Opie Wins

87  2016-04-19 by Tell_Em_Fred

Opie wins. He ignored Reddit, his show with Norton has been getting better, & he was right about Anthony to a point. He took the high road after his on air breakdown. He never mentioned Ant's goons making fun of him or the Gregshell's merch that was sold by TACS. Upvote!


He cried on the air, he runs a morning zoo, and is totally irrelevant. There are no winners here, just degrees of failure.


He's been getting better with his interview questions though. "How was that?" "What was that like?" "But then what happened?" He's fuckin good tss.

His introduction to a new topic is always air tight. Solid transitions.

"So....Horace and Pete?"

And the follow up, "how's THAT goin?"

His second question is usually 'sniff?'

Journalism 101: who, what, where, when, and why and how

I'm a winner compared to Anthony despite the fact that I'm a loser

Thank you for repeating what I said with different words.


You had nothing more to add, sweet tits. You said exactly the same thing as i did. It's called being a repeating faggot.

I also would wager opie is upset ant went viral again. sniff

Opie is so fucking stupid he doesn't see having his own show as a success. His one goal in life was to go viral and his former partner and probable arch nemesis frequently goes viral by accident.

His one goal in life was to go viral

And tee shirts. Don't forget the tee shirts.

What do you do for a living there character?

I'm a caddie, but i do some part time stuff for the mafia.


i would LOVE to fail into opie's life right any day

please someone let me aspire to that

millionaire w a hot wife....who cares she fucked bam? if any of u are married, your wife has fucked dudes who are a lot worse to follow than Bam.

i want to be opie

Ugh that's just pathetic. Have you learned nothing from this sub?

We heard you!


Ugh that's just pathetic. Have you learned nothing from this sub?

What's that? Your phone keeps crapping out...

Don't be fooled, Opie is still terrible. He's just not Anthony, which makes him win by default.

I will give him credit for ignoring this sub, though, since it's not like he has the humility or humor to actually win us over.

Opie is way worse. At least Ant made us laugh for all those years.
This is literally Opie's high point.

Good point. Opie's high point is simply Ant's lowest, which speaks to how little Opie offers.

That is why the hate for Anthony is kind of sad to me, because even if he may not be the greatest guy he was still consistently fucking funny, I still appreciate him for that.

This http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=154_1443453687 made me laugh harder than most anything AntH has done in a decade.


Opie's a better person, ant is a fucking ghoul. Opie has a beautiful family, no charges, no accusations of pedophilia, no accusations of racism. He's just a dope who is bad at his job like 90% of the country. Except he got extremely lucky and became a millionaire with a multi-million dollar apartment in downtown manhattan.

Yeah, when you put it like that...

He's just a dope who is bad at his job like 90% of the country.

It's very telling you had to insult 90% of America to make Opie sound competent.

Opie's a better person

Are we going to ignore the cake incident?

Opie stomps on cakes. Anthony stomps on women's ribcages.

That was funny sir.

i never said he was a good person.

Fair enough


He lives uptown, you hayseed. He lives on the Upper West Side, in Trump Place on Riverside Blvd. And nobody says "downtown Manhattan", it's lower Manhattan or upper Manhattan.

blow me

Fair point.

stupid redneck

As stupid as Opie is he's an adult and realizes there's no point in fighting the internet. Only an idiot or a child would react the way Anthony and brother joe have. Opie also seems quite content with his life so things like this bother him less. He has nothing to really prove to us. He's made boatloads of money, seems to have a good family, and is interested in lame dad shit now like taking photos of sunsets and other people's art. I honestly don't care all that much for Opie but he's handled this far better, and seems to be a more decent person now.

I feel like you are giving him way too much credit. His therapist likely told him to ignore anything that isn't a positive, supportive statement

After witnessing the Cumias' repeated public meltdowns over Reddit posts, is that such bad advice? (when it comes to /r/opieandanthony, anyway)

It's pretty great advice, which makes me think it definitely didn't come from the opester

I don't even think it's that. I think he is just too dumb to think up comebacks. He can't go to break, he can't take a call, he can't scream over us. It doesn't matter how long he has to "craft" his responses, he's a dolt and deep down he knows it.

He's definitely seeing a therapist. No way that thin-skinned cake-stomper ignores all this without someone holding his hand

He's actually admitted to it on air somewhat recently

He does fight with the random person confronting him about cake stomp. But those are easy. He just yells at them for not knowing the "real story" (which doesn't make sense). But he knows he has no chance when it comes to the monsters he helped create

As stupid as Opie is he's an adult and realizes there's no point in fighting the internet.

