Caller calls in via the hotline to troll Jimmy about the gofundme

9  2016-04-21 by Dennyislife

You'll be reading this. You seem pretty upset about the fact people willingly gave money to the shitty chippy cartoon. Their choice. They didn't have to. They did it because they wanted to.


So about that hotline number....PM please

Happened to hear the last part of the call. He had to have big retarded Kenny protect him. What a piece of shit. Kenny calling the caller Bobo or his brother, don't remember the exact words, was ballsy. I bet Bobo scores higher on an IQ test than Kenny.

no he did some sort of gig with bobo in the past.

Basically Kenny knew who this guy is and wanted to protect Jimmy, as if Jimmy is not a grown man or capable of having an argument.

Why else would a z list comedian need a fucking bodyguard?

While I do think it's despicable he stole $60k, you're stupid for putting any faith and money in a Norton project.

these dummies donated for a season of chip cartoons, not for 2 shitty promo episodes

Does anyone have an audio link?

He was right though. Jim's hardcore fans gave him 60k and in return they've got 5 minutes of awful animation and no explanation of when anything will be created.

He stiffed em hard.

yeah animation only takes a few weeks to make right? Even the shittiest stuff takes hours of work

If he had those two shitty 'episodes' made before why didn't he release them? Because he knows they're utter dog shit and nobody would donate.

He's taken 60k from his hardcore fans to make about 20 minutes of shit animation on youtube. He's definitely going to alienate people - unless those people donated out of pity and knew this was going to happen from the start.

People donated AFTER seeing the first one.Their fault.

More coming.

What don't people get?

Jimmy is a lot better scammer than Danny Ross

What's my comment? I've shown this sub more than enough. There's no scam. Just people who can't accept reality.

Bro you had months to get your police report.

Yup, and I posted it too. You're so obvious. Look at your post history.

Bro you think the whole sub is your "stalker" You come on the sub to answer questions about the show and people who ask you questions who are intrigued by you coming on here you say are your stalker. You have no idea what you're talking about. I'm not your stalker. Get a grip on reality. Don't be on the sub if you think any guy asking you shit is your stalker. There's been no proof posted that you have a stalker. Bro, you need to get a grip.

I can post 20 messages of you saying exactly this.

Post them, it's not me sending messages to you.

so you DID go to the police after all? Then why were you wanting money?

To hire somebody more competent who will actually do some invesigating.

Youre GFM would have been more successful if you followed the model Corey Feldman did for his indiegogo

I still don't understand what a PI could do versus a detective. A PI can only tail people and talk to them. People do not have to talk to a PI if they don't want to. A PI can't press criminal charges and they can't even submit their investigation to the police. The police have to investigate it from the start. A PI can't file a subpoena. You're chances of having a civil case are slim you have posted on here that you aren't afraid of the stalker. You admitted you aren't afraid and have no case. I don't understand what you are trying to prove and why you think they can help. You're a public figure. You were on a radio show and you're here talking about the show on the sub. A court will see that as part of being in the public eye and being trolled. The stalker is your moby dick.

Thanks for your concern, crazy person.

Bro I'm not your stalker. Ant was right on the money. You're paranoid. You think everybody who says shit is your stalker. Bro, you came on here and invited us all into your world by talking about it. You don't like the comments, then don't e beg on the sub or talk about it on here. You need a grip on reality. You lack self awareness. This is why you have a stalker because of how you are with people. You're not worth me stalking you. Fuck off, stop talking about it on the sub if you don't like what's said. You're the psycho one bro, you need help. No doubt your bitchy attitude is why you're in this mess in the first place. Fuck off, Ross.

I literally have you saying all this in DMs from deleted accounts. Nobody talks about it but you. Please get help. Blocking this name now, so you'll need to delete this burner and make a new name like usual.

Why else would a z list comedian need a fucking bodyguard?

People donated AFTER seeing the first one.Their fault.

More coming.

What don't people get?