How did this new cumia video leak?

0  2016-04-19 by SirWallaceII

I am kind of lost. How did this new video leak?

im green w envy


Jasonayeiter threatened to kick Dani in the tit if she didn't hand the footage over

I'm confident saying there were at least a few 3-letter agencies from multiple countries involved.

Must be the YPG. The Kurds have been fighting Anthony and his Islamic State for a few years now.

With the utmost love and respect, that's how.

does beav really have cancer?


the great /u/jasonayeiter posted it. how he got ahold of it though I have no idea.

/u/jasonayeiter was Dani all along.

It's probable someone else

did dani give it to him?

Might be just some random dude who happened to record the periscope and didn't know what to do with it and then finally offered it to him. Jason is a well known O&A youtuber.

Well, I remember there was this.

The user deleted their account but was trying to sell it 4 months ago.

noo clue

That's the million dollar question isn't it.

Dani needed a few $$$ now that the apartment locks have been changed.

Well, I remember there was this.

The user deleted their account but was trying to sell it 4 months ago.