Don't pretend he's taking the high road. He's made a career our of taking the low road and incites drama wherever he can. If he's quiet he's realized it's because he has nothing to say or the consequences will hurt him more than help him. He cried on air and (likely) burned a bridge with his co-host. Opie is as big a bridge burner as anyone, and he also sucks at building new bridges.

As shitty a human as Ant is, I think he has more friends than Opie.

Jim's not leaving that job. It's way too kush, and frankly there hadn't been any blow back since that fight. People who know, and work together for 15+ years fight you reclusive cunt.

And didn't Opie cry because someone he thought he was friends with for 20 years pretty much turned out to be human garbage? If that's the worst thing Opie did in all this I'd say he came out rather unscathed comparatively, and he had heat on him way longer than brother joe or anthony have.

Plus yeah Opies pretty much taken the high road. I'm sure there's some shit about Anthony he could throw out there on par with what's going on now and he hasn't. He could have very easily piled on. And what does having more friends than Opie have to do with anything? It's easy to have "friends" when you have a big house, pool, and throw drunken parties every weekend. Half of Ants friends use the fuck out of him.

Again I've said 50 thousand times Opie sucks but sometimes I think your hate for him makes you a bit delusional.

Jim's not leaving that job. It's way too kush, and frankly there hadn't been any blow back since that fight. People who know, and work together for 15+ years fight you reclusive cunt.

Why do you think it would ever be up to him? What leverage does he have; when contract negotiations come around everything can change. And you know what? If I fight with my friends of 15+ years I never say shit like "we've grown apart, we aren't close, I think we should just go our separate ways" like fucking insecure sociopathic homos. That's the entire point: they're not friends. Ant and Opie weren't friends either, and Opie said the exact same shit when they fought. What kind of shitty friends do you have where whenever you get mad you say you'll end the friendship and you have nothing in common and it's all a matter of convenience?

And didn't Opie cry because someone he thought he was friends with for 20 years pretty much turned out to be human garbage?

lol you're actually defending opie crying on air like a bitch cause his friends didn't fight over him. That's what he was asking for, by the way: that Jimmy would pick him over his other friend.

I'm sure there's some shit about Anthony he could throw out there on par with what's going on now and he hasn't.

You can go on assuming that I guess. It's funny how in this instance taking the high road and being an ignorant blubbering coward look like the exact same things.

It's easy to have "friends" when you have a big house, pool, and throw drunken parties every weekend.

Yes, it's easy to have friends when you invite them to do things and hang out and are a fun person to be around outside of work. What a fucking revelation.

What makes you think Opie is getting rid of Jimmy, and for who? Don't be stupid, Opie and Jimmy will milk that gig for as long as they can despite whatever differences they've had, and honestly since the fight they've been managing pretty well. The show is even tolerated by people from this sub now. Are you just stupid, and that unaware or do you just not listen so you're going off one squabble you heard on YouTube? I'm closer to no one but my brother and we've said some horrible shit to eachother as well and forgot about it 2 hours later. I since a similar case here you autist. (funny on today's show they talked about hanging out last night)

Uh no you dumb fuck I said if the worst thing Opie did is cry over a 20 year friend he's remained rather unscathed compared to others like Anthony who've been absolutely destroyed by this sub. Learn to have a nuanced opinion you dolt.

I will keep assuming that and so will everyone else who up voted my original comment dummy. I'm sure Opie could have easily made pedo t-shirts with Ants name on it, but again he took a higher road. With Anthony's current situation with the law Opie could have easily shit on Anthony but didn't. I mean if Opies getting rid of Jimmy like you claim what would he care?

Yes dummy it's easy to have friends when you do nothing but throw parties at your house and own a pool. And if your friends are people like fred from Brooklyn and Keith the cop I'd rather just be a reclusive cunt out in the woods. How stupid are you to think Anthony isn't being used? His other friends are a girl who abandons her children to come party, big a, brother joe, and a bunch of 50 year old nothings. Opie at least has a fuckable wife meanwhile Anthony's dating women like Dani who look like their on a permanent heroin binge.

Fanboy much?

Who is he replacing Jimmy with? I don't know, nobody? Like I said, nobody ever has a big public blowout with people they actually like and talk about how they're not close and shouldn't work together and how they plan on not renewing. These are things that were said. These were things that were also said during the Ant blowout and Opie, by his own admission, didn't fight for Ant and worked it out where he had his own show. This has happened already. The exact same fucking way. My reasoning is based on past events and things that were said publicly. Your reasoning is based on how you struggle to imagine a certain future.

