Powder behind the curtain

0  2016-04-20 by Proptrash

If it is cocaine it would explain why Ant hasn't been funny in a long time. Cocaine usually takes the funny out of everything.


It didn't hurt Richard Pryor. Apart from the burning.

Good point

It wasn't a curtain its a table or bench that had a cloth on it and something just fell onto the floor, the man is a pedophile but he doesn't have kilos of cocaine that he just leaves out and about and knock onto the floor with the police coming over, it's cumia not scarface

If it was cocaine that's not kilos. Maybe a couple ounces or quarter pound at most.

I thought I saw an errant pill on the floor. Maybe he snorts his Xanax.

I doubt it

If that wasn't blow what was it?

Dani sure seemed upset that it was all over the floor. The place was a total disaster, so I'd assume the mess itself wasn't the issue. She threw a blanket over it to cover it rather than trying to clean it up (maybe knowing the cops were on the way). She made no comment about it on the periscope. Then when the cops arrived, she was awfully concerned about closing the front door... it was difficult to know where they were all standing, but could that have been to keep them on the porch? She certainly was wired, and was sniffing an awful lot too. However, actually calling the police in the first place doesn't seem like the behavior of somebody who is coked up.

I guess we'll never know, unless she tosses out one of those vague waxing poetic Tweets about it. Who knows, she may have bought some baking soda to make Christmas cookies and hadn't secured the lid to the container properly....

I think I read somewhere that it was her Mom who called the cops.