"…I know there are women, like my best friends, who would have gotten out of there the minute their boyfriend gave them a gun to hide. But I didn't. I got to admit the truth. It turned me on."

32  2016-04-20 by JMueller2012


One night, Jimmy Norton sent us a case of bud light. There was nothing like it. I didn't think there was anything strange in any of this

Jimmy Norton pushing the hard stuff?! That doesn't sound right.

Is this the superintendent? Yes, sir, I would like you to know that you have a whore living in 2R. Lightning, Sue Lightning. He's my abusive boyfriend. Get your own goddamn drunken ex radio host.

Dani (about the Compound parties) -

They all had bad skin, and his sister wore too much make up. They didn't look very good, they look beat up. The stuff they wore were thrown together and cheap, a lot of pantsuits and promo t shirts. They talked about Opie, and how the New York studio was going to change everything, and that Sirius still didn't pay any attention. When Anthony broke out the karaoke machine, I was dizzy.

It's the one with the cock, I'd like to smack his face.

The one with the brunette bob cut? The camtran?

I'm tellin ya, I can't get into Anth's theater without this guy's cock all over me. So I told him "keep you fuckin cock off me ya son of a bitch, or I'll cut it off!"

Whenever we needed money, we'd rob our fans. To us, it was better than making a real cartoon.

As far back as I can remember I always wanted to wake up at the crack of 4 in the afternoon from an alcohol and benzo induced coma.


Anthony's hair plugs don't come off!

"Where's the stuff, DANI? You What? Why did you do that DANI ? That was worth sixty thousand dollars DANI. We needed that DANI. We were dependent on that DANI! That's all we got!"


This kid was great. They used to call him Houseboy Keith, I swear to God! Now he'd make your kitchen pantry look like fuckin' WholeFoods, 'scuse my language. He was terrific, he was the best. He made a lot of money too, ah salud, Keith.

I'm not mad, I'm proud of you. You took your first pegging like a man, and learned the two greatest things in life. Look at me. Never lose your gun, and always keep your balloon knot open.

You got some nerve punching me in the ribs like that last night. Nobody does that to me! Who the hell do you think you are? Frankie Valli or some kinda bigshot?

It was before July of 14 and before Opie called Anthony human garbage and decided to start a radio war

"If another periscope goes on that kid's youtube channel without coming here first it's into the fucking oven you're gonna go." - SAMCRO Joe

After awhile, it got to be all normal. None of it seemed like crime. It was more like AntH was enterprising, and that he and the guys were making a few bucks hustling, while that other brother was sitting on his ass, waiting for handouts. My sugar daddy wasn't a brain surgeon, just a blue-collar guy. The only way he could make extra money, real extra money, was to go out and cut a few song parodies.

He started to push me, he started to grab me. I told him stop, he wouldn't stop. Then he got really mad and smashed up my i-phone.

Losing your firearm was a normal thing. It was no big deal.

Hey Dani if I wanted to bust your balls I'd tell you not to trip over ottoman

I'm gonna go beat my girlfriend, beat my girlfriend.

You see that... a subreddit just stole my livelihood, do you believe that shit?!

I realized how different was when Anthony had a party. They had bad skin and wore too much make-up. I mean, they didn't look very good. They looked beat-up. And the stuff they wore was thrown together and cheap. A lot of pant suits and double knits. And they talked about how rotten their kids were and about beating them with broom handles and leather belts.


This is the best thread.

anthony tells me you're half male!

only the good half

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