$60,000 in his pocket for five minutes of animation. Jim Norton still pushing soup sponsorship on Twitter.

4  2016-04-21 by yzyman


He looks horrendous. And "Freezing out."?? It is sunny and 60 degrees in NYC right now.

I always found his soup sponsorship to be pretty funny. It's just such a silly thing for a deviant like him to be shilling for.

I always question this soup thing, but this time I'm more intrigued in that Sherrod tongue thing he's doing.


Aren't these always the same pictures hes posting?

You know what... Fuck him.

He is a piece of garbage.

Yeah!!!! How dare he accept a sponsorship!!!???

Liberal faggot.

I thought Reddit was filled with witty yet brutal savages, until I just read the twitter replies to yimmy soup tweet. Twitter trolls bring the creative expression of hate to a all new level