Some recent gems from the TACS sub

46  2016-04-20 by booderdooders

On the Ant & Dani show:

I watched the video, and I don't see where Anthony did anything wrong.


All I see is normal private bullshit that goes on in relationships and people making this out to be something when it looks like it vindicates Anthony for the most part.


As for her hand, we have no idea what that was from... could be anything from play wrestling to banging


He seems annoyed and wants to find his gun... In my opinion I think Dani hid it, which is probably why the fight/wrestling happened in the first place, either getting it from him or whatever.



On this sub:

That sub is full of Sanders supporting tranny porn watching bisexual faggots.


The hate for Joe is just retarded.


theres another sub?


Don't worry about it guys, that sub has zero power anyway.


Simple the sub. They are breaking several of reddits rules. Reddit banned fatpeoplehate for a fuck of alot less.


Brilliant insights, as always.

Keep in mind, these were upvoted.


they're sanders-supporting SJW's


we should report them for breaking reddit rules

Pick one faggots

I am worried that we have actual SJWs around here.

Well when Jezebel direct-links here thats bound to happen...

That's definitely part of it. But it also feels like OqieRadio fans who weren't around when O&A were still together.

I can't think of a single Opie fan on here.

Queue Opie apologists in 3... 2...

You were going for a moment here, but it's not happening.


ME: took a BABY HIT once back when I did Rogan's podcast and im telling u im ALL IN WITH THE 420!! #legalizeit #Happy420 #DadbutRad #OpieRadio #RealTalk

You do. You always have. Some of us have been fans of the show for ages.

only annoying sjws i see here are those niggermania-types who constantly use the word cuck and make everything political. The kind of intellectual heavy weights that became fans of the old show because of anthonys refreshing and honest views on race, as opposed to, you know, the funny stuff. Im guessing the actual o&a fan base or whatever the fuck is left of it is about 50-50 right-leaning and left-leaning, just like the rest of the country. Post-2014 fans are obviously 100% conservative, all five of them are ant fans cause theres no such thing as an o&j fan.

Personally I'm extreme centre.

Holy shit proof here.

Hey guess what, Anthony has always been this way. Since 9/11.

You are just annoyed by his politics and it shows.

He got much worse when darkie took the white house

Perhaps a bit more than that.. oooosssss

What? I really don't give a shit about politics, thats why it annoys me to hear it from either side. Of course ants been that way for a long time, it had nothing to do with why i listened to the show. Just be funny, you mongoloid.

Just be funny, you mongoloid.

I am funny there Robert Downie Jr.

Honest question, why do you feel the desire to be a SJW or I assume a male feminist?

I saw your previous reply, which you've deleted, so it's pretty obvious you're not asking an honest question. But I'll bite.

I'm a leftist. Any feminism or social justice causes I might subscribe to are just manifestations of good ol' fashioned radical leftism. I'm probably most closely aligned to left-anarchism, so I'm obviously going to oppose social power structures and institutionalized oppression. I'm very critical of the strong Marxist slant within young leftist circles these days, but my criticisms of Marxism are of course left-wing in nature. That's really all I have to say about that.

Incidentally, this has never once stopped me from enjoying a fucking radio show and laughing at a little mean-spirited humor. Go figure. Dunno why you guys get so butthurt at the idea that a feminist might be laughing at the same things you laugh at.

that position is different to my own, time for a witty retort

U r a dum fuck fagot cunt. go fuck sanders with your clit you cuck.

check and mate

Simply outplayed.

Because those who self identify as a feminist these days are more often than not giant faggots.

So are most people who use words like "cuck."

Cuck is only used these days because faggot can't be, so that doesn't make sense.

Your natural leftist inclination to be combative and divisive is duly noted, hopefully one day you'll grow out of it.

Have a lovely day.

You insulted him a little bit. You got a little bit out of order yourself.

Cuck is only used these days because faggot can't be, so that doesn't make sense.

Or by people who don't even know what it means. They use to be called virgins.

Cuck is only used these days because faggot can't be, so that doesn't make sense.

Did't seem to stop you from using it, faggot. What doesn't make sense?

Hey, who doesn't love watching their wife fuck other guys, huh?

I'm more into joining in than watching.

Hey, that's fun too. But sometimes you just gotta sit there in your prettiest dress and take what's given to you.

