During all of this fun and chaos, let us not forget this monster.

13  2016-04-20 by [deleted]


She's a nice lady

She ate a nice lady.

Still a better broadcaster than anthony

How fucking dare you!

You could give the Mountain from Game of Thrones a 2x4 and let him have his best whack at that head and he isn't gonna put a scratch on it. That cranium is the fucking Rock of Gibraltar.

Ol' steel skull.

Her head is roughly the size of that woman's entire chest.

Justin Stangel quit let it go.

I actually did think it was him before I enlarged it

Oh Jeeeeeremyyy


"Yeeeeeeah... Comedy..."


Her tits are running away from that face.

Username relevant.

Is that hottie in the back a mannequin? Either way I'd like to take her out to my van and administer her a good rogering if you know what I mean.

Give her the old fist in the vagina, if you know what I mean.

Shockingly accurate.

When did Bobby get hair?

Eat her ass for 5 minutes after a diarrhetic shit for $1,000?


I would do it for the honor and prestige

We'll make sure to 21 gun salute your funeral

Has she lost a foot to the 'betes yet?

It looks like Harriet Tubman's nose got to her face before the twenty dollar bill.

She's about a piece of shit, isn't she?

I'm gonna miss all the times Pete Davidson abused him and his stupid rings on a weekly basis.

How does someone look like Pete Rose AND the Hulk???

she can definitely take a punch

Ole bullfrog head.

No neck bitch.