Here's my conversation with Jim Norton on facebook about the Chip cartoon...

0  2016-04-21 by [deleted]



This is just embarrassing. You confronted Jim Norton, but everything you said reads like a horrible Jim Norton impression.

I don't get it. I've heard Jimmy say several times that the perks will be given out. Unless he missed some deadline you have nothing to cry about

I don't have anything to cry about, regardless. I didn't donate. Faggot.

So you lied to Jim about donating to make your point. What a feeble faggot you are.

Yeah, except you are still crying about it. You must see my point? If you agree that he will end up paying out he perks, why are you arguing with him? Faggot

I think the OP looks like a bigger douche than Norton in that convo, and that's not easy to do.

nice, he should be harassed for being so phony and shitty now

I admire the balls in confronting him, but apart from a few insults it seemed like he responded pretty reasonably.

I just don't get what the problem is. He has said that he is sending out the perks if you donated, so unless he missed a deadline people have no reason to complain. I see OP realized how dumb he was and deleted his account.