Uh no you dumb fuck I said if the worst thing Opie did is cry over a 20 year friend he's remained rather unscathed compared to others like Anthony who've been absolutely destroyed by this sub. Learn to have a nuanced opinion you dolt.

Is "taking the wrong side" being a pissy sarcastic faggot and not at all addressing points?

Also, are you 15? Grown adults don't befriend someone they don't like cause they have a pool. Ant's stupid velociraptor doesn't make his house like Michael Jordan's. Nobody "uses" anyone and plays poker with them and hangs out with them cause they have a pool and a big basement, that's just retarded and you're making yourself look ridiculous by trying to muscle that into a point.

"Uuuuuh yeah dummy it's easy to have friends if you throw parties a lot." Thanks for the tip. Hey, it's easy to not have friends if you never hang out with anyone and never go out like Opie. That's a fact too. So when I say "more people like Ant," your argument can't start with "yes, BUT..." because all you're doing is agreeing with me and letting me know you're upset by this fact.

You call me a fanboy but make a comment about how hot Opie's wife is. Fucking yuck. Do you think his kids have rosy cheeks too, you creep? Wanna talk about how "healthy" they are as you sigh longingly?

Dude just shut the fuck up already you Opie obsessed faggot. I entertained you with a couple responses, and thought what a waste of time I might delete this, sure enough you comeback with another who gives a fuck novel. I hope your life turns out Lady Di old roommate Bill.

lol "taking the high road" i see.

I see you're still a faggot.

The fact you don't think most of Anthonys friends use him is beyond me. Yes, even as adults people use people. It's not like Ants friends are high quality beings. If he gets sober you won't see 3/4ths of those people around anymore. You're fucking stupid they use his place so they can party.

Hey guys, I found baby boy's weakness: he'll abandon any argument if he gets downvotes especially if he references how many upvotes he has, the fuck.

lol really? Sorry I didn't entertain you and read your stupid novel about Opie, and write back so we can keep the world's dumbest fucking argument going. You might be the biggest faggot here. Are you from xojane or jezebel? And I don't care about doenvotes check my post history you douchebag.

Did you call me obsessed and then just make 2 responses to the same post?

Figured id respond again cuz just cuz

I called you Opie obsessed you tard.

Just saw you called me a baby boy. Gonna use anymore of Jim's shitty insults? And you used the one everybody hates. Kill yourself.

Just saw you told me to kill myself. Gonna use anymore SJW insults? And you used the one everyone knows 13 year old Tumblr kids use. Have a productive day.

lol telling people to kill themselves is an insult exclusive to sjws? I'm pretty sure everyone uses that one. Bwhahahahahahaha what a tard. Go watch tacn and jackoff again faggot.

Ohhhh no guys he called me an social justice warrior!!! Not that!!! Got anymore overused terms you're going to call me?

Let me guess, the next level is writing "!!!!1!!111!oneone" at the end of a sentence.

Oh man you got me there. First I'm an sjw, next I'm ending my sentences poorly... Dude, your insults cut deep. Damn!!!

First I'm an sjw, next I'm ending my sentences poorly.

I'm saying both of these are the same thing. You're just babbling and being sarcastic.

Oh I'm the one babbling? Sorry I'll take this more seriously. It demands seriousness!!!!

Yet Opie will block you based on one comment on Twitter.

They all do that.

his show with Norton has been getting better

I knew you faggots were still listening.

I have a radio steam of his shitty channel for free and I still don't listen. But yeah, definitely some faggots here that not only listen but enjoy that morning zoo dad talk bullshit. I was actually downvoted for saying Opie wasn't smart enough to know to ignore the internet - WTF is wrong with some of you?

Clearly many Opie listeners left, just too coward to admit it.

Still better than 99% of radio out there. It ain't 2000's O and A by a damn sight, but a lot of entertaining things have happened after Anthony left. Dammit Ant, why couldn't you not be a ghoul?

It's not getting better. I listened for the first time in forever because Louis CK was on. Opie is dumb as a brick and terrible at radio.

same here. Opie was unbearable. Asking Johnny Knoxville the hard hitting questions like, "what was the scariest stunt?, and how bad did that hurt?"

Right, but some would say otherwise. Like those who upvote this thread, that are in the Opie Raqio closet enjoying the coffee club format.

define "better".

The show gets guests because it's still a Sirius XM show, but it's still unlistenable garbage.

But yea, he did win, if you consider a Special Olympics bronze medal winning.

Someone who bets

his show with Norton has been getting better

No it hasn't.

Patrice wins, he had the common sense to nail out before things got bad

I'd like to think he's in heaven shaking his head at both of these fucks in his 4x puma suit.

