[Serious] Joe and his friends are making good on their promise of doxxing. After watching this threatening video, I surrender.

409  2016-04-20 by USS_Buffaler


this sub is somehow the dumbest and, simultaneously, greatest thing on reddit

I like that it's a club that pretty much nobody can join at this point. You would need so much context that to an outside observer it's just nonsense. Opie, Anthony, and Jim aren't getting any new fans/listeners. The number of members can only go down from here. We're like the last of the Mohicans.

You're right. Take a step back and imagine browsing this sub without any context.

It's so true. Everything here is one massive inside joke, for which you need to basically understand twenty-plus years of the Opie & Anthony show in fairly intimate detail. It's hilarious.

"Why do they keep saying 'tsss'?"

What is all this "fa la la la la?" It's not Christmas!

its not Christmas time fala la la la la

a knowledge and understanding so rare, and yet, so worthless.

Almost something to be proud of.

I let my TACS subscription expire after the first year. I recently came by here to see how things were going for Ant and it's like visiting another planet. I have no idea what happened or what's going on.

If you don't log in for two or three days you're just as lost. Things happen quick around here lately.


Most of the inside jokes pertain to this sub, everything else is just chip impressions and references to when Patrice wasn't a fan of women.

Sadly, I don't think Patrice's opinion has changed. He's one stubborn fella.

I just got back from a week vacation (without checking the sub) and already am missing a lot of context. For a sub dedicated to a shockjock duo who haven't made radio together for almost two years there is a lot of new content.

The sub has outgrown it's original programming and is becoming self aware.

I think it would appear to be a window into the mind of a future school shooter.


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Hell, I'm away for two days and come back to what may as well be moonspeak. The half-life of OnA memes are very short these days.

Also you have to be super cool and handsome.

Dude, I bet you didn't even drink beers in high school dude.

I heard he was addicted to wine coolers by 18

May God have mercy on his soul.

Been addicted to wine coolers since he was 18. sniff

I don't think it's harder than most of us think so. Hundreds of hours of hilarious radio that still is listenable and most of it is on YouTube. People have time to kill, and since most of the shows are on YouTube, you never know who will find the shows and soon they can't stop listening. I started listening because a O & A video was linked to a Howard video. I was listening to the Howard episode where he interviewed Roger waters and calls him one of the greatest rock guitarist... My point is, people can find this shit and drive in deep with the countless hours of content.

Absolutely on point. Just heard of O & A in 2014 from random Patrice videos, wound up listening to I don't know how many months worth of shows since. Everyday, whether at work, the gym, walking my dogs, playing video games, they're always on. There's a few references from the old days I have to look into, but this sub is absolutely fucking hilarious. I even got my 65 year old mother hooked on the show now. She loves Chip.

You should do an AMA


The term you are looking for is called meta. This sub is very meta.

Fawkin metal! Dvv Dvv!


tss I meta chick once and she sukked my pekah tss

Not really. I never listened until shortly before Ant was fired. The Youtube videos should steadily produce new fans.

I like that it's a club that pretty much nobody can join at this point.

It's incredible how delusional you lame, needy, friendless faggots here have become.

I have at least 3 friends.

There's something very Jungian about this sub.

Or fawkin Oldian, tss

Wordplay yuma


That's probably one of FIVE times someone has actually managed to make me laugh using Chip. It's such an overused (and often terribly done) but that one made me chortle out loud.

Between this Chip and the 'Women are objects' post in the Jezebel thread (which, if I may channel my inner Professor Metzger, MD and comment on how brilliant it is to use the most lazy and thoughtless stereotype and not even punctuate it), I've had quite a few LAFFS here recently. Who's with me, gang?

I didn't see the Jezebel comment, but if they wrote that, it's gone now.

Which is evident by the amount of down votes a bad chip gets (which is almost all of them). But this one was FAWKIN HILARIOUS

You're right, it's quite humorous, but perhaps you could explain it to the slower people on this sub. Not me tho, I totally got it. Heh....g'head.

Wait, wait, wait. fumbles with buttons We got Jeff from Philadelphia you're on the show!


Disabling comments and ratings was a nice touch

This is a series that needs a kickstarter

Middle-aged wanna-be biker gang, oblivious to their mass stupidity, riding from town to town and bungling all attempts to dole out street justice on Internet shit stirrers who affect life of lead biker's free-falling, meal ticket brother (despite repeated mantra of gang, brothers that stirring takes place in vain).

Use the Louis C.K. model to bankroll a limited run and make it Reddit's first scripted dark comedy.

Kind of a redditard version of Every Which Way But Loose.


Probably could get in the range of 60k from this sub alone.

I'd throw 'em a Harriet Tubman.

It doesn't end there my friend,
Harriet Tubman is the next face of the $20 bill; $5 and $10 bills will also change

With Hamilton's position secure, and with the Obama administration under pressure to add diversity to the currency, Lew's compromise is to replace a picture of the Treasury building on the back of the $10 with leaders of the suffrage movement ā€” Sojourner Truth, Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Alice Paul and Lucretia Mott.

The back of the $5 bill will also be redesigned to include opera singer Marian Anderson, First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt and civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr.


To be honest, I want crazy rainbow money. So whatever changes they want to make, I'm fine with.

Yeah I don't use paper money anymore but hell do I like fancy looking bills.

Also as queer as it is Eleanor Roosevelt is someone I've look up to so I'd like to have her homely mug on a bill.

That's not even a harley sound. This is fucking great.

Brother Joe rides a Yamaha. The Jap-Jockey.

I don't think its even a Yamaha.