Haven't those strong marxist views found their way in to American universities to a point that those who espouse such beliefs have in fact become the power structure? My question is when you would find yourself disagreeing with them and challenging their authoritative designs? To me it seems that what was once radical leftism has turned into what they used to fight against. Any perspective from your ideological bedrock woud be much appreciated. I'm a realistic libertarian by the way, we can't somehow try and turn back time and imagine American Imperialism never happened.


we do. I thought for a while that /u/fratboy_massacre and the people that agreed with her were coming here from jezebel type sites, and there was a post here yesterday showing that that was true.

Good thing we have you and your shitty alts posting about it nonstop, instead of ignoring it and letting it go away , you fanboy faggot.

yeah good thing. because I have never logged into reddit under a different account name and have posted about this person maybe twice ever so hopefully you are reporting whatever imposter is spamming as me and its getting removed before I see it. Good work, detective!

It's ok that you are obsessed with some fat loser that mocks your hero on the internet. Making a shit ton of alts to fight an anonymous online douche is totally healthy.

i dont even know what youre talking about anymore

I'm talking about you and your queer alts that obsess over people, faggot.

what are my queer alts and who am i obsessing over? lol i really have no idea what youre seeing

We do. I have been brigaded by them

And my shoes fell off!

Wow... is this a troll?

I'd guess a female at least based on some of the content

Not mutually exclusive, she probably looks like she should be living under a bridge. If I saw /u/goutastic in real life I would throw rocks at her and she would try to eat them because she is incapable of supporting herself without a man. Or did you mean the other kind of troll?

I was just posting an observation I had from a couple days ago. Some of the content from the poster reeks of an extreme dislike for men.

You're probably right about how she looks

Edit: could be an effeminate/gay man looking at some of the posts.

I knew what you meant haha. She's the type of chick that if you're trying to bang you have to tell your friends to tone it down or else she'll stamp her feet and leave the party. Gotta pay the hole toll to get the hole's hole.

I'm starting to think it's dani

This has to be like the 50th time you cry about that cunt. We get it. you're hysterical dude, way more annoying than that cum dumpster.

Man you got me good!

how many times did you honestly mention her tho? I've seen it in almost every thread I've checked in the last three days.

Every thread. For the last 3 days.

keep up the good fight. btw, does your username mean anything? I cant tell if it looks familiar or if its just random letters.

It's the sound your skull makes when your shot in the head, where did you hear that?

That I've seen, yeah.

Not everyone on the left side of the political aisle is an SJW.

not all muslims are terrorists

but all terrorists are muslims...

You're right, I wasn't trying to imply they were.
It might not be a causal relationship, but more liberals tend to be SJWs.

Not everyone, sure. But nowadays the lines are very blurred. There is very little ideological diversity on the Left anymore. It's either agree with every SJW buzzword and faux-outrage, or be outcast.

I'd rather go down the middle, strongly disliking both extremes because they just seem so silly.

nope, just SWV's...

Its half the subreddit at this point...

to be fair, the people contacting lootcrate to cancel his nerdbox sponsor was cringey as fuck. fucking with joe is hilarious because he's like that old man stuck behind a screen door but trying to fuck with ant's cash flow is kinda fucked up

I agree. That's the ultimate bitch move. It's hypocritical to trash the Jezebel faggots for attacking someone's livelihood and then proceed to do the exact same thing they do. That's one of the main reasons we hate those people.

it's not going to put him out on on streets. facing adversity brings people back down to earth and catalyzes personal grAHHHAHAHAHHAHAHA

that was the work of perhaps our finest member /u/cbanks420lol

don't you get it? we need to burn it all down. fuck petty moralizing. this is the ghost of christmas future for O&A&J, their reckoning, and if you can't taste the deliciousness of the irony I pity your useless palate.

ME: Thank you. This guy gets it.

But for real fuck 'em all. They're shock jocks who made their career off of shitting on people. They deserve it.

I love the denial like "All I see is normal private bullshit that goes on in relationships" Hahaa! Yea everyone I know breaks their girls hands at least once or twice a year

Whilst trying to locate a missing firearm.

also a girl half his age, a visit from the police & both are completely shit-faced, yep just the average everyday relationship.