If half of this shit had happened when Ant worked for Sirius, they probably would've cancelled the whole show. Opie is lucky that he didn't become collateral damage.

When I listened to him the day after his firing, I had a feeling it was a crime of opportunity.

It struck me as odd because that radio show has done some way worse and outlandish stuff that should of gotten them fired, and yet this little outburst had him unceremoniously fired, no questions, no phone call, just an email.

SXM had been waiting for an opportunity to get rid of him, Opie wanted more cash and Ant gone.

"With Charlie Sheen, there’s never been a problem when he‘s working,” says Burg. “It’s the hiatuses.” The worst was around Christmas, when the show would shut down for almost a month. “That’s when Charlie seemed to be at greatest risk,” says an insider, “when he had leisure time.”

^ Sound familiar? Ant got fired during his time off. Wasn't the Dani thing during Xmas break?

Opie has 7 listeners and his tragic radio broadcast is something that was pushed out of Satan's asshole.

"His show with Norton has been getting better"
Fuck off.

It has, Pete Davidson and no Stangels was a step in the right direction.

Angry much?

fake laughing all the way to the bank.

Opie has won his whole life, the Opies always win.

And to think, when people like me agreed with Opie that Ant was a piece of human garbage, how'd everyone here react?

Getting better ? Okay buddy.

He reads Reddit daily. He doesn't mention TACS for the same reason he kicked Ron and fez off the channel. Because he's petulant. And his show is awful. He's been in radio his whole life yet can't hold a conversation.

Yes, he kicked Ron and Fez off, yet Ron continues doing Friday mornings for them.

Yes. This is true.

Makes perfect sense. Especially with no proof whatsoever.

Is it me or was yesterday's show not terrible?

I mean Opie still had gems like forgetting Robert Kardashian was dead but it was actually....enj oy a b l e? Is that how you say it?

The only person that wins in all of this is Bam Margera.

There are only losers, and they are the listeners who couldn't see through Tit's and Zit's bullshit. (Myself included)

Bill Burr is the only winner here.

Nah, he has to fuck that orangutan at the end of the day.

I'm all for white boys fucking black women but he picked the wrong kind of black woman. You need the kind that has zero self-esteem , a big fat ass and fat tits, and who loves white cock, since she knows its her ticket out of the ghetto, so she will fuck you like its your last day on the planet.

You'll know you got the right one when you slowly introduce white concepts like music that wasn't made on an iPad and the idea of a nuclear family into her life and she responds positively. If you can work your way up to racist jokes and she laughs, she's the one.

slowly introduce white concepts

Jane Goodall that bitch.

When you have many targets, you focus on the ones who make the move against you first. After that, you can grab a handful of tit.

Just pull up a picture of him. Does that look like a winner to you?

Opie winning is a fluke. He's lucky enough to be on a platform that has no ratings. He has 365K twitter "followers", but his tweets average about 5 retweets. He wouldn't last a year on terrestrial.

Non of your "radio heroes" would survive on terrestrial.

"radio heroes"

I hate this.

Of course Opie won. Why the fuck did it take you retards to realize this? That's what happens when you follow the hive mind.

A man with no friends. He's worked with people four decades and none of them like him. It will be his kids next.

at least he lets shit roll off his back at some point. Dont think he ever threatened to have this sub deleted because his cunty feelings were threatened.

Where's Vos this weekend?

Ant's levels of garbage personal/social life make him darker. Opie isn't evil, it's not like he's awful by choice.

Why couldn't those three just stay together hating each other and making great radio

Fuckin' Obama

Opie is a cunt.

Anyone that gets to bask in the glow of Dennis Falcone once a week is, by default, a winner

The only winner in this game was Patrice. He was smart enough to die, and be remembered as a demigod. Before the pest turn on him in an attempt to destroy his career too.

Patrice was possibly the most self-aware man in history.

Howie's handbook. I'm all in. sniff

Downvoted because upvote!


Upvoted cause I love your smile!


I didn't miss a single show since Andy got fired.

The real winners

is this subreddit as we watch the downfall of two psychos.

Opie has tits and if you think his show is getting better, you do too.

I do have tits.

"He ignored reddit"

I'll pretend you didn't say that.

Did that hurt your feelings sweetie?

No darling, I just find it borderline retarded that you think Opie ignores reddit

Compared to .............?

its not about who is a better person its about who is an interesting and entertaining person.... also O&J is getting worse : Jim is checked out, and for quality-opie just listen to the most recent Louis ck appearance (prior to Louis ck entering studio, opie was carpet bombing and fake laughing like never before)

Yup. O&J really isn't bad and he was right about Anthony. Sometimes you gotta step out a situation to really see how bad it is. Just read that Jezebel article he legitimately seems like a fucking monster and awful KKK member

O&J sucks. Buncha flip flopping assholes. It's ok to hate both shows.

