Esther remarks on Opie's tits then silence, no acknowledgement.

48  2016-04-20 by TheShitHoldingKid


They're scared to laugh.


Fucking BAKAS

ME: I just want Howard-Senpai to notice me. PERIOD. sniff

fuck them that was really funny

She is, and always will be, our Queen, Kuleesi.

The queen is sue lightening faggot

maybe king

I thought Lightning was like our young prince.

Esther is a Champ.



Esther should be The Destroyer, not the Opster.

On top of that being hilarious, Opie will be so hurt. As a fat guy, I don't care when dudes call me fat, but when there were times where I've been called fat by a very attractive woman, it's just a shot to the gut - it's one of the worst things ever.

But you laugh it off best you can and act like it didn't affect you. Opie won't though, and calling it now - hes gonna be a huge cunt about it later.

Won't see her no more

didn't she already call him a douchebag on social media or something?

Those Keeping Up With The Kardashians episodes don't watch themselves. Tits has to be all in whenever a guest brings them up.

Stop eating fat fuck. Count your God damn calories and lift. Don't let a bitch call you fat.

Hey shut up

Hey Bick I think you're beautiful at any size.


most of what opie talks about is having a healthy wholesome lifestyle .... despite him appearing very overweight, out of shape and based on his own stories he is an inattentive parent .... these 2 areas are where opie is most vulnerable but simultaneously they are points of extreme unfounded pride for opie

Reave it arone, Tokyo Rose.

Esther takes requests from her Periscope followers. She's no Sherrod fan, either.

Didn't listen to it all but if she dislikes that piece of shit Sherrod I'm fucking all in. Goddamn how people don't call out that no-talent piece shit is beyond me.

Haha btw subtly shitting on Voscchhh jumps her up a few notches... "You used to work out?". Haha

Why is there no sexy Ku pic on the sidebar yet? Dafuq?

That exchange was as awkward as The View. What the fuck happened to them?

i love her

i hope opie over reacts which will force her to double down which will get her banned from the show which will force her to out him publicly for being a cry baby .... its all theoretical and highly doubtful but i can dream

haha, that was great

I fucking howled when she said that

I'm no defender but to claim there was "silence" is misleading, Vos waited for Esther to stop laughing before continuing his inane boring story.

Yeah, if it was about anybody else it would have gotten a laugh though.


Time stamp? Just kept playing from the beginning for me. Want to hear the worm worm. Edit - nvm got it. What bitches by Vos and Norton

Couldn't have posted the stamp eh?