Isn't Anthony the one that would only talk to Opie if it was done on air when Opie was trying to just have a beer privately with Anthony

I do with my cock. Tss

I bet the bitch slammed her own damn hand in a door.

You don't know he did!? What the fuck do you really know about what happened? They could have been fucking, wrestling, shit she could have been instigating it to hide the gun in the first place..

I can't judge what the fuck happened, but I don't see violent overtones or any indication she is really scared. Unless you are autistic you can't believe she is videotaping him for no reason.. Or she is completely fucked in the head the way she switches her demeanor on a dime..

Edit: Subscribe to /r/tacn for those of you that want to talk about the shows again. Edit 2: Yeah the have fun part was cringey too.

Pro-wrestling or Olympic style?

Maybe he was going for a 3/4 nelson.

Ant would be attempting the 3/5ths Nelson

Or a Paul R Nelson

Subscribe to /r/tacn for those of you that want to have fun and talk about the shows again.

What do you think we do here you dummy. You mean come to /r/tacn to pretend the quality of most of the shows isn't absolute shit. Also I can't just leave in the middle of my Panera shift you fag some of us take our responsibility seriously.

If this is the Panera across from McGooby's you're in big trouble.

I got a line out my ass and noone has fucking made any Bistro French Onion soup.

Edit: Subscribe to /r/tacn for those of you that want to have fun and talk about the shows again.

Implying this isn't fun.

"Don't worry about it guys, that sub has zero power anyway. "

Is probably a joke a few of us have been trolling. Guy that ruins the bit.

Anthony's retard superfans are as bad as, if not worse, than Opie or Brother Joe. There, I said it.

Opie was an Anthony superfan and cried that they didn't have a friendship anymore. Brother Joe fucking calls himself "Brother" Joe. His whole identity is based on his brother. It's all the same group.

Brother Joe fucking calls himself "Brother" Joe.

This is a good fucking point. How little do you think of yourself that you have to constantly remind everyone that you're the brother (nevermind the BIG brother) of a kind-of famous person.

Hahahah, yes, the logical takeaway from video was total & undeniable vindication for Anthony! The thought of becoming a Compound-insider or watching their idol fall so far has really done a number on those butt fuckers. Well, hope they enjoy next 6 months.

Cant see TACN remaining financially solvent past 2016.That, or the head of said network ends up dead or in jail. And no, I do not wish the former on Ant. Thats sick. But as for jail, maybe couple months in clink is only way to rewire his brain. Realize he is fallable, doesn't know everything, & that he needs to wise the fuck up.

No the logical takeaway is we don't know shit you stupid ass. But yeah its totally logical to think someone should be in jail for something you have no idea about.

When you get older, just think you wanted to put someone in jail because he is fallible and doesn't know everything.. just like you.

Jesus when did being hypocrites become cool?

He beat a young girl up and then strangled her later

Proof? We have no idea what happened for real, and its not on that video.

Did you cry when Anthony was arrested?

I frankly don't give a shit about Anthony's personal life, I am arguing what I see. People looking to get other people in trouble for some bullshit "justice" is cringy as fuck. I don't give a shit about the down votes, I don't give a shit about who did what to whom really and neither should you.

Any fan or former fan of the show has heard a fucking million more fucked up stories than the one we saw on that video. Why anyone acts like they are above this shit is a hypocrite.

Im not wishing jail on anyone....I said jail might be only way to rewire this fucking guys brain, that it might be good for him. Ant's made his drinking, affinity for fire-arms & odd behavior very public with literally zero humility & contrition. This rehab stint is a fucking farce. Tweeting about loving young heroin addict week 1.

Then this footage. Took place 12/20. U I think this was just a "bad night". He's 54! This was a regular Saturday night minus cops. Losing guns. Fucking this late in life, only things like jail can work for people like this.

If rehab works, great. Dani is a cunt but your defending guy who 99.2% likely to have broken a womans hand 2x, a rib, & has 2 felony charges including strangulation. Go fuck yourself, dick nose. In fact, use your dick nose when completing the act.

You cant say im defending shit. We have no idea what happened and you try to pretend you do so you can justify doing all this shit to him.

Children play games like this. That tape told us nothing, and if a 54 year old wants to get drunk and bang a 27 year old girlfriend. More power to him, who are we to judge.

