Unfuckable Civilians

0  2016-04-20 by schmetzga

This is an SJW subreddit. Ant insulted us, so we will destroy him. He's a piece of shit who probably deserves destruction, but this is just about the gayest way to go about shit, acting like faggy jewy hipster brooklyn bloggers determined to ruin lives and careers because you're personally outraged by some bullshit. This place becomes less fun the more it becomes Opie's lil' jocktobering pests sitting around all day waiting to get outraged and lash out and destroy. And, chrissakes, the ballwashing that goes on here. See, daddy, we are relevant, we do matter, how dare you tell me I don't matter, daddy. The more you boast, the more you sound as feeble as Fredo - I can handle things. I’m smart. Not like everybody says, like dumb. I’m smart and I want respect!


Triggered bitch

Your right. You are so much better then us. There you go. There is the ego boost you was searching for

Nihilism deserves a place to express itself. Be thankful it's as small as this sub.

REQ: more movie quotes, a lot more . It's even better in text form.

I'm just shocked that nobody got called a cuck. Guess hes gotta keep one in the chamber for the comments.


faggy jewy hipster brooklyn bloggers

You sure don't have a way with words.

You seem to be the only one outraged. We're just doing what we always did. Fuck with shitty, unlistenable, hacky radio hosts - it's just instead of doing it on Opie and Anthonys behalf we do it to them.

I will not be called a cocksucking kike, sir.

What's with the overuse of sjw on this sub? Who gives a fuck.