Norton & Friends was enjoyable today

0  2016-04-20 by TotallyNotObsi


Jimmy has been happier than I ever remember him being over the past 2 months. Must be because the tour is going well...he's probably rolling in cash.

couldn't make it more than 10 minutes....

it's not offensively awful like the shit that comes out of Opie's mouth.... it's just not fun to listen to. at all.

Jim asks some of the most thoughtless and uninteresting interview questions I have ever heard. kind of mind blowing that this guy can shit on Larry King then turn around ask a guest "how do you prepare for dinner table conversation?"

why not ask something no

also that fucking Esther laugh.

Uhh, I mean, its a casual interview. They don't always have to be introspective or earth shattering.

But the way he phrases the questions comes off as being introspective. "You know, what is that LIKE when you pee on stage, you know?"

"yehhhh man, introspection is the worsttt. i bet you read books too ya queer"

jesus this sub is just high school all over again

I don't mind introspection but Jim Norton waxing poetic about trivial things is really lame. And you know I'm right.


this sub can't take a break from being pricks for no reason. they're just hardwired that way. its actually just a nice, pleasant thing to listen to... next time just add 'fuck you and your haggis connolly' so it blends in here a bit more.