedy legend.

Vos is so insecure that he was trying to Alpha Esther fucking Ku by pulling out some of the most shit Asian jokes this side of a 1960's joke book.

edit: Rich Vos, iconoclast comedy legend, respected by all comedians:

Oh my, Rich Vos is such a subversive comedy genius that I'm suprised he wasn't arrested like Lenny Bruce when he left that club!


I can't stand how the "Opie steers the ship" narrative has gone from ridiculed to unironically endorsed around here.

baldopie is doing gods work on that one

I like how this has more retweets and favorites than most of Opie's actual tweets.


Well anyone who pushes it instantly reveals themselves as worthless so hey, bright side.

He's as good as Joseph Hazelwood ever was.

Yeah its total bullshit. Nopie shows were the best.

Tony was there.

Yeah because someone still had to drive the ship. Opie sucks but Jim and Ant need someone to keep their ADD in check.

I've always felt like Sam is a superior Opie, purely for the fact that you can hang shit on Sam and he won't lose his mind.

Sam is a million times better than Opie. He's actually intelligent.

I never had problem with Sam, he is an excellent shit-stirrer and had great 'chemistry' with Jim and his characters.

I thought the show was great because of Esther beating the shit out of Vos. Never have I liked her or even thought she was remotely funny but she was killing yesterday. Gotta disagree with you.

We actually agree completely. Vos tried to big time her, but he came off as the deeply insecure failure that he pretends not to be. edit: I'm not fan of Ku, BUT, Ku, once again, pointed out a shortcoming that the no-holds-barred bad boys of the Olive Tree comedians table couldn't address.

One more fan of the Ku Cucks Klan! dvv dvv!

she is very good at the intellectual rope-a-dope

how many times did Rich use his "shut up you boat act" line? that joke never gets old.

Did you say boat hack? You know Sibby said that book has a couple of good lines for the bakowsa!

linger longer?



I can't believe how bad Norton has gotten at radio over the years.

His interviews are interrogations. What makes it worse, he conceives questions that can only be answered in a few words. He needs to learn how to ask a couple of open-ended questions.

"So....did you ever work with Ozzy?"

Ku was right yesterday when she said "We need Opie here to drive the train

It's pretty easy to drive a train. It rides on rails. One lever makes it go, and the other makes it come to a screeching halt. Or course, there are occasions where trains derail and it's normally the engineer's fault, which is the case with this radio show

Nah it really was a mess of a show. Opie does know how to run the show. I think Ant could with help from Sammy Roberts etc but Jim led show just didn't work.

You're right. By any reasonable standard it was one of the worst shows of the year.

I think there's a weird sort of relief since Opie and Anthony aren't comedians, they're just radio guys. So the comedians can kind of bounce off each other without taking the reins. Like Patrice's radio show was OK (but not as good as him on O&A), but Louis CK's brief show on O&A's channel was fucking horrible.

Exactly right.

I liked how messy that Louis show was, if only he didn't talk about marriage and kids the entire time. Definitely a better advice show than James ever did

Yeah have to listen to it again. I was probably overly harsh at the time because i was kind of rooting for him after the failed HBO show, like "Come on, Louie, get your shit together"

I heard the first 5 minutes of the Billy Connelly interview and had to turn it off. It was Jimmy uncomfortably asking questions, clearly had no idea where he was going next.

Does anyone have the time to re-listen to that billy connolly interview and count the number of dead end questions Norton asked? He must have thrown 80-100 questions at him.

It was embarassing to listen to.


Esther Ku is a no-talent, but that's her appeal. She is a clueless dunce who trips into saying the most offensive thing to someone by accident because she isn't smart.

Asians are known for being robotic and radiating autism. Not only did she smash Vos but she looks like one of their sex slave pop stars. Esther is the perfect combination of everything Asian.

I just want to buy her panties from a vending machine is that too much to ask

I want to make her wear a meat loaf hat while gila monsters try to eat it off


Youre measuring the quality of the show by topics covered vs. actual content. When Opie steers the ship he basically just reads a bunch of headlines and gets no response from anyone in studio. This gives the illusion that something actually happened. I'd even prefer a show where they talk about nothing, but at least make it funny.

A funny show about nothing? That'll never fly!

U like the addict talk?

I thought that joke was decent... also please seppuku for posting a comment you got a few upvotes on, I'm getting douche chills

Yeah. Ant and Jimmy (with the rest) were good together without Opie because they knew each other and had fun. When people who don't know each other too well you kind of need Opie's dumbass "barreling through it" to get them to talk. Ant got pretty good at it toward the end, Jimmy's ok but he just has the kind of "ugh, whatever" attitude because he's used to playing off Opie's silly "HEY! Kardashians, anyone?" attitude. Which, while awkward, does get some comedians to have to talk about it to cover up how uncomfortable it is.

I enjoyed it

Does anyone else get the feeling that Opie has goons here trying to keep the heat off of him?

I believe the more awful Anthony and Jim become, the more heat will be off of Opie

Opie never was and never will be talented

Maybe not on air, but he's clearly smart enough to make millions

He won the lottery. First Ant and then Jimmy and all his friends.

No, Keith has the rest of the Anthony goon gang clearly trying to keep the heat of the tranny business, pedo evidence file, LoS jumping ship, an the new dani video.

There's no more heat there

There have bene plenty of good shows without Opie and just Jim and friends. Opie is not needed on any level.

Historically there have been more good shows with Opie (just stating facts)

I tweeted Jimmy the show was LOW ENERGY!! (which it was) in reference to Jeb getting his feelings hurt by Trump, and Jimmy read it and took it seriously, seemed hurt, then they talked about how hard it was to steer the ship...

ATTENTION: I have decided to read all posts like Jay Mohr's CQ impression. That is all. Carry on.

With post like this and "Opie winning" is the clouds parting and this sub about to hail Opie OH CAPTAIN, MY CAPTAIN!

The Opster is about to have the greatest radio turnaround this side of Scott Shannon's loveable grandpa turn.

Rich used to be one of my favorites. I respected him. Now he is just an unfunny kike. I blame Bonnie and the both of them combining their careers as a single act... MWHM was the beginning of the end for the both of them.

If Jimmy had a funny comedian in there it would've been good.

From that clip, it seems vos is the only Jew who doesn't understand compound interest

i laughed more than normal and i screamed "shut the fuck up opie" infinity less

Nice troll post. Opie is fucking awful.

Any of you yahoos think you can do better? Or just sit downstairs being dumbass critics?

Most of us just switch the station in our cars on the way to our never-wanted-a-career-in-radio jobs.

Yeah guys, anyone who criticizes anything they're not a professional at is a faggot who should die, am I rite?

They are Feminazi sjw

It's impossible for even shitty comedians like Kurt to imagine people would never want a job as a comedian. They're so disconnected from the common man they can't comprehend that others would want to do something greater with their lives.

linger longer?


I just want to buy her panties from a vending machine is that too much to ask