so, uh, Howard Stern wins...right?

3  2016-04-19 by excelsior305

content aside, of course.


I have to give Howie some credit. Getting his co-host to slap Anthony in Times Square was the best move he ever made.

El oh El

Stern was always winning. It was never even close.

dollars yes, laughs...not a chance.

I agree. But it was never a competition like The Opster used to make it out to be in their heyday.

A few weeks back, Opie was gloating to Vic Henley about how he gives Howard an enthusiastic "good morning" whenever he sees him in the halls because it obviously irritates Howard. Now Opie can't stop bitching that Howard has the halls closed until he gets to his studio. Howard does indeed win.

Of course Howard wins. He has a movie and America's Got Talent out there. O&A have cakestomp and a domestic abuse charge

Howard wins at life against almost anyone, a big ugly relatively unfunny jew came from middle class to be a near billionaire.

...However, his show is an awful circle-jerk and the level of "safe space" he has both physically and on-air in regards to show is cult-like.

O&J < Present Stern

... I would look at Stern in a whole different life if he retired after Artie stabbed himself. Because when Artie left, any chance of edge or spontaneity did as well.

Was he ever losing?

Let's see: Howard has $500 million and interviews A-list celebrities, Anthony lost a million dollar gig and will soon died penniless and alone of either suicide or liver disease.

I guess you could say Howard won.

The Opester tho.

There are no winners here.

who gives a fuck

As awful as TACS is, it's still funnier than Howard Stern post 2013.

I'm pretty sure he won sometime during the late Reagan administration. And what the fuck other than money and fame is there to win? Credibility? None of them have that anymore .

More importantly Opie wins.

Even Opie and Jim isn't as garbage as it once was. I've listened a couple of times the last week.

Well he isnt a racist sexist misogynist like them, so yes. If he is voting for Bernie then even more so

Why are you doing this?

You aren't feeling the bern I guess?

No, I'm seeing you posting this reverse-psychology-troll shit on every topic here. How about you just go back to /r/The_Donald, character.

sorry, I prefer /r/SandersForPresident. That sub would ban me for stating the facts

No you don't.