To all the visitors from Jezebel.

311  2016-04-19 by Ant_Sucks

You read Jezebel, and they read us. You don't get to judge us.

Also, you're fat.


Women are objects

And they always will be.

That's why there's nothing wrong with kicking them in the tits.

Fawk yeah!

The only time they need to be on the internet is if they are looking up recipes.

Or if you've had a bad week at the race track, it's useful to shove their box in front of a webcam for a few hours to put another stake together.

I think the above is the best thing ever written on Reddit.

This comment made me tear up while laughing. Your fucking name is gold, too.



Yeah recipes for good blowjobs or sumtin.

Or showing us pictures of their tits.

I love chicks and I love tits.

They gotta have nice shoes too.



Jesus Joe

The real reason we're fans of O&A is because Anthony has been instructing us in his dangerous ideologies about race and gender.

Yes Chip, I hear that swooping manner ensures the blood rushes into the cavity and completely destroys the unborn fetus.

There's nothing wrong with kicking them in the tits sexually.

They stink, and we don't like them.

their vaginas smell like pennies.

Amy schumer is unattractive and annoying



She has the face of an orangutan and the body of a software developer.

I have to disagree, objects usually have a value or are useful in some way. Just my thoughts on the matter.

Women are baby factories*

Effeminate ephemeral receptacles for my nectar-full, seminal vesicle testicles.

If they didn't have legs they'd just be snails leaving their cunt tracks all over the place.

To test this theory, just punch one.


Sexy objects.


The white male is the most pure and intelligent form of man

*most intelligentest

I've embarrassed myself. I will take the frustration out on my submissive wife.

Yeah take it out and stick it in.

All chinks love that behavior.

Stop being so fucking offensive - they prefer to be called nips and gooks

Just don't drop your gun during all the ruckus

Since we fucking invented everything, this is true.

Sometimes I think about George Washington Carver and how he spent all day with peanuts and invented peanut butter shampoo without ever inventing peanut butter. Then I laugh and play golf.

I jerked off to the Fappening pictures multiple times. Go fuck y'selves.

That Zoe Kazan has a bush like an Islamic beheading victim's beard. I love it.

Zoe Kazans gash spewed more blood than James Foley's did, fucking cocktease arabs.

Seeing Kate Upton's naked tits was fantastic

Yeah but then there is the rest of her...

and her cum covered ass and back

You can jerk off to anything less than women drinking jizz from dog bowls and gape farting in eachothers face? Fucking prude

If I try REALLY fucking hard. I need a car battery wired to my scrotum though.

Savages, you two. A beast and a savage.

I pray that Jezebel readers read this

Attractive women are never feminists.

Also, bear children. Lena Dunham having a polluted womb was my top story of the year and I laugh about it often.

lmao what? I tried to google it and all I got was some shit about a goofy sweater.

"periods that last longer than seven days"

I'm sure that is just pleasant to be around

In that case I can't really blame her for hating the world.

I'll bet her box looks like a bear cub, with a bayonet wound in its chest.

i searched for "lena dunham womb" but mehhh, it says only 30-40% have fertility issues and it can be treated...bummer

Her womb is so polluted. I can't even have a baby with her, mang.

Kikes control you through websites like jezebel.

Kike here, can confirm.


rubbing my hands together jewishly right now

Lena Dunham is more man than your nonexistent boyfriends.

If you don't have a Y chromosome you're a useless cunt

What about trannies?

Men that would rather be women?! Ta hell wit em! Treacherous swine.

Men are better women

Jezebel is the Insane Clown Posse of newsmedia and you self-deluded couchwhales are it's Juggalos.

This is top shelf shit talking.

Ha ha ha, couch whales

Dani fucking deserved it. Most of you probably deserve a beating as well. Where's my dinner, slut?

Every woman in the world deserves at least one beating.

Like my ol dad said "if you won't hit a woman what else are you supposed to hit?"

(Assuming you're male) ...he said as he walloped his own son.

Retards should be raped in their cages.

In between writing articles?

Don't be retarded they can't write or have children.

