The Jezebel / Opie & Anthony Subreddit Dance.

39  2016-04-19 by Mr_Brightside23

I propose we hold a gala for these lonely ladies to show them that all men are not monsters.

No, but really, how fucking disastrous would that be.


200 false rape allegations and 6 actual rapes just waiting to happen.

Does date rape count as actual rape?

It's a legal and moral grey area.


If you tell her it's a mint and she agrees that's legally consent but if you slip it into her drink it's considered poor etiquette and frankly uncalled for.

rape is impolite

Half of the term sounds romantic, so it can't be all-bad.

Dibs on /u/goutastic

But your honor, she talked to me for more than 5 seconds without leaving in disgust after I called her a stupid cunt, at what point is she not just asking for it?!

That'd be my first defense. Second showing I would want Bobo to be my lawyer. Third Mr. Maloonigans.

i like those odds.

6? pehaps more dan dat

You probably have those numbers reversed

Lets send Big A to meet a journalist to represent us

Anna Merlan is st.. st... .... st.. st...... still a cunt.

Our liaison.

65 guys in a circle shooting ropes of jizz onto Sue Lightning's petrified implants while a hundred horrified, fat lesbians 180 their rascals out the door.

And lil Jimmy Norton in disguise under Sue licking her balls and enjoying the gooey goodness dripping onto him.


Hitler did nothing wrong.

Then why are there still Jews?

We need someone to blame all of our problems on....

Fuck this gay earth.

All of the loudmouth assholes standing on opposite sides of the ballroom with their own groups, afraid to talk to the other gender. It's middle school dance all over again. Two years until my first handy.


It would be like an awkward middle school dance with boys on one side and girls on the other.

Except it would be whale sized men on one side and whale sized women on the other.

None of the guys would show up.

Call it The Entrapment Under the Influence Dance.

I picture the Tri-Lambs and Omega Mu's from Revenge Of The Nerds.

Was kinda horrified that no one would get it

Figuring out how all of the fatties could logistically touch genitals would be exhausting.

there isn't enough math in the world to figure that out.

DJ denny falcone, bobo cumming in the punchbowl, a bunch of fat unattractive cunts...should be a good time.

we can hold it in my basement, my mom will make snacks

It's could be a reality tv show, The Fatchelor

Literally the only personal details I know about you guys is that like 6 of you are heroin addicts. It'd be hilariously uncomfortable if we all met up

goddamn, what's that from?

A wedding where the floor collapsed. 300 people died apparently.

apparently those israelis really know how to cut a rug

Everything was fine till that lady on the bottom left set her kid down.


You guys are starting to act just like them


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dancing is a tool of the patriarchy to further sexualize women. your post is tantamount to rallying men to commit rape


This is how "war" and "battle" works. Two shitarmies come together for the greater good. Toppling Heir Cumia.