You have no right to judge anyone. Not over this. You certainly dont have a right to fuck with the guys money, job, or lifestyle. Thats all that needs to be said in the end.



Five people with a handful of usernames

First of all, isn't that Opie's go-to when it comes to "hater sites"?

Secondly, there are 13,531 subscribers here, let's be fair and lower that to 10,000, and that is 2000 usernames per person.

Not to mention that most people making alts and throw aways probably don't bother subscribing with those accounts.

I tried posting over there. I got downvoted a lot. They're a bunch of meanies

You still have us!

Is that really their assumption of what normal private relationship bullshit is? I guess since they never had one of their own they use the relationships of their hero as a gauge. Remember, THIS is what we're talking about here...


"The hate for Joe is just retarded" had to be someone in Joe's camp who posted that if not Joe himself.

That chestnut has Joey Pies written all over it.


It's why I haven't left yet. We're consistent at least.

ok you are definitely new here.

No he's about right on that

As for her hand, we have no idea what that was from... could be anything from play wrestling to banging

Yeah, I ruptured a bitch's Achilles by banging

One time a college professor of mine said that George Zimmerman might have had that giant gash on his head before he even saw Trayvon Martin. This is the same kind of delusional wingnut bullshit. Also fuck that guy.

They're all basically variations of Fred from Brooklyn on that sub.

Where is the TACS sub located now?







I guess I'll break the chain


Hey, I don't support Sanders!

"He was genuinely upset and worried that Beavis had cancer."

"Then why are you dressed like one!" just guessing.

report the sub. They are breaking several of reddits rules.

Shit! What if they tell on us?! We can't get done again!



Why can't we be friends?

"Reddit banned fatpeoplehate for a fuck of alot less."

Why the fuck are we on Reddit again? It's not like this sub attracts regular redditors, most of us came here from Ant. We should migrate to a different, less faggy site.

Reddit is laggy? That's news to me. Have you ever used Voat? THAT shit is lagfest 2016 and I wanted so bad to enjoy the new fatpeoplehate sub on there after the whale revolution.

I wrote "faggy" with an "F". Eff. Ehhffffff. F.

Well fuck me I can't read.

Simple the sub. They are breaking several of reddits rules. Reddit banned fatpeoplehate for a fuck of alot less.

/r/fatpeoplehate was banned ostensibly because they were shitting on some imgur employees. They attacked the wrong people.

This sub goes after Z-list celebrities, comedians, and radio hosts that no one knows and if they do know then they are aware of how the O&A universe is composed almost entirely of garbage people. No one gives a shit.

FPH got banned for brigading, doxxing and harassment. I can see this sub getting quarantined though.

Yeah, but we're mostly hating on a drunk pill addict that beats his girlfriends. We were even nice to the tranny. Also, most regular posters here rarely venture outside this sub. Our hate is pretty well contained.

We're going against a public figure. That might be the difference. I dunno.

New targets for us???

Wait I thought we were just pretending that Ant did something wrong to screw with him, that video didn't actually seem incriminating to you guys did it?

He admits it

Honestly I think you guys are going to hard on Ant. Have you not been in a relationship with a straight up cunt before. She's pushing his buttons and playing mental games with oh let's ask the cops.its Ants fault for dating the gold digging loser who should be showing her pussy for a dollar on a stage. Can't turn a hoe into a housewife

its Ants fault for dating the gold digging loser

Yeah it is. So he gets what comes. That's what happens when you stick your dick in crazy, assuming all of the alcohol and benzos and old age haven't rendered Ant's cock unusable. If you want crazy sex from a girl closing in on 30 who is still trying to be the manic pixie omg super kawaaii teen girl, bad shit will probably happen.

He brags about only dating innocent girls with no protection or experience



Found the ball washer

Aww did you? Hey you guys are the ones who are white knighting all of Ant's ex's

Go write a blog on the plight of women who bang older men, and pretend to be outraged on the stories they tell!!

In the end you will eat up any lie they want to give you because you're the sucker.

Nigga you said "sissies".

If you call them faggots they may post it to Jezebel.

You forgot, "Ah, peckas"

Your right lol

Lol, what a queer!

Maybe he was going for a 3/4 nelson.

He admits it