Well, there was that mentally handicapped guy who wrote a book, well some woman wrote it for him under the guise of facilitated communication, and she sexually abused him throughout the entire process.


"Let's go Rich."

Don't worry, m'ladies, I'm available to white knight for you. PM me if your honor is besmirched.

White Knight?! Why not Black Knight, ya racist.

Waddle doodle

Razzle Dazzle!

The black knights hold their swords sideways and steal the princesses jewelry after saving her.

because loin cloths and spears

yo, i heard a denzel need rescuing from a dragon! word!

Amy Schumer is a brave icon of a woman if brave means nauseatingly fat.

You're so repulsive that even the fat pig doesn't want to identify with you anymore.

On a side note, we fucking hate you, and hope you get lip cancer from licking fat lesbian diseased cunt.

Enjoy your fucking stay you bitter lesbians,

We will give you a fucking reason to hate men.

They're cursed enough already just by virtue of being slits to fuck with a pulse.

Pulse is optional

Jezebel Ladies: You will find that some here are coarse and backward. You will also find others here modern and intelligent. But we all agree that we are hungry and we would appreciate some sandwich making, pronto.

We have a fine collection of Panera aprons and panini presses for you ladies from our last project. You will be happy here with us we assure you......

Is jezebel even a real news source. I tthought it was just a clickbait site.

It's where fat dykes huddle and pretend that they're happy with themselves

Why wouldn't they be happy here?

We keep calling them cunts

It's part of the Gawker network and is pure clickbait. Here's an archived version of the article Notice how they completely omit Danny screaming for his checkbook and makes her out to be an innocent angel. Thankfully Jezebel is going down the drain with the rest of the Gawker conglomerate after Hulk Hogan sued their ass for more money than they have in liquid assets at the time.

An appeal will likely more than halve that, so the Hulkster will settle.

An appeal will cost Gawker 50 million dollars in the state of Florida. They're done.


Niggers aren't people. Women are only barely human.


Niggers aren't people.


The Jews something something

Jew here, can confirm.

David Fried and others of his ilk control the media.

I thought most of the jews were baked though

That was just a hoax


you really phoned that one in...

Elliot Rodger had the right idea, he was just an underachiever

The only thing worse than a nigger is Joe Cumia.

That's a direct quote from Joe's dad

Who I believe was also named Joe Cumia, so you get two for the price of one there. I'm like 99% sure Sr. was a closet fag who took his feelings of inadequacy out on his children and his wife.

I think you're right if "inadequacies" is a pet name for his dick

Joe Cumia impersonating a dead nigger guitar virtuoso. Let that sink in.

Words of wisdom for you ladies from Jezebel to live by.........Seen and Not Heard.

Follow that advice and you'll be a contented woman who is well cared for by a strong man you can look up to.

Now run off to the kitchen and get to work on dinner.

nothing angers me more than a successful women grrrrr! back in the kitchen cum cleaners!

women are a meme

If I knew we were getting some cute ladies here, I would have worn my best clothes. Instead of sitting here in my piss-stained boxers, lying on the couch while browsing this sub.

Well lookie lookie whos got a second set of clothes/is better than the rest of us

I know, what a fucking braggart.

cute ladies

Man, did you ever misread the title

I will disappoint you sexually

Anthony told me once he only broke Dani's hands because she was about to get a job interview with Jezebel. She's just too stupid to know he was just saving her from herself. Fuckin' women.

All women should be raped.

Homosexuality is the disease

AIDS is the cure

disrespect the women, subjugate those hoes

Tss tss tss... Jezebel? What are you, a woman of loose morals or sumpthin'? Cawksuckahs!

Women are nothing more than a series of warm holes and their heads are filled with useless banal ideas. Anything made by or for a woman is complete garbage.


My only problem with Ant is he didn't hit the cunt harder.

Also I wish he gunned down that feral negress in Times Square.

Holy shit, this made pull the ol laugh>switch to cough in the office.

Rape isn't funny, it's hilarious

You actually deserve less than 77% of what we make. Post your tits then fuck off.

Rich Vos will be appearing at the Stress Factory in New Brunswick, NJ April 21st through 23rd.

What do you tell a woman with two broken hands? Nothing you already told her twice


If any are reading this: my attractive girlfriend loves having strangulation and rape simulated while we fuck. I know for a fact that at least some women--seven of the twelve I've fucked--are obsessed with sexual violence. I'm a gentle man, but almost every woman that fucks me, carnally demands simulated violence. This is probably you too, but I/we (men) cannot be sorry because you are all ashamed of your fantasies and desires.

To sum up: you cunts are not women. You are broken people that believe in cultish concepts. Allah-u Akbar to all ya.

This should be on top. Like men.

The patriarchy and privilege don't exist. Stop blaming other people for your own shortcomings.

And ugly.

Which one of your cute little cupcakes wants to give me a blowjob?

Yes, I will publicly admit to it. I have and will continue to post sexist, racist and vile comments here but you see it is okay because I am a black queer woman. I am simply empowering myself by owning the words that have so long been used to oppress my peoples. Oh wait, I can't get fired if I don't have a job. nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger


I concur.





finally, some straight porn that I can cum to


Tss... Jezebel, what are you a bunch of kike sluts or sumpthin?

If any of you fine ladies is reading this , I just want to let you know that I am here by accident and that I am not with these guys.

So if any of you fine ladies would like to communicate , just hit me up with some nudes , because I appreciate the artistic character of naked-girl picture. closeups are fine too, long/short artistic videos of you fine ladies during your masturbation sessions also. I am especialy fascinated and inspired by girls imputing large objects in any of your orifices. the larger the better

thank in advance and , you go girls, girls power or whateva ... yeah thats it



"I don't give a fuck about a slut unless she sucking nut, i don't give a shit about a bitch unless she sucking dick"

  • Socrates

Sound logic my good man.

If Gawker is bad, surely a feminist Gawker is worse.

I propose we spam the site with plugs for Rich Vos and our Piss Lord.

More like Jizzonballs!

You will never be censored here, unlike your own site.

"Rape" just means you're not fucking her well enough yet.

Are the lazy Jezbians brigading this sub?

You are fat because you are lazy. Period.

Woman are only good for one thing, and it aint creating life, because all the life you cunts have created in the past 30 years is worthless, so the only thing females are good for is long as you tape their mouth shut....with concrete :)

If you come from an outside site and you're just now reading this: the sub has passed you by.

Jezebel?!? Wasn't that the hoe of Babylon???

Feminists want to Reclaim that name, it seems.

The phrase "trigger warning" is a trigger. Schinkle 'bout it.

Chubby bitchy chicks fa la la la la

Get back in the kitchen fa la la la la

Enjoy your banana juice fa la la la la

To any boyfriend free girls reading this I disagree with this sub and will you be my gf?

Jezebel just sounds like a bad porn actress


Also, you're fat.

Was that one directed towards Jezebel or /r/opieandanthony? I'm not even sure.


Little Boy Blue... He needed the money OHHH!!

What does cum taste like you whores?

How do you know that they even come here?

They tend to spend a lot of time online, near a fridge and a fairground mirror

They do, for the sole purpose to be triggered and to get angry at something.

Sexism is only funny when used as a weapon.

This post is the best thing on Reddit ever.

Oh, and all women are manipulative sluts.




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Fat... and ugly


I, for one, think you're a bunch of HUSSIES!

If there's anything I've learned form Anthony it's women are all lying whores period.

Why should you never buy a woman a watch?

Because there's a clock above the stove.

Jezebel and its readers are not an autonomous horizontally structured group... they can be cornered and destroyed and without direction and coordination with a central leadership body their attacks falter and fail.... this sub doesn't really attempt to rally outsiders or influence political policy ... this sub only seems concerned with creative destruction as a source of humor ...


I kind of hope no jezzies have actually came here so that this thread just makes us all look even crazier.


I'm not like these guys

Yes. Juding by your name, you're gay

Oh yeah?


We keep calling them cunts

Pulse is optional

An appeal will likely more than halve that, so the Hulkster will settle.