Ant is at rock bottom right now. He's at the most hateable point in his life. But he has nowhere to go but up (or die, I guess.)

If he can by some miracle turn his life around he could end up a great broadcast personality. Opie, on the other hand... this is as good as it gets. This is the absolute best he is capable of being. I'll take the promise of comedy over the reality of dreck.

read that Jezebel article he legitimately seems like a fucking monster and awful KKK member

ZOMG he's like a totes shitlord.

If you knew nothing about Anthony and read that article, you would come away from that thinking he's a good guy, upstanding citizen, and someone you wanna be down with?

I wouldnt let a Jezebel article influence me in any way about anything, no

Yeah but we don't need the Jezebel article. We already know the facts and honestly that article isn't that inaccurate. When I read it I just kinda cringe cause there's not much in it to argue

Well you said "if you knew nothing about Anthony and read the article..." and idk, the video just makes me laugh if anything it doesnt look good for him but its still hard for me to imagine she didnt start it, and as far as denying it, it just seemed to me like he was focused on finding his gun (the funniest part of the video) and was just tuning her out completely. But I'm sure he'll be charged and "justice will be served" so it doesnt really matter what I think.

I agree completely. There's no doubt in my mind that he's not totally at fault and didn't just start beating the helpless shit out of her. I guanatee they were wasted and they started fighting, and she was getting physical. And perhaps he was on the couch and kicked her away (hence the "boob and leg bruises) and then they "ruckused" around for the phone that dropped, and he went to trap it with his foot and stepped on her frail bony hand.

She's absolutely just as guilty and annoying as fuck. She seems like one of the worst humans on earth. And for the rest of her life she'll talk about this like she's a "survivor". Like she's a strong woman who escaped a abusive rich boyfriend. And she'll write some shitty pandering blog, and she'll mention this every chance she gets to put herself over or garner sympathy

But still. It's a terrible look for Anthony. And it's probably for legal reasons but in the court of public opinion he hasn't said or done anything to help his cause. Hence why the story is so one sided

That's what i look for in my adult comedy hosts. Fine upstanding morality. My biggest problem with him is that he's not enough of a shitty person on his show. When Zika babies first came to the worlds attention he had the LOS guys in and it looked to turn into classic funny cringe shit, but he stopped it cold .

But did Ant's shitty personal life really affect the show?



He went on an overtly racist tirade that got him fired and associated the rest of the show with real, actual, racism. Now he's public enemy #1 and as much as I like him it's pretty hard to defend him based on the videos and info. The last 2 years of Anthony's antics are not good for anyone who's in business with him

Except the show has been associated with real, actual racism for most of its existence. Don't rewrite history like a faggot. The show always had a big following with racists and white supremacists since well before Ant started talking about Eugenics.

Big difference between reactive racial humor and proactive race statistic spewing, angry for no reason, racism

I already know that. I meant how did Ant's personal life affect Opie before the firing?

Well he was behaving this way for years so just cause it didn't blow up before then doesn't mean it wasn't a ticking time bomb making everyone nervous and uncomfortable. Plus I don't get your point? It's like asking how did Hitler negatively affect the Jews BEFORE he killed his first one

lol wat. Behaving what way? And how did that affect the Opester?

Behaving like a drunk racist. How did it affect Opie? He had to work with and have his name attached to everything a drunk, overtly racist guy did. Which ultimately led to a racist tirade and domestic abuse and a "responsible gun owner and advocate" losing his pistol trashed on video


Wtf are you doing bro?

Stop being a twat

I don't understand what your shtick is here but it's stupid

ur boring


Jezebel are known to be objective and tells the situation from both sides in every single one of their articles. /s I can't wait until Denton has to shut that shithole down. I'm sure Jimmy would agree full-heartedly.

Yeah I agree. But what about this story can really be refuted? I mean we all know more about this situation than anyone else and it's hard to defend him. He never even denies hitting or hurting her in the video. Not once does he snap and say I DIDNT FUCKING HIT YOU

O&J was great today. Soder, Pete and his highness. if y'all niggaz want to miss out, its cool.

i assume there are a lot of losers here but experts at being hilariously annoying.

O and J has been good.



We heard you!

Opie is so fucking stupid he doesn't see having his own show as a success. His one goal in life was to go viral and his former partner and probable arch nemesis frequently goes viral by accident.

That was funny sir.

Did that hurt your feelings sweetie?