I'd guess Joey rides a Buell Blast that he bought with his saved up brother allowance.

yeah I think I saw someone making fun of his Korean motorcycle or something hahaha

It's a Mahaya

I enjoyed that

I fuckin really enjoyed that.

Peckas (Peh-kahz): a multi-use term that may be used as an exclamation, an insult, an expression of joy, an interruption of an intelligent conversation, as well as a blanket term for a hive of scumbags on reddit.

Synonyms: penises, cocks, Brother Joe's head, Johnsons.

Antononyms: Cootahs

Homonym: a gay nim

Like I said before, peckas is our "forgetaboutit"

You did very well there. Peckas indeed.

Don't anybody break Brother Joe's heart by informing him this isn't a legitimate movement he inspired. Right now he's probably raging at some "liberal bullshit" he read on The Onion.

I just retweeted him using my aunties obamaphone. Hi joe šŸ‘ŠšŸ’šŸŒš

Haha. Somebody DM him and let him know he's been recruited. Don't forget to give him directions to the clubhouse. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nlGclIZV5JQ

"Danny Bland" was hilarious

What a time to be alive. Thank you, OP.

I adore these videos

Are there more?

There's the Andy cumia black guy, and the first Jesus one.

can someone please give me a link to the black guy ones? I missed those


He just cut a promo on us!


I feel like I just watched an early 90's Nailz promo from WWF.

Hey now, the DOA were pretty over in '97!

They will ALWAYS fucking be over....at least in the heart of THIS wrestling fan!!!



This sub is goes from shockingly retarded, to staggeringly brilliant in the blink of an eye. Everything is either wet shit or solid gold. Nothing in between.

This is solid gold.

lol and all day i was deliberately not clicking this shit and then i see it having 150 upvotes

this is absolutely amazing 10/10

Best thing I've seen all day

These just get better and better.

Where are more?

He's the worst of the Cumio family.


His name is Cumia!!! Fawkin cock suckah.

I pissed my fuckin pants.

The best part about this video is that is a brand new sheet, it still has the factory folds. This faggot went to Walmart to buy a sheet specifically for the video.



I love all you funny faggots

I'm just glad scorch is finally getting some work.

This sub is the gift that keeps on giving. I love you guys. I'm gonna miss it when it inevitably gets shut down.

It's a next level that I wish I could be a part of

The production value matches up with all the other shows so this has to be Bro Joe, filmed at TACN studios.

This guy was spitting more than Vos, and has teeth just as bad as vos.

finally, something fucking hilarious

We've really become the better network.

Remember when Bikahz used to be deadly dangerous, and legit scarey, who could kill a man with their bare hands or a well placed stare? Now even a parody of a badass biker is an over weight dummy in his 60's with diabetes and a plumbers goatee. However it did make me chuckle!

I knew everyone on this sub was fat. Confirmed.

He isn't from the sub. You can pay people on sites like fiverr to make videos like the one posted. It's great.

Uff hate to ask, but are you guys more fat white trash than this guy or less?

More... much more

I'm laughing so hard holy shit

Keeping it simple. Nice.

We're all fucked now, guys.

This is exactly how I picture Joe & his gang reacting to reddit.


Is this Joe's cosplay boyfriend?


Same goes to joe from me. I was in juvey for a drug violation when I was 14, stayed in till I was 16 for breaking a scraps arm. Went to Quentin for another drug charge, rolled with "the northern clique" while I was in, was a norteno on the outside till I was 28 until I was out the gang with a honerable discharge for some work I put in. I'm tatted all over (mostly tats I got while on lock down and gang related). I've been stabbed twice and have fought more times then I can count. So yeah joe, get at me homie. (FYI: I got into O&A from a crazy white boy I use to work with and it gave me a serious personality check. From serious and respect demanding to PECKAS!!!)


Lol, but I love this fuckin sub, I loved opie and anthony but, the fall of the people involved is truly amazing and hilarious.



Would you guys please stop trying to pick each other up?



These are like the new Song/Audio Contests on the show. The show continues while one is in rehab and the other is in soccer dad hell.

Fucking funny.

Oooooh yeeeah! I want everybody to freak out! Freak out! The Nacho Man is right here, and Iā€™m gonna take it to the limit! Yeah!

Holy fuck,seriously you fucking guys kill me!! Lololol

I think I love that guy.

Tweet it to Vos

You spelled "VROOOOM VROOOOM" wrong. Peckah!

Haha holy shit

10/10 IGN

Boy club soda Kenny really gained weight!

Guys, Joe looks different.

So...who's filming our response video?

Fucking hilarious

The fucking [Serious] tag ... i bet that's why we'll get banned eventually. Not taking "rediquette" or whatever the fuck seriously.

You can see the plug a mile away but it still doesnt make it any less funny. The vest needs fake motorbike club patches to complete the mockery.




I may be a rube on this one, but did someone here make this or was that a shoot?

theres a website where you can pay people 5 dollars to dress up and say whatever you want

Todd Hoffman from Gold Rush is cutting promos now!


Thought this was going to be a straight up parody video and was hating it. Then the end won me over. This rules.

Jesus and a SAMCRO douche


What a tool!

fuck Rich Vos

He's really only good getting shit on. Can't speak for his stand up though

Is this one of those $5 a video things?

No. It's a threatening video from Joe and his biker gang filmed at TACN Studios.

Holy shit was that gay.

I will literally give these shits my address and wait, with camera running, while they fail to show up.

It's a joke ya fuckin idiot.

yuck, are these stupid fiverr videos really still happening? it ran its course, dude.


Are there more?

Kind of a redditard version of Every Which Way But Loose.


To be honest, I want crazy rainbow money. So whatever changes they want to make, I'm fine with.
