I genuinely like Opie now

1  2016-04-20 by Funimator

Two reasons:

  1. It's hilarious and fun to flip flop on issues

  2. When Ant comes out of rehab it'd be funny if there was a bunch of Opie support going on here

You'll never find a better ship steerer and viral sensation than Opie. I've never seen anyone make Jimmy Carr laugh that hard. Long live the Destroyer.


Good luck, bro.

Thanks but Opie won't need it. He's a natural talent and works hard. Love that guy!

Now go home and get your fuckin' shine box.

Love Opie's impressions too. He's great!

Go fuck yourself.

Haha one of Opie's finest quotes. Love it. :)

He didn't say "Go fawwwwwk yrselffff."

lol, loser

We all are compared to Opie. Opie chomps faggots like you for breakfast.

Opie chomps faggots for breakfast?

Sorry that's probably more of an Anthony thing

Great now I have to go watch Happy Gilmore

Die nigger

I agree it's good Opie was smart enough to avoid that silly language! Good catch!

Anything is better than that car wreck of a show with jimmy, vos, and esther

I agree. They're really holding Opie back.

This is not going well

Yeah this thread is the opposite of Opie's radio show. We can't all be as great as that guy.

You sound like a guy who says " Hey wouldn't it be totally hilarious if we jerk each other off?" I mean I'm not gay at all. But let's just suck each other's dicks just for the joke.



How does that feel? Fucker.

Hey now... that's a bit cruel. This is a thread to discuss Opie and his accomplishments!

I thought I was!

This reeks of Ben. Where you been you nerdy, fat, non pussy getting mother fucker you?

Oh shit I forgot this place is full of anonymous reddit accounts that remember and fight each other. Yikes...

Projecting again? Take a deep breath lil buddy! Not everyone is me!

....ahpral fahlls?

He didn't say "Go fawwwwwk